SUMMONS + COMPLAINT - Redacted per 22 NYCRR §202.5(e)

On July 3, 2024 a real property - mortgage foreclosure - residential case was filed by Americu Credit Union, represented by Roth, Gerald C, against Eric Morrissette, Jessica R. Morrissette A K A Jessica Morrissette, and John Doe #1 Through And Including John Doe#25, in the jurisdiction of Oneida County.

FILED: ONEIDA COUNTY CLERK 07/03/2024 01:41 PM INDEX NO. EFCA2024-001823 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA --------------------------------------------------------------------X Index No. AmeriCU Credit Union, Date filed: Plaintiff, SUMMONS -against- Jessica R. Morrissette a/k/a Jessica Morrissette, Eric Premises being foreclosed: Morrissette 4954 Creaser Road …

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