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  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • Satish Sandadi  vs.  Surinder PAL Goswamy, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview


Satish Sandadi, In Pro Per 606 Dromana Ct San Ramon, CA 94582 (408) 832-1495 (Tel) Self-Represented IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO MAIN SOUTHERN COURTHOUSE 10 Case No: 21-CIV-06653 11 PLAINTIFF SATISH SANDADI’S 12 Satish SANDADI, DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF THE 13 Plaintiff(s), OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT 14 SURINDER PAL GOSWAMY’S vs. MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 15 OR ALTERNATIVELY SUMMARY 16 Surinder Pal GOSWAMY, and Does ADJUDICATION. 17 1-10, Dept. 24 18 Defendant(s), Hon. Judge Jeffrey R Finnigan Date: Jul 19, 2024 19 Trail Date: Nov 18, 2024 20 21 22 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR COUNSEL OF RECORD: 23 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 24 I, Satish R Sandadi, declare as follows. 26 1) Lam the plaintiff in the above matter and over 18 years of age. 27 2) Isubmit this declaration in support of my response to Defendant’s Motion to Summary 28 Judgement or alternatively summary adjudication. 3) IDECLARE that under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing and following is true and correct. 21-CIV-06653 Sandadi v. Goswamy DOWN PAYMENT AND EQUITY Satish Sandadi and Surinder Pal Goswamy bought the property in November 2015. The down payment was provided solely from Plaintiff's funds. The total amount invested by the Plaintiff was between $565,000 - $570,000. Bank and Escrow closing statements from 2015 are attached as Exhibit One - Bank and Escrow Statements. Defendant provided proof of funds around the time of purchase, for his share of the down payment, but did not provide any actual funds for purchase. 10 RENT ISSUE 11 12 The property was rented, as rental income, from December 2015 to June 2016. The monthly 13 rental income was $2995.00. Defendant did not put these funds into the working capital of the 14 partnership nor provided any accounting of its distributions until after the filing of this lawsuit. 15 The total cumulative rent collected was around $20,000. Defendant failed to provide an 16 accounting of the funds received. Defendant failed to provide any net accounting after any 17 necessary expenses or costs, i.e., broken window or torn carpet. Additionally, Defendant 18 refunded to a tenant the rent deposit check from the LLC checking account. Documentation is 19 enclosed. This additional amount raises the sum to $22,000. Plaintiff is seeking 50% of this 20 amount. The Defendant’s contention that the statute of limitations bars the rent claim. However, 21 Defendant failed to file LLC taxes for both tax years 2016 and 2017 until August of 2018. 22 Additionally, tax debts remain outstanding through to 2022; and no accounting was done prior 23 to that other than a profit and loss expense sheet in February 2017. See Exhibit Two - Rent 24 Documents. 25 26 CONSTRUCTION LOAN AND DRAWS 27 28 Defendant spent roughly between $250K-270K progressively until Feb of 2017 when we were approved for a construction loan from Heritage Bank of Commerce. Upon construction loan approval, the Defendant tried to withdraw his initial and limited investment amount without Plaintiff's knowledge. Emails and bank draw documentation enclosed. Exhibit Three- Construction Loan Details. 21-CIV-06653 Sandadi v. Goswamy Defendant threatened Plaintiff that he was going to stop on-going construction unless Plaintiff complied with Defendant’s withdrawal request. Plaintiff has the voicemail from Defendant as additional evidence which can be brought up in trial. As a compromise Plaintiff received $150,000 from the first construction draw. So, Plaintiff's investment amount is reduced to a subtotal of $415,000. Defendant’s investment is still at less than $275,000. 10 TAXES 11 The 2016 LLC tax filing was due in March 2017. Defendant neither paid the minimum CA 12 franchise tax board fee of $800 or filed the tax returns for 2016 until August of 2018. Plaintiff 13 asked the Defendant repeatedly to timely file 2016 partnership returns. As these taxes are still 14 unresolved and owed, the issue remains before the Court and thus should be allowed to go to 15 trial. 