EXHIBIT(S) - 1 - The Lease Agreement on Apt 3P

On June 14, 2024 a torts - other (intentional tort) case was filed by Delta Towers Enterprises Llc, represented by Liu, Yu-Xi, against Noel Capone, and Sihang Ning, in the jurisdiction of Kings County. Judge Aaron Maslow presiding.

FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 06/17/2024 01:10 PM INDEX NO. 516556/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/17/2024 STANDARDFORMOFCONDOMINIUM APARTMENTLEASE OF NEW THEREALESTATEBOARD YORK,INC. ©Copynght 2010.AllRightsResemed. Reproduction inwholeotinpal is expressly …

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