On July 3, 2024 a real property - mortgage foreclosure - residential case was filed by Citimortgage, Inc., represented by Messina, Patrick Gerard, against Board Of Managers Of Sterling Green Condominium, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #12, The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Premises Described In The Complaint, Kattiya Pankam, and New York City Environmental Control Board, in the jurisdiction of Kings County.

FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 07/03/2024 04:50 PM INDEX NO. 518232/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2024 SUPREMECOURTOF THE STATE OF NEWYORK COUNTYOF KINGS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x CITIMORTGAGE, INC. INDEX NO.: Date Filed: Plaintiff(s), SUMMONS -against- Plaintiff designates …

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