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Filing # 181962374 E-Filed 09/16/2023 12:55:15 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH WDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA XIAO SHENG YUE, Plaintiff, CASE NO.: 2020-CA-l 106AN V. CYNTHIA M. FOERSTER AND CHAPP, INC., Defendants. ------------- DEFENDANTS, CYNTHIA M. FOERSTER AND CHAPP, INC.'S, NOTICE OF FILING DEPOSITION TRANSCRIPT OF MICHAEL ANDREW TAYLOR, EMT COMES NOW, Defendants, CYNTHIA M. FOERSTER and CHAPP, INC., by and through the undersigned counsel, and hereby give Notice of the Filing with the Comt of the Deposition Transcript of MICHAEL ANDREW TAYLOR, EMT., dated September 10, 2021. Said deposition transcript is for use at trial. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that, on this 16th day of September 2023, I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of the Court via the Florida Comts' e-Filing Portal, pursuant to and in compliance with Rule 2.516, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, which completes service by furnishing a trne and conect copy of the foregoing via electronic mail to all counsel of record. LAW OFFICES OF SANTEIRO & GARRISON Isl Jorge Santeiro Jorge Santeiro, Esq. FBN 66230 6300 University Parkway Suite 101 Sarasota, FL 34240 Tel: (800) 226-3224, ext. 1021 Prima1y: Secondary: Secondary: 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL 2 CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA 3 CASE NO.: 2020-CA-1106AN 4 5 6 7 XIAO SHENG YUE, 8 Plaintiff, 9 v. 10 CYNTHIA M. FOERSTER AND CHAPP, INC., 11 Defendants. 12 -------------------------/ 13 14 15 16 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF: MICHAEL ANDREW TAYLOR, EMT 17 Appearing Remotely from Orange County, Florida 18 DATE TAKEN: September 10, 2021 19 TIME: 2:36 p.m. 20 REPORTED BY: Michele Coburn, FPR 21 Appearing Remotely from Hillsborough County, Florida 22 23 24 25 Michael Andrew Taylor September 10, 2021 Page 2 Page 4 1 REMOTE APPEARANCES , 1 RERJRTIID REMJI'ELY FRCJ,l HILLSOOR()(G! C!XJNI'Y, FWRIDA 2 2 FRIDAY, SEPT™BER 10, 2021, 2:36 P.M. 3 MANUEL F. STEFAN, ESQUIRE Morgan & Morgan, P.A. 3 THE VIIl!OCX;RAP!IER: Good afternoon. We are now 4 4495 South Semoran Boulevard 4 on the record. Orlando, Florida 32822 5 Participants should be aware that this 5 407-452-6982 6 proceeding is being recorded and, as such, all 6 7 ccnversations held will be recorded unless there's a APPEARING ON BEHALF OF THE PLAINTIFF 8 request and agreement to go off the reccrd. 7 9 Private ccnversations and/or attorney/client 8 JORGE SANTEIRO, JR., ESQUIRE 10 interactions should be held outside the presence of 9 Law Offices of Santeiro & Garrison 11 the renote interface. 6300 University Parkway, Suite 101 12 This is the renote video-reccrded deposition of 10 Sarasota, Florida 34240 13 Michael Taylor being taken by the counsel for the 941-907-2572 11 14 defendant. 12 APPEARING ON BEHALF OF THE DEFENDANTS 15 Today is Friday, September 10th, 2021. 'Ille 13 16 time now is 2:36 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. 