16 17 After the sale of the property in December 2017, Plaintiff repeatedly asked Defendant to provide 18 accounting and file LLC partnership returns for 2016 and 2017. Instead, Defendant told 19 20 Plaintiff to file on his own. Plaintiff consulted a CPA to file and pay a share of partnership K- 21 1’s. Plaintiff's accountant said that parties need to file joint returns for 2016 and 2017. Thus, 22 Plaintiff was unable to file separately. The 2017 CA minimum tax fee of $800 for LLC was 23 not paid either. 24 25 Finally, taxes were filed in August 2018, and Defendant gave Plaintiff a copy of the 2017 26 partnership K-1 and CA tax voucher for Plaintiffto pay. The plaintiff refused to pay and asked 27 to settle the accounting first. Plaintiff was willing to pay a share of the tax bill once the 28 accounting was settled. Defendant continued to receive LLC tax notices at his home or business addresses from both California Franchise Tax Board and IRS. 21-CIV-06653 Sandadi v. Goswamy As the time passed and as the single member LLC was active the CA Franchise Tax Board levied and collected $9,800.00 from LLC checking account for late filing penalties, 2016 and 2017 unpaid minimum taxes and taxes on gross sale amount of the property in 2017. The IRS continued to send tax notices to the Defendant’s address until 2020. Once the IRS got Plaintiff's mailing address updated in their system from Plaintiff's LLC 2018 tax returns, they started sending tax notices to Plaintiff. Plaintiff appealed the late filing penalties for 2016 and 2017. The IRS declined to consider any requests under the appeal. Documentation is provided 10 for the correspondence between Plaintiff and IRS. The total amount owed is $8,600. Right 11 now, Plaintiff is paying this outstanding bill in installments to the IRS starting in 2022 under a 12 4-year payment plan. 13 14 The single member LLC was finally terminated in December of 2019. Exhibit Four Tax 15 documents. 16 17 18 CONCLUSION The parties mutually entered a business transaction to buy and sell a rental property. Defendant 19 20 presented to be trustworthy. Plaintiff trusted Defendant and operated under the LLC but 21 accepted that as enough of a contract between parties. Plaintiff, in good faith, provided front 22 money and trusted in an even division of net proceeds. Defendant acted in self-interest by not 23 providing accounting, not paying taxes, moving funds from the LLC account to a private 24 account, and more. Thereby, Defendant enjoyed unjust enrichment by taking more profits 25 despite investing less than Plaintiff. Defendant kept the rental income without accounting or 26 sharing. Taxes were not filed timely. Defendant’s withdrawal from LLC does not absolve him 27 in filing timely tax returns or paying his share of the taxes owed for the period (2016-2017) 28 while he was a member. Plaintiff followed up with Defendant several times through phone calls, text, and emails but he did not respond. On one occasion, Plaintiff went to Defendant’s house to ask him to pay the IRS bill a week before filing this lawsuit. Defendant simply ignored Plaintiff. At one point, Plaintiff would have been content if Defendant had merely paid the outstanding IRS tax bill. 21-CIV-06653 Sandadi v. Goswamy Defendant argues that funds were distributed equally in escrow but how did Plaintiff end up getting an extra $47,000 as distribution? This also is an issue that is triable before the Court. That’s because of Plaintiff's excess equity in the partnership and it’s still short. In addition, the Defendant’s lack of equal equity contribution increased costs for the project in more interest charges and unnecessary expenses. On top of LLC taxes, Plaintiff also suffered penalties and interest for late filing on Plaintiff's 10 personal tax returns due to having to wait agonizingly for the LLC partnership returns to merge 11 into Plaintiff's personal tax returns. 12 13 It would be a travesty of justice if the lawsuit does not go to trial. Please don’t punish people 14 like me who were sincere and honest in their dealings. Otherwise, it will motivate people to 15 start companies, commit misdeeds, mismanage funds, and escape the consequences. Plaintiff 16 would have filed this lawsuit much earlier if COVID-19 was not affecting our lives and it was 17 still filed before the statutes expired. 