14 ALSO PRESENT, 15 BONNIE GARCIA, VIDEOGRAPHER 17 We're here in the matter of Xiao Yue versus 16 18 cynthia Foerster and Chapp, Inc. 17 19 My name is Bonnie Garcia, remote video 18 20 technician on behalf of u. s. Legal support. I am 19 20 21 not related to any party in this action or 21 22 financially interested in the outcome. 22 At this time will the reporter, Michele CObum, 23 23 24 24 on behalf of u.s. Legal support please enter the 25 25 statement for remote -- rerrote proceeding into the Page 3 Page 5 1 INDEX 1 record. 2 PAGE 2 'IHE mURT REPORTER: If the attorneys cculd 3 Direct Examination by Mr. Santeiro 5 3 please indicate your agreement to this manner of 4 Cross-Examination by Mr. Stefan 30 4 reporting by stating your name and agreeirent on the 5 Redirect Examination by Mr. Santeiro 41 5 record. 6 Recross-Examination by Mr. Stefan 43 6 MR. SI'EFAN: Manny Stefan for the plaintiff. 7 Certificate of Oath 47 7 MR. SANTEIRO: George Santeiro, attorney for 8 Certificate of Reporter 48 8 Defendants Chapp, Inc. , and cynthia Foerster, and � 9 9 agree. 10 10 'IHE mURT REPORTER: Sir, please raise your 11 11 right hand. 12 12 In you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth 13 13 and nothing but the truth? 14 EXHIBITS 14 'IHE WI'INESS: I do. 15 (None marked. ) 15 'IHE aJURT REPORTER: Okay. Thank you. 16 16 You rray proceed. 17 17 'IHEREUPCN I 18 18 MICHAKL ANDREW TAYIDR, EMI', 19 19 having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as 20 20 follows: 21 21 DIROCI' EXAMINATION 22 22 BY MR. SANTEIRO: 23 23 Q Good afternoon, Mr. Taylor. 24 24 A Good afternoon. 25 25 Q Yes. My name is George Santeiro and I U.S. LEGAL SUPPORT Michael Andrew Taylor September 10, 2021 Page 6 Page 8 1 represent -- I'm an attorney and I represent Michele -- 1 about an incident that happened on September 11th, 2018. 2 sorry -- cynthia Michele Foerster and Chapp, Inc., in 2 Who were you working for at the time? 3 this natter. Here to ask you a few questions. 3 A I was "-".lrking for the Kissirrrree Fire 4 Have you ever had your deposition taken before? 4 Department. 5 A No, sir. 5 Q Okay. And in what role were you "-".lrking for 6 Q okay. very well. 6 the Kissirrmee Fire Department? 7 Just a few �estions to help things go a 7 A I was a firefighter paramedic precepting 8 little srooother. 8 another paramedic. 9 We are doing this by Zoom, so hopefully that 9 Q Very good. 10 doesn't create any problems with technology. But if you 10 Give us a little bit of -- give us an idea of 11 have any difficulty understanding my questions or the 11 your background and, you know, your education, your 12 questions of Mr. Stefan, if he asks any, please let us 12 training and experience that got you to where you are 13 know. We'll be happy to clarify for you. Okay? 13 today in your career. 14 A Yes, sir. 14 A So I"ve ..urked for the department for close to 15 Q Okay. We're here to take your deposition about 15 seven years. I went to school for EMl' school fire and 16 facts that you either recall or that you could review 16 paramedic at seminole State college of Florida. 17 your ™8 report and testify fran. so just let us know 17 I have an associate•s degree in errergency 18 if you don't know the answer to a question or if you 18 medicine. I'm almst done with a bachelor's degree in 19 forgot. 'Ibis is not a mem:Jry test. We're just asking 19 business nanagement. And I have been a Florida 20 you to do your best and to tell the truth based upon 20 paramedic since september of 2015 or -- yeah -­ 21 your recollection or your report. Okay? 21 september of 2015 and errployed with the department since 22 A Yes, sir. 22 January of 2015. 23 Q I don't expect this to take terribly long. But 23 Q Very good. 24 you're rrore than welcane to take a break if you feel 24 And can you give us -- about how long did it 25 like you need one. Just let us know and we'11 be happy 25 take for you to get throl1:,h EMI' firefighter school? Page 7 Page 9 1 to pause proceedings and take a break. All right? 1 A EMI' was about a serrester that went fran -- it 2 A Okay. 2 was a spring semester, so whatever your traditional -- 3 Q All right. Very good. 3 it was a fall serrester. I'm sorry. It was a fall 4 can you please state your full name for the 4 semester. Fire school was the spring semester and then 5 record? 5 a few weeks on top of that after. 6 A Michael Andrew Taylor. 6 Q Okay. You said you also have your A.A. I 7 Q Okay. And what do you do for a living, 7 didn't catch what your A.A. is in. 8 Mr. Taylor? 8 A So it is an A.S. in errergency medical services. 9 A I am an engineer paramedic with the Kissirrmee 9 Q Okay. And you're about to -- to receive a -- 10 Fire Department. 10 I'm sorry -- a bachelor's degree as well? 11 Q Very well. Engineer paramedic. 11 A Yes, sir. In business nanagement and 12 You "-".lrk directly with the department or for a 12 leadership. Organizational leadership and business. 13 private cmipany? 13 Q Very good. 14 A I "-".lrk directly for the departlrent. 14 What school are you attending for your B.A.? 15 Q Okay. 15 A That is through Valencia college. 16 A Engineer is a separate rank fran firefighter. 16 Q Very good. 17 Q Okay. All right. SO -- 17 I understand that you were on september 11th, 18 A I was recently pranoted. 18 2018, the lead crew rrember that responded to a car 19 Q Oh, congratulations. 19 accident. Is that correct? 20 A Thank you. 20 A That is correct. I was the lead for patient 21 Q so you're a member of the Kissirrrree Fire 21 care. 22 Department then? 22 Q Okay. And can you tell us what that rreans to 23 A Yes, sir. 23 be the lead crew member? Is that sanething that you 24 Q Very good. 24 start off as, or is that sanething that you achieve 25 And at the tine of this incident -- we're here 25 after sane time with the department and some experience? U.S. LEGAL SUPPORT Michael Andrew Taylor September 10, 2021 Page 10 Page 12 1 A That role is designated for whoever is 1 Q Okay. So I guess that begs the question. 'Ibis 2 considered the lead paramedic taking care of that 2 is -- it's three years after the fact. 3 patient. And so since the rescue was there, it canes 3 Is it il11IX)rtant when you C011plete a report such 4 with the role as the lead paraJIEdic. 