18 19 I DECLARE that under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California the 20 foregoing and following is true and correct. 21 22 EXHIBIT(S). 23 Bank and Escrow Documents 24 Rent Documents Construction Loan details Tax Documents 26 27 28 Date June 30, 2024 Satish Sandadi, Plaintiff \ 21-CIV-06653 Sandadi v. Goswamy 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Exhibit One 19 21-CIV-06653 20 Bank and Escrow Documents 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21-CIV-06653 Sandadi v. Goswamy a ay OMB Approval No. 2502-0265 “A A. FINAL SETTLEMENT STATEMENT (HUD-1) = ™ Lawyers Title Company B. Type of Loan {J FHA 2.[_] RHS 3 Conv. Unins | 6. File Number: 7. Loan Number: 8. Mortgage Insurance Case Number: 4. [|VA 5 H Conv. Ins. FLNP-0061500831-LF NCMIX-0094 Cc Note: This form is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the Selioment agent are shown. Items marked "(p.0.c.)" were paid outside the closing; they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included in the totals. _ ~ (FLNP-0061500831/51) Name and Address of Buyer: E. Name and Address of Seller: F. Name and Address of Lender: Surinder P, Goswamy and Satish R. Sandadi M. Kenneth Lavine and Carolyn B. Lavine, | Northern California Mortgage Fund IX, LLC 152 Nevada Street Trustees of the M. Kenneth Lavine and Carolyn 101 Lucas Valley Rd., Suite 150 Redwood City, CA 94062 B. Lavine 2015 Charitable Remainder Unitrust San Rafael, CA 94903 185 Golden Oak Drive Portola Valley, CA 94028 Property Location: Settlement Agent: “(650 801 3530) | Settlement Date 1898 Camino A Los Cerros Lawyers Title Company November 6, 2015 Menlo Park, CA 94025 437 Lytton Ave Palo Alto, CA 94301 Disbursement Date: San Mateo County, California November 6, 2015 Parcel ID(s): 070-270-120 Place of Settlement Funding Date 437 Lytton Ave November 5, 2015 Palo Alto, CA 94301 J. Summary of Buyer's Transaction K. Summary of Seller's Transaction 100. Gross Amount Due from Buyer 400. Gross Amount Dr to Seller 101. Contract sales price - 1,525,000.00 401. Contract sales price 102. Personal property 402, Personal property 103. Settlement charges to borrower (line 1400). 39,103.96 403. - 104, - 404 105. 405. Adjustments for items paid by seller ini advance Adjustments for items paid by seller in advance 106. City/Town taxes 406. City/Town taxes 107. County taxes 11/06/15 to 01/01/16 070-270-120 623.17 407. County taxes to 108. Assessments 408. Assessments 109. 409. 110. - 44 411 _ > 414 112. 412. 120. Gross amount due from Borrower 1,564,727.13 420. Gross amount due to Seller 200. Amounts Paid or Behalf of Buyer 500. Reduction: Amount Due to Seller 201. Deposit or earn money 50,000.00 501 Exces 5 dep (see instructions). 202. Principal amount of new loan(s)_ 1,000,000.00 502. Settlement charges to seller (line 1400) 203. Existir Ken subject to 503. Existing loan(s) taken subject to 204, Buyer fur close > 515,475.00 504. of first mortgage loan_ 205. 105. Payoff of second mortgage loan 206. a 506. ca 207 507. 208. 508. ticles 209. 509. Adjustments for items unpaid by seller Adjustments for items unpaid by seller 210. City/Town taxes B10. City/Town taxes. 211. County taxes 511. County taxes 212. Assessments 512, Assessments. 213. 51 214. 514. 216. 216. 516. Bie, 218. —— 518. 219. 519. 220. Total paid by/for Borrower 1,565,475,00 520. Total reduction amount due Seller ce 300. Cash at Settlement from/to Buyer 600. Cash at Settlement from/to Seller 301, Gross amount due from Borrower (Line 120) 1,564,727.13 601, Gross amount du ler (Line 420) 302. Less amount paid by/for Borrower (Line 220) ( 1,565,475.00)| 602, Less reductions due Seller (Line 520) 303. CASH TO BORROWER 747.87 603. CASH TO SELLER L. Settlement Charges 700, Total Real Estate Broker Fees so Paid From Paid From Division of commission (line 700) as follows Buyer's Seller's 701 to Funds at Funds at 702 to Settlement Settlement 703. Commission pai settlement 704, ss 800. Items Payable in Connection with Loan 801 (Our f origination charge $5,000.00 ( GFE #1) 802. Your credit or charge (points) for the specific interest rate chosen (from GFE #2) . Your adjusted origination charges to Nc ern California M ge Fund IX, LLC from GFE #A) 00 804. Appraisal fee co (from GFE #3) 805. Credit report - (from GFE #3) 806 . Tax service (from GFE #3) 807 Flood certification (from E #3) 808 Document & Processing Fee to FJM Management, LLC < 995.00 809. Mortgag r Commission/Fee ‘JM Capital, Inc 20,000.00 810. ~ 811 900. items Required by Lender to be Paid in Advance — 901 Interest from 11/05/15 to 12/01/15 to Northern California Mortga@ $246.58000/day (from GFE#10) 902. Mortgage irance premium _ month to (irom GFE #3) 6,410.96} 903 Homeown: insurance year 9, (irom GFE #11) 904. year to ee 905. 