4 as this, regardless of the magnitude or not of the 5 Q Okay. And can you -- I haven't been through 5 accident, to take down accurate information? 6 EMT school, but maybe you can help us out and give us an 6 A Yes, sir. 7 idea. 7 So this report in particular -- I'm sorry. I 8 What is the role of an EMT paraJIEdic in 8 was -- I was precepting another paramedic. So I was 9 response to a car accident in general? 9 lead. He wrote the report and I reviewed it after the 10 A so your first thing you're going to be looking 10 fact. 11 for is you want scene safety. You want to make sure the 11 Q Okay. Okay. so another paraJIEdic wrote this. 12 road is as safe as you can make it. You want to see how 12 I'm glad you cleared that up. 13 many patients you"ve got, possibly how -- the extent of 13 But then as the lead crew member you review the 14 the accident. 14 report before it's finalized? 15 so in school they teach us scene safety to size 15 A That's correct. And I signed off on it. 16 up the SI, which is your PP&s: the gloves, a vest. 16 Q Okay. And why is it il11IX)rtant to -- to take 17 Depending on the intensity of the car accident you might 17 down an accurate report of an incident such as this? 18 need gear for extrication. 18 A The best reason is for better continuation of 19 Once you have those figured out, then you 19 patient care down the line, especially at the hospital, 20 decide do you need rrore trucks, do you need these other 20 because the hospitals get our reports. And so we need 21 resources or can you handle what you have. Then you go 21 to paint as good of a picture for them as what we saw 22 make patient rontact with wtJ.oever seems to be either -- 22 on-scene versus what they get in the hospital. 23 whoever seems to need the nost help acrording to triage. 23 And then even after that fact it's good to have 24 Q very good. 24 good documentation in instances like this. If it canes 25 And you respond to accidents, I presume, that 25 up later, I can refer back to it or other people can Page 11 Page 13 1 vary from very major serious collisions with multiple 1 refer back to it in the event we cannot recall the 2 vehicles, multiple accident victims, to TIDre minor 2 incident. 3 accidents involving t\\l'.l participants. Is that fair to 3 Q Okay. But I think you said that the -- I guess 4 say? 4 the TIDst significant reason is for continuation of care 5 A That's correct. 5 inrnediately -- 6 Q All right. And do you have the report from 6 A Yes, sir. 7 SeptentJer 11th, 2018, involving a patient by the name of 7 Q -- upon transport. Correct? 8 Xiao Sheng Yu? 8 A Yes, sir. 9 A Yes, sir. I have it right here. 9 Q Okay. And -- and based oo your education, your 10 Q Very good. 10 training and your experience, why is that so critical? 11 Have you had a chance to review that report, 11 A From what I •ve experienced, the hospital has a 12 Mr. Taylor? 12 hard time sanetimes picturing a car accident scene or 13 A Yes, I did. I do not recall this particular 13 what's going on with the scene from how we see it. And 14 incident, so everything I will be referencing will be 14 so writing things as accurately as possible helps paint 15 from this report. 15 a picture for the hospital and the physicians and 16 Q That was going to be my next question. 16 everybody associated with patient care after the 17 sometimes you do, but irore often than not somebody as a 17 incident, to see it through our eyes essentially. 18 first responder doesn't always have specific 18 Q Okay. So is taking a good or accurate 19 recollection. 19 report -- is that part of the training you receive to be 20 so nothing in reviewing this jogs your l!lel!K)ry 20 an 00 paramedic? 21 aoout this incident? 21 A Yes, sir. 22 A No, sir. 22 Q Very good. 23 Q okay. So I understand you'11 be testifying 23 so in this case, now that you've reviewed your 24 essentially from what you wrote in your report. Right? 24 report -- we've talked aoout the date: SeptentJer 11th, 25 A That's correct. 25 2018. U.S. LEGAL SUPPORT Michael Andrew Taylor September 10, 2021 PageemanbÒ 14emanbÒ PageemanbÒ 16emanbÒ 1 There'semanbÒ aemanbÒ timeemanbÒ recoemanbªedemanbÒ there.emanbÒ WhereemanbÒ demanb“semanbÒ theemanbÒ 1emanbÒ AemanbÒ Yes,emanbÒ sir.emanbÒ Temanbot'semanbÒ coemanb±ect.emanbÒ 2emanbÒ timeemanbÒ comeemanbÒ franemanbÒthat'semanbÒ emanb«cordedemanbÒ onemanbÒ theemanbÒ report?emanbÒ 2emanbÒ QemanbÒ Okay.emanbÒ AndemanbÒ -- andemanbÒ theemanbÒ restemanbÒ ofemanbÒ itemanbÒ -- temanb¨chea,emanbÒ 3emanbÒ AemanbÒ WhichemanbÒ timeemanbÒ inemanbÒ question?emanbÒ 3emanbÒ midemanb~ine,emanbÒ breathemanbÒ emanb´unds,emanbÒ etemanbÒ ceteraemanbÒ -- thoseemanbÒ areemanbÒ aemanb|emanb}emanbÒ 4emanbÒ QemanbÒ I'memanbÒ sorry.emanbÒ There'semanbÒ severalemanbÒ times.emanbÒ You'reemanbÒ -- 4emanbÒ observationsemanbÒ ofemanbÒ theemanbÒ paemanb©c?emanbÒ 5emanbÒ you'emanbÒreemanbÒ correct.emanbÒ 5emanbÒ AemanbÒ LetemanbÒ meemanbÒ reviewemanbÒ realemanbÒ quick.emanbÒ 6emanbÒ AtemanbÒ theemanbÒ veryemanbÒ topemanbÒ theemanbÒ incidentemanbÒ dateemanbÒ hasemanbÒ aemanbÒ time.emanbÒ 6emanbÒ ThatemanbÒ isemanbÒ correct.emanbÒ Yes.emanbÒ 7emanbÒ DoemanbÒ youemanbÒemanb{owemanbÒ wemanbqreemanbÒ youemanbÒ emanb˜tainedemanbÒ theemanbÒ emanbxnemanbiomationemanbÒ 7emanbÒ QemanbÒ Okay.emanbÒ soemanbÒemanbÆhatemanbÒ -- whatemanbÒ theemanbÒparamedicemanbÒ wroteemanbÒ 8emanbÒ foremanbÒ thatemanbÒ time?emanbÒ 8emanbÒ doemanbÇn,emanbÒ emanbÑ patientemanbÒ cemanbnscious,"emanbÒ isemanbÒ becauseemanbÒ theemanbÒ patientemanbÒ wasemanbÒ 9emanbÒ AemanbÒ soemanbÒ thoseemanbÒ nemanb½rsemanbÒ -- theemanbÒ incidentemanbÒ saysemanbÒ "time"emanbÒ 9emanbÒ consciousemanbÒ whenemanbÒ theemanbÒ paramedicemanbÒevaluatedemanbÒ him.emanbÒ correct?emanbÒ 10emanbÒ nemanbftemanbÒ toemanbÒ "incidentemanbÒ date"emanbÒ -- isemanbÒ premanb‘essedemanbÒ franemanbÒ ouremanbÒ 10emanbÒ AemanbÒ Yes,emanbÒ sir.emanbÒ 11emanbÒ dispatch.emanbÒ 11emanbÒ QemanbÒ AllemanbÒ right.emanbÒ VeryemanbÒ emanbjemanb™.emanbÒ 12emanbÒ QemanbÒ okay.emanbÒ AllemanbÒ right.emanbÒ soemanbÒemanbÐemanbÒ don'temanbÒ includeemanbÒ -- youemanbÒ 12emanbÒ AndemanbÒ I'memanbÒ emanb‹temanbÒ goingemanbÒ toemanbÒ goemanbÒ emanbºemanbÒ theemanbÒ entireemanbÒ 13emanbÒ don'temanbÒ -- youemanbÒ don'temanbÒ enteremanbÒ thatemanbÒ timeemanbÒ oremanbÒ theemanbÒ paramedicemanbÒ 13emanbÒ assessment,emanbÒ butemanbÒ IemanbÒ wantemanbÒ toemanbÒ goemanbÒtemanbuemanbÒaemanbÒ coemanbÀleemanbÒ ofemanbÒ thingsemanbÒ 14emanbÒ doesn't.emanbÒ TemanbmatemanbÒ canesemanbÒ franemanbÒ -- femanb°emanbÒ whenemanbÒ theemanbÒ incidentemanbÒ isemanbÒ 14emanbÒ here.emanbÒ 15emanbÒ calledemanbÒin?emanbÒ 15emanbÒ LetemanbÒ meemanbÒ goemanbÒ downemanbÒ toemanbÒ theemanbÒ AISemanbÒ assessmeemanbˆt.emanbÒ 16emanbÒ AemanbÒ correct.emanbÒ TheemanbÒ incidentemanbÒ temanbwmeemanbÒ andemanbÒdateemanbÒ isemanbÒ franemanbÒ 16emanbÒ WhatemanbÒ isemanbÒ theemanbÒ AI.SemanbÒ assessment?emanbÒ 17emanbÒ ouremanbÒ dispatch,emanbÒ soemanbÒ it'semanbÒ notemanbÒ enteredemanbÒ byemanbÒ us.emanbÒ 17emanbÒ AemanbÒ SoemanbÒ AI.SemanbÒ standsemanbÒ foremanbÒ advancedemanbÒ lifeemanbÒ semanbÁport.emanbÒ DoneemanbÒ 18emanbÒ QemanbÒ okay.emanbÒ Now,emanbÒ there'semanbÒ aemanbÒ -- there'semanbÒ anemanbÒ areaemanbÒ 18emanbÒ toemanbÒ remanb»leemanbÒ outemanbÒ chestemanbÒpain.emanbÒ 19emanbÒ thatemanbÒ -- remanbvghtemanbÒ underemanbÒ thatemanbÒ thatemanbÒ asksemanbÒ foremanbÒ pastemanbÒ medicalemanbÒ 19emanbÒ QemanbÒ Okay.emanbÒ 20emanbÒ history,emanbÒ alleremanbkiesemanbÒ andemanbÒemanbedications.emanbÒ 20emanbÒ AemanbÒ IemanbÒ believeemanbÒ inemanbÒ theemanbÒ narrativeemanbÒ it'semanbÒ semanb¹atedemanbÒ heemanbÒ hademanbÒ 21emanbÒ WhereemanbÒdoemanbÒ youemanbÒ getemanbÒ thatemanbÒ infomationemanbÒ fremanb•?emanbÒ 21emanbÒ slightemanbÒ chestemanbÒ painemanbÒ thatemanbÒ wasemanbÒ -- lemanbœr-leftemanbÒ chestemanbÒ wallemanbÒ 22emanbÒ AemanbÒ WeemanbÒ willemanbÒ -- traditionaemanbly,emanbÒ ifemanbÒ aemanbÒ patientemanbÒ isemanbÒ 22emanbÒ pain.emanbÒ Aemanb…demanbÒ soemanbÒ 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AemanbÒ AsemanbÒ emanb remanbÒ theemanbÒ narrative,emanbÒ itemanbÒ showedemanbÒnoemanb®lemanbÒ sinemanb¼semanbÒ 3emanbÒ hisemanbÒ vehicle,emanbÒ whoemanbÒ emanbÌldemanbÒthatemanbÒ personemanbÒ haveemanbÒbeenemanbÒ wemanbsemanbÒ 3emanbÒ remanblythmemanbÒ withemanbÒ emanbŒemanbÒ ectopyemanbÒ oremanbÒ noemanbÒ emanbµemanbÒ cemanbpes.emanbÒ 4emanbÒ reporemanb¸edemanbÒ hisemanbÒ pastemanbÒ medicalemanbÒ historemanbÏ,emanbÒ allergiesemanbÒ andemanbÒ 4emanbÒ QemanbÒ Okay.emanbÒ Now,emanbÒ there'semanbÒ anotheremanbÒ sectionemanbÒ calledemanbÒ 5emanbÒ medication?emanbÒ 5emanbÒ "secondaryemanbÒ assessrrentemanbÒ (injury)"emanbÒ andemanbÒ thenemanbÒ there'semanbÒ areasemanbÒ 6emanbÒ AemanbÒ WhoeveremanbÒ wasemanbÒ perfoemanb­ingemanbÒ theemanbÒ assessment.emanbÒ 6emanbÒ femanbremanbÒ neck,emanbÒ chestemanbÒ andemanbÒ back.emanbÒ Cemanbrrect?emanbÒ 7emanbÒ QemanbÒ Okay.emanbÒ soemanbÒtheyemanbÒ emanbËuldemanbÒ haveemanbÒ askedemanbÒMr.emanbÒ Yue?emanbÒ 7emanbÒ AemanbÒ Yes,emanbÒ sir.emanbÒ 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tryingemanbÒtoemanbÒ remanberemanbÒemanbÃhatemanbÒtheemanbÒ pagesemanbÒ lookemanbÒ likeemanbÒbecauseemanbÒ weemanbÒ 13emanbÒ accordiemanbŠemanbÒ toemanbÒ theemanbÒ secondaryemanbÒ assessmentemanbÒ byemanbÒ Mr.emanbÒ Yue?emanbÒ 14emanbÒ emanb¶itchedemanbÒ softwaresemanbÒ shortlyemanbÒ afteremanbÒ this.emanbÒ 14emanbÒ AemanbÒ AccordingemanbÒ toemanbÒ theemanbÒsecondaryemanbÒ assessrrent,emanbÒ itemanbÒ shoemanbÍemanbÒ 15emanbÒ It'semanbÒ emanb³emanbÒ blanketemanbÒ emanb£estionsemanbÒ asemanbÒ toemanbÒanemanbÒ assessrrentemanbÒ 15emanbÒ neckemanbÒ pain,emanbÒ leftemanbÒ anterioremanbÒ chestemanbÒ wallemanbÒ pain,emanbÒ andemanbÒ 16emanbÒ toemanbÒ helpemanbÒ guideemanbÒ youemanbÒ throughemanbÒ it,emanbÒ andemanbÒ emanb¿lessemanbÒ yemanb›emanbÒ fillemanbÒ inemanbÒ theemanbÒ 16emanbÒ luemanb‚r/backemanbÒ pain.emanbÒ 17emanbÒ blaemanb†ksemanbÒ asemanbÒ toemanbÒ saneemanbÒ cemanbšnemanbÒ assessmentemanbÒ pointsemanbÒ thatemanbÒ youemanbÒ 17emanbÒ QemanbÒ okay.emanbÒ AllemanbÒ right.emanbÒ ThenemanbÒ there'semanbÒ aemanbÒ narrativeemanbÒ 18emanbÒ wouldemanbÒ needemanbÒ asemanbÒ aemanbÒ baselineemanbÒ onemanbÒ topemanbÒ ofemanbÒwhatemanbÒ youremanbÒ furtheremanbÒ 18emanbÒ sectionemanbÒ andemanbÒ thatemanbÒ is,emanbÒ IemanbÒ assume,emanbÒ emanbzustemanbÒ emanbÈtemanbÒ itemanbÒ says,emanbÒ thatemanbÒ 19emanbÒ assessmentemanbÒ wouldemanbÒbeemanbÒ lateremanbÒ on.emanbÒ 19emanbÒ theemanbÒ paemanb¥amedicemanbÒ writesemanbÒ demanbŽemanbÊemanbÒ aemanbÒ narrative.emanbÒ 20emanbÒ QemanbÒ Okay.emanbÒ soemanbÒI'memanbÒ -- IemanbÒ don'temanbÒ wantemanbÒ toemanbÒ presuemanbƒemanbÒ 20emanbÒ IsemanbÒ thatemanbÒ emanb‰rrativeemanbÒkindemanbÒ ofemanbÒ setemanbÒ outemanbÒ aemanbÒ certainemanbÒ 21emanbÒ anything,emanbÒ butemanbÒ correctemanbÒ meemanbÒ ifemanbÒ I'memanbÒ wremanb—gemanbÒ here.emanbÒ 21emanbÒ way,emanbÒ oremanbÒ isemanbÒ itemanbÒ justemanbÒ kindemanbÒ ofemanbÒ aemanbÒ freeemanbÅheelingemanbÒ -- youemanbÒ writeemanbÒ 22emanbÒ IemanbÒ presumeemanbÒ thatemanbÒ whenemanbÒ youemanbÒnotedemanbÒ thatemanbÒ theemanbÒ patientemanbÒ 22emanbÒ doemanbÉemanbÒ aemanbÒ narrativeemanbÒ ofemanbÒ whatemanbÒ emanb’ed?emanbÒ HowemanbÒ demanb”semanbÒ thatemanbÒ 23emanbÒ wasemanbÒ consciousemanbÒ thatemanbÒ theemanbÒ emanbŸcemanbÒ wemanbtemanbÒputemanbÒ thatemanbÒ downemanbÒ 23emanbÒ haemanbžpen?emanbÒ 24emanbÒ evaluatedemanbÒ thatemanbÒ hiemanb„elf,emanbÒ whetheremanbÒ theemanbÒ patientemanbÒ wasemanbÒ 24emanbÒ AemanbÒ EachemanbÒ paramedicemanbÒ emanb·emanbntemanbÒ writesemanbÒ aemanbÒ naremanb¦ativeemanbÒ hasemanbÒ 25emanbÒ conscious.emanbÒ IsemanbÒ thatemanbÒ correct?emanbÒ 25emanbÒ theiremanbÒ ownemanbÒstyle,emanbÒ essentially.emanbÒ TheemanbÒgentlememanb€emanbÒ IemanbÒ wasemanbÒ U.S. LEGAL SUPPORT Michael Andrew Taylor September 10, 2021 Page 18 Page 20 1 precepting -- this is his style. It's very similar to 1 What is -- can you help the ladies and 2 my own. 2 gentlemen of the jury out with what that rreans in this 3 Q Okay. 3 context? 4 A Generally, they'll start with what you see upon 4 A Yes, sir. Yeah. 5 arrival, how the patient is presenting, run you through 5 so the four things we generally ask a patient 6 their chief canplaints, also pertinent negatives, and 6 to assess their rrental status would be person, place, 7 then whatever HDre subjective assessment reveals. 