1000, Reserves Deposited with Lender a 1001 Initial depos! Our escrow account (from GFE #9) 1002. Homeowner’ rance Montt per Month - 1003. Mortgage insurance Months @ $ per Month 1004. Property taxes Months @ per Month 10085. Flood Insurance Months @ $ per Month a 1006. - Months @ $ nth 1007. Months @ $ per Month 1008 Aggregate Adjustmeni 1100. Title Charges 1101 Tit and lender's title insu - (from GFE #4) 3,489.00 1102. Set closing fee :980.00 1103. Owner's title insurance to Lawyers Title Company _ (from GFE#5) 3,059.00 a 1104 ender's title insurance $1,324.00 See adait nal 1104 items 1105. Lender's title policy limit $1,250,000.00 1106. Owner's title policy limit $1,525,000.00 co —_—|-—_— 1107. Agent's portion of the total title insurance premium to Lawyers Title Company $3,857.04 1108. Underwriter's portion of the total tite insur im to Commonwealth Cand Tile Insurance G $525.96 1109, Notary Fee to Loren Frediani - 1110. ‘bile Signing Fee/Notary to Nicole Cottonaro $125. 1111 Notary Fee to Bancsery $60.00 1112, ~ 1113. 1200. Government Recording and Transfer Charges 1201 Government recordin, 1rgesto San Mateo County Recorder (from GFE #7) 150.00 1202. Deed $ 5 Mortgage $ Releases $ 1203, Transfer taxes (from GFE #8) 1204, City/County tax/stamps _ Deed $ Mortgage $ te tax/s' Deed 1206, Aggregate Recording Charges Other $7 4207, ‘San Mateo County Transfer Tax Deed $1,677. 1208. 1300. Additional Settlement Charges 1301 Required s ‘ou can shop for 1302. - 1303. 1304. Property Taxes ~ Ast Installment 20) faxes to San Mateo ( 1305. HOA Charges 1301 HOA 1307 HOA Charges 1308 Home 1309. Pest Inspection 8 Comparison of Good Faith Estimate (GFE) and HUD-1 Charges Charges That Cannot Increase HUD-1 = Line Number Good Faith Est ate HUD-1 Your credit or charge (points) for the specific interest rate chosen # 802 0.00 0.00 Transfer taxes #1203 0.00 0.00 # Charges That In Total Cannot Increase More Than 10% Good F; timate HUD-1 0.00 0.00 Appraisal fee” 804 0.00 0,00 Credit report 805 0.00 0.00 TaxaK Se service 806 0.00 0.00 Flood certification 807 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.0 Increase between GFE and HUD-1 Charges 0.00 or 0.00 % Charges That Can Change h Estimate HUD-1 nn Initial deposit for your escrow account _ #1001 00 0.00 Homeowner's insurance # 903 0.00 0.00 Loan Terms i Your initial loan amount is $ 1,000,000.00 ~ Your loan term is NIA ~ Your interest rate is 9.00000% Your initial monthly amount owed for principal, interest and $ N/A includes any mortgage insurance is O Principal LX] Interest O Mortgage Insurance ~ Can your interest rate rise? Ek] No D1 Yes, it can rise to a maximum of The first %. change will be and can change again every after Every change date, your interest rate can increase or decrease by % Over the life of the loan, your interest rate is guaranteed to never be lower than _* oror higher than % Even if you make payments on time, can your loan balance rise? ] No oO Yes, it can rise to a maximum of $ Even if you make payments on time, can your monthly No. Oo Yes the first increase can be and the monthly amount owed for principal, interest, and mortgage insurance rise? amount owed can rise to $ The maximum it can ever rise to’ - is $ Does your loan havea prepayment Penalty?” EI No Oy Yes, } Your maxinsus prepayment |penalty is$ a ce Does your loan have a balloon payment? EI No O° Yes, you havea balloon payment of $ due in years on Total monthly amount owed including escrow account payments [I] You do not have a monthly escrow payment for items, such as property taxes and homeowners insurance. You must pay these items directly yourself. 1 You have an additional monthly escrow payment of $ that results in a total initial monthly amount owed of $. This includes principal, interest, any mortgage insurance and any items checked below: 1 Property taxes (1 Homeowner's insurance 1 Flood insurance si Lawyers Title Company 437 Lytton Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phone: (650)801-3530 FINAL BUYER'S HUD-1, ATTACHMENT Settlement Date: November 6, 2015 Escrow no.: LT-0006-FLNP-0061500831 Disbursement Date: November 6, 2015 Escrow Officer: Loren Frediani Settlement Agent: Lawyers Title Company Place of Settlement: 437 Lytton Ave (650)801-3530 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Buyer : Surinder P. Goswamy Buyer: Satish R. Sandadi 152 Nevada Street 2141 Watermill Road Redwood City, CA 94062 San Ramon, CA 94582 Seller : M. Kenneth Lavine and Carolyn B. Lender : Northern California Mortgage Fund Lavine, Trustees of the M. Kenneth IX, LLC Lavine and Carolyn B. Lavine 2015 101 Lucas Valley Rd., Suite 150 Charitable Remainder Unitrust San Rafael, CA 94903 185 Golden Oak Drive Portola Valley, CA 94028 Property: 1898 Camino A Los Cerros Menlo Park, CA 94025 San Mateo County, California Parcel ID(s): 070-270-120 Title Services Description Buyer Line 1102 Detail - Payee: Lawyers Title Company Escrow Fee 1,700.00 New Loan Services Fee 280.00 Line 1102 Total 1,980.00 Line 1103 Detail - Payee: Lawyers Title Company Owner's title insurance 3,059.00 Line 1103 Total 3,059.00 Line 1104 Detail - Payee: Lawyers Title Company Lender's title insurance 1,299.00 ALTA 8.1-06 - Environmental Protection Lien (CLTA 110.9-06) 25.00 Line 1104 Total 1,324.00 Line 1110 Detail - Payee: Nicole Cottonaro Mobile Signing Fee/Notary 125.00 Line 1110 Total 125.00 Line 1111 Detail - Payee: Bancserv Notary Fee 60.00 Line 1111 Total 60.00 Total Title Services 6,548.00 Go Lawyers Title Company 437 Lytton Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phone: (650)801-3530 BUYER'S STATEMENT Settlement Date November 6, 2015 Escrow Number: LT-0006-FLNP-0061500831 Disbursement Date November 6, 2015 Escrow Officer: Loren Frediani Buyer: Satish R Sandadi Buyer: Surender P. Goswamy Seller: Kenneth Lavine and Carolyn Lavine 1898 Camino A Los Cerros Menlo Park, CA 94025 Property: 1898 Camino A Los Cerros Menlo Park, CA 94025 Parcel ID(s): 070-270-120 $ DEBIT $ CREDIT FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION Contract sales price 1,525,000.00 Deposit or earnest money Satish R Sandadi < 50,000.00 PRORATIONS/ADJUSTMENTS ist Installment 2015-2016 11/06/15to 01/01/16 ($2,039.46 / 180 X 55 days) 623.17 Taxes RE: 070-270-120 TITLE & ESCROW CHARGES Escrow Fee Lawyers Title Company 1,700.00 Owner's title insurance Lawyers Title Company 3,059.00 Policies to be issued: Owners Policy Coverage: $1,525,000.00 Premium: $3,059.00 RECORDING CHARGES Government recording charges Lawyers Title Company 150.00 Subtotals 1,530,532.17 50,000.00 Balance Due FROM Buyer 1,480,532.17 TOTALS 1,530,532.17, 1,530,532.17 Bank of America Preferred Rewards P.O. Box 15284 Wilmington, DE 19850 Customer service information » 1.888.888.RWDS (1.888.888.7937) TDD/TTY users only: 1.800.288.4408 SATISH REDDY SANDADI En Espafiol: 1.800.688.6086 SRINEELA MADADI 606 DROMANA CT SAN RAMON, CA 94582-5670 Bank of America, NA. P.O. Box 25118 Tampa, FL 33622-5118 Please see the Account Changes section of your statement for details regarding important changes to your account. Your Adv Tiered Interest Chkg Preferred Rewards Platinum Honors for October 29, 2015 to November 25, 2015 Account number: 0018 8060 0038 SATISH REDDY SANDADI SRINEELA MADADI Account summary Beginning balance on October 29, 2015 $5731 38.29 aa Deposits and other additions 10,031.68 ATM and debit card subtractions -2,113.73 Other subtractions -529,154.58 _ Checks 2,690.80 — Service fees Ending balance on November 25, 2015 : 2500 $49,185.86 Annual Percentage Yield Earned this statement period: 0.02%. Interest Paid Year To Date: $52.31. MERRILL Read our article online: “How much do | really need to save for retirement?” oS rm : Find out if you're saving enough at Sone poaton Merrill Edge" is available through Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S), and consists of the Memll Edge Advisory Center” (investment guidance) and self-directed online investing. MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer, Member SIPC and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. Merrill Lynch, Merrill Edge, the Merrill Edge logo, and Merrill Edge Advisory Center are trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. Investment products: Are Not FDIC Insured | Are Not Bank Guaranteed | May Lose Value ARBR5SAK | SSM-08-15-0440.B bina eveIE: 4B DERE RFIIWEDW TOF IMARES 1 an. ona Daan 4 nfo SATISH REDDY SANDADI | Account #0018 8060 0038 4 1 October 29,2015 to November 25,2015 _ IMPORTANT INFORMATION: BANK DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Updating your contact information - We encourage you to keep your contact information up-to-date. This includes address, email and phone number. If your information has changed, the easiest way to update it is by visiting the Help & Support tab of Online Banking. Or, you can call our Customer Service team. Deposit agreement - When you opened your account, you received a deposit agreement and fee schedule and agreed that your account would be governed by the terms of these documents, as we may amend them from time to time. These documents are part of the contract for your deposit account and govern all transactions relating to your account, including all deposits and withdrawals. Copies of both the deposit agreement and fee schedule which contain the current version of the terms and conditions of your account relationship may be obtained at our banking centers. Electronic transfers: In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers - If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or you need more information about an electronic transfer (e.g., ATM transactions, direct deposits or withdrawals, point-of-sale transactions) on the statement or receipt, telephone or write us at the address and number listed on the front of this statement as soon as you can. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. Tell us your name and account number. Describe the error or transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. For consumer accounts used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, we will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days (10 calendar days if you are a Massachusetts customer) (20 business days if you are a new customer, for electronic transfers occurring during the first 30 days after the first deposit is made to your account) to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it will take to complete our investigation. For other accounts, we investigate, and if we find we have made an error, we credit your account at the conclusion of our investigation. Reporting other problems - You must examine your statement carefully and promptly. You are in the best position to discover errors and unauthorized transactions on your account. If you fail to notify us in writing of suspected problems or an unauthorized transaction within the time period specified in the deposit agreement (which periods are no more than 60 days after we make the statement available to you and in some cases are 30 days or less), we are not liable to you for, and you agree to not make a claim against us for the problems or unauthorized transactions. Direct deposits - If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your account at least once every 60 days from the same person or company, you may call us at the telephone number listed on the front of this statement to find out if the deposit was made as scheduled. You may also review your activity online or visit a banking center for information. © 2015 Bank of America Corporation Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC and e Equal Housing Lender Pane 2 af0 Your checking account Bankof America SATISH REDDY SANDADI | Account # 0018 8060 0038 | October 29, 2015 to November 25, 2015 Deposits and other additions Date Description Amount 10/29/15 Counter Credit 1,469.00 : 11/1015 Counter Credit 8,310.00 ee _ 11/20/15 BANK OF AMERICA DES:CASHREWARD ID: SANDADI INDN 0000000205896553000000 co 250.00 1D:2002290310 PPD 11/25/15 Interest Earned 2.68 Total deposits and other additions $10,031.68 Withdrawals and other subtractions ATM and debit card subtractions Date Description Amount 10/29/15 SAFE