7 tirre and event. lb they remember who they are; do they 8 Q Okay. SO according to the narrative, when -- 8 know their birthday, their social, et cetera. What 9 when the ™1's arrived he was already in the care of a 9 happened, where they are, what time of day it is. 10 law enforcement officer. correct? 10 Trying to see where they're at mentally, if they're 11 A Yes, sir. 11 present or if there's other issues going on. 12 Q And did -- did you guys reoord whether he was a 12 Q okay. so in this case Mr. Yue knew who he was. 13 restrained driver and the nature of the darrage to the 13 Correct? 14 vehicles? 14 A correct. 15 A Yes, sir, we did. 15 Q He knew where he was? 16 Q Okay. And what -- what did your narrative 16 A Yes, sir. 17 indicate about those two -- those two things? 17 Q He knew what time it was? 18 A As per the narrative, the patient was a 18 A Yes, sir. 19 restrained driver with minor rear-end damage. No airbag 19 Q And he was able to recall the event? 20 deployment was noted. 20 A Yes, sir. 21 Q And acx:ording to the narrative, what canplaints 21 Q Why is it important to record this? What if 22 of pain did Mr. Yue have at the scene of the accident? 22 sanebody didn't rarentier the event? Is that something 23 A As per the narrative, patient was complaining 23 you would have recorded? 24 of neck pain, lower-back pain, dizziness, lower chest 24 A Yes, sir. And that's important based on, 25 wall pain. 25 especially in a trallll\3. call, to assess for other Page 19 Page 21 1 Q Okay. 1 possible injuries. 2 A Lower-left chest wall pain. 2 Q Okay. so what kind of injuries are you 3 Q Okay. The next line says, "Patient denies 3 assessing when you're -- when you're checking whether 4 l.OC." 4 sanebody is alert to person, place, time and event? 5 What does that mean? 5 A With those questions in a traumatic call such 6 A Loss of Ctely before 10 waived by the witness and all parties.) 11 me at the time and places therein set forth and were 11 12 taken down by me in shorthand and thereafter transcribed 12 13 into typewriting under my direction and supervision. 13 14 I further certify that I am neither counsel for, 14 15 nor related to, any party to said proceedings, not in 15 16 anywise interested in the outcome thereof. 16 17 17 18 DATED this 20th day of September, 2021. 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 Michele Coburn, FPR 22 22 Florida Professional Reporter 23 23 24 24 25 25 Page 47 1 CERTIFICATE OF OATH 2 3 STATE OF FWRIDA 4 COUNTY OF HILLSBOROUGH 5 6 I, Michele Coburn, Florida Professional Reporter 7 and Notary Public, State of Florida, certify that the B witness, MICHAEL ANDREW TAYLOR, EMT, appeared before me 9 remotely on the 10th day of September, 2021, and was 10 duly sworn. 11 12 Signed this 20th day of September, 2021. 13 14 15 16 17 18 Michele Coburn, FPR 19 Notary Public State of Florida 20 Commission# 00265882 My Commission Expires, 11/21/22 21 22 23 24 25 U.S. LEGAL SUPPORT