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CRANFORD COUR ry fi ik Ce y on Su. i qs on voto -5 PHI2 19 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CRAWFORD COUNTY, ARKABS SAS AS A wt CIVIL DIVISION CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC Plaintiff, -Vs- Case No. Garrett B Henderson VACU-24-304 Defendant. COMPLAINT FOR MONEY DUE FOR BREACH OF REVOLVING CREDIT CHARGE AGREEMENT Count Breach of Contract COMES NOW the Plaintiff and for its cause of action against the Defendant(s) states as follows: 1 That Plaintiffis a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY organized and existing under the laws of GEORGIA; the debt sued upon arose in and Plaintiff's cause of action accrued in the State of Arkansas. That the Defendant resides in or may be found in CRAWFORD County, Arkansas and within the venue of this court. Jurisdiction is proper in this court based upon Ark. Sup. Ct. Admin Order 18. Plaintiff is the holder of the Revolving Credit Charge Agreement (“Agreement”) sued upon herein by virtue of the sale and assignment of said Agreement from WebBank to various parties including and ultimately to Plaintiff. That Defendant was issued a credit account pursuant to the Defendant’s Agreement with WebBank. That Defendant either made written application to WebBank for said credit card, or signed various credit charge slips, or both, thereby agreeing in writing to the terms and conditions of said Agreement. That the Defendant did utilize said credit or allow it to be used in the purchase of goods and services at various locations and thereby agreed to the terms and conditions of said Agreement at the time it was issued to Defendant That as a result of the use of said credit by Defendant, the Defendant did accrue certain indebtedness on said revolving credit charge account pursuant to the Agreement. That WebBank fully performed under the terms of the Agreement. That in accord with normal business practices, WebBank mailed itemized monthly billing statements to Defendant. Defendant did not object to any of the charges made on the monthly statements at issue herein, in writing, for over sixty (60) days. 10. That Defendant accepted the charges shown on the monthly billing statements as demonstrated by Defendant’s continued use of the account, payments made on the account, and the absence of any attempt to cancel the agreement between Defendant and WebBank despite having received the monthly billing statements for several months. 11 That Defendant failed to perform under the terms of the revolving retail credit charge agreement, and is therefore in breach. 12 That as a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s breach, WebBank was damaged in the amount claimed of $1204.94. 2 13 Interest from the date of Judgment, continuing to accrue at the legal rate per annum from the date of Judgment until paid. 14. That Plaintiff, the current owner of the Agreement, has made demand upon the Defendant for payment of the same, but the Defendant failed and/or refused to pay. 15 Pursuant to Section 16-22-308 of the Arkansas Code and/or the signed agreement attached hereto, Plaintiff is entitled to a reasonable attorney fee. 2 16. Pursuant to the SCRA §201(b)(4), Plaintiff declares under penalty of perjury that Defendant GARRETT B HENDERSON is not in the Armed Forces for the United States, verified on 02/16/2024 07:50AM via the U.S. Department of Defense website. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendant in the amount of: Amount claimed: $1204.94 Interest: from the date of Judgment, continuing to accrue at the legal rate per annum from the date of Judgment until paid; All costs herein expended, including but not limited to court costs, sheriff's fees, and any fees for service of the summons. Count JI—Suit On Account COMES NOW the Plaintiff and pleads in the alternative for its cause of action against the Defendant and states as follows: 1 Plaintiff restates and re-alleges each and every paragraph of Count I as if fully set forth herein. 2. That Plaintiff is a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY organized and existing under the laws of GEORGIA. That the cause of action herein accrued under the laws of the State of Arkansas; the Defendant resides in or may be found in CRAWFORD County, Arkansas and within the venue of this court. Jurisdiction is proper in this court based upon Ark. Sup. Ct. Admin Order 18. That Defendant is presently indebted on the account and claim herein in the amount claimed of $1204.94 for credit extended by WebBank and used by the Defendant to purchase goods and/or services, hereinafter referred to as “items.” That all sums owed to WebBank are now due to the Plaintiff by virtue of assignment of said debt from WebBank to various parties and ultimately to the Plaintiff. 3 That said credit was provided at the instance, request, and/or authorization of said Defendant. That the prices charged for the extension of credit for the Defendant to purchase such items are and were in each case reasonable; that said prices were the amounts specifically agreed upon between WebBank and Defendant, or in the alternative the usual and customary charges of WebBank. That Defendant expressly, or in the alternative impliedly, promised and agreed to pay for said credit charges when due. Interest from the date of Judgment, continuing to accrue at the legal rate per annum from the date of Judgment until paid. 10. That Plaintiff, the current owner of the Agreement, has made demand upon the Defendant for payment of the same, but the Defendant failed and/or refused to pay. 11 Pursuant to Section 16-22-308 of the Arkansas Code and/or the signed agreement attached hereto, Plaintiff is entitled to a reasonable attorney fee. 12. Pursuant to the SCRA §201(b)(4), Plaintiff declares under penalty of perjury that Defendant GARRETT B HENDERSON is not in the Armed Forces for the United States, verified on 02/16/2024 07:50AM via the U.S. Department of Defense website. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendant in the amount of: Amount claimed: $1204.94 Interest: from the date of Judgment, continuing to accrue at the legal rate per annum from the date of Judgment until paid; All costs herein expended, including but not limited to court costs, sheriff's fees, and any fees for service of the summons. Count J/J/—Quantum Meruit 4 COMES NOW the Plaintiff and pleads in the alternative for its cause of action against the Defendant and states as follows: 1 Plaintiff restates and re-alleges each and every paragraph of Count I and Count II as if fully set forth herein. That Plaintiff isa LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY organized and existing under the laws of GEORGIA. That the Defendant resides in or may be found in CRAWFORD County, Arkansas and within the venue of this court. Jurisdiction is proper in this court based upon Ark. Sup. Ct. Admin Order 18. That Defendant is presently indebted on the account and claim herein in the amount claimed of $1204.94 for credit extended by WebBank and used by the Defendant to purchase goods and/or services, hereinafter referred to as “items.” That the credit issued to Defendant to purchase said items was provided to and for Defendant. That said credit was provided at the instance, request, and/or authorization of said Defendant. That the prices charged for the extension of credit items are and were in each case reasonable; that said prices were the amounts specifically agreed upon between Creditor and Defendant, or in the alternative the usual and customary charges of said Creditor. That Defendant expressly, or in the alternative impliedly, promised and agreed to pay for said extension of credit immediately upon the providing thereof or promptly thereafter. That Creditor has, by virtue of Sale and Assignment, transferred all causes of action against Defendant related to the facts and issues set forth herein to various parties including and ultimately to Plaintiff. 10. Interest from the date of Judgment, continuing to accrue at the legal rate per annum from the date of Judgment until paid. 1! That Plaintiff, the current owner of the Cause of Action, has made demand upon the Defendant for payment of the same, but the Defendant failed and/or refused to pay. 12. Pursuant to Section 16-22-308 of the Arkansas Code and/or the signed agreement attached hereto, Plaintiff is entitled to a reasonable attorney fee. 13 Pursuant to the SCRA §201(b)(4), Plaintiff declares under penalty of perjury that Defendant GARRETT B HENDERSON is not in the Armed Forces for the United States, verified on 02/16/2024 07:50AM via the U.S. Department of Defense website. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendant in the amount of: Amount claimed: $1204.94 Interest: from the date of Judgment, continuing to accrue at the legal rate per annum from the date of Judgment until paid; All costs herein expended, including but not limited to court costs, sheriff's fees and any fees for service of the summons. Respectfully Submitted, FABER AND BRAND LLL.C. ny) uthal 2? Joy N. Jackson. AR #2007278 Michael L. Foster AR #2010232 James J. Eufinger AR #2013025 James M. Mucklestone AR #2023302 P.O. Box 10110 Columbia, Missouri 65205-4000 (888) 233-3141 (573) 442-1072 FAX ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 6 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR IN AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. F&B Acct. No: 510165 510165 BUSINESS RECORDS AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF GWINNETT t Account Debtor: Garrett B Henderson }SS Account #: a STATE OF GEORGIA 3 Principal Balance: $1204.94 CROWN ASSET MANAGMENT, LLC vs. GARRETT B HENDERSON Personally appeared before the undersigned officer, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, Maria Popovici, who, after first being duly swom. deposes and states that she is a competent person over eighteen years of age, and make the statements herein based upon personal knowledge of those account records maintained on the plaintiff's behalf. 1 am of sound mind and over the age of 18, competent to testify to the maiters stated herein, and J am capable of making this Affidavit. | am the Legal Document Specialist for CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, a Georgia Limited Liability Company, with offices is located at 3100 Breckenridge Blvd Suite 725, Duluth GA 30096-7605 (“Crown”). CROWN ASSET MANAGMENT, LLC is the current owner and assignee of the above-referenced account that originated with WebBank. The above referenced account was assigned to Faber and Brand LLC on 02/15/2024 for the purpose of collections. Based upon information currently available, the balance amount stated above is true and accurate and has not been paid by the account debtor as of the time of forwarding this account. I am the custodian of records for the credit card records attached hereto, and the attached statements are business records of Crown which were made in the ordinary course of business by the credit card issuer at or near the time that the relevant transactions occurred by a person or persons knowledgeable of such entries, Said documents are true and correct copies of the records retained by the card issuer, and they have heretofore for good and valuable consideration been incorporated into and been made part of the business records of Crown. Based upon my review of business records kept on behalf of Plaintiff, Defendant opened an account on or about 06/12/2021, and the account was charged off on 12/24/2022. ‘There has been no final judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction disallowing any or all ofthe account balance. Based upon information currently available, the account debtor is not protected under a Bankruptcy filing. Based upon information currently available, the account debtor has not been released from liability on the debt. Based upon information currently available, the account has not been the subject of fraud. Based upon information currently available, the account debtor is not deceased. Based upon information currently available, there is no dispute, claim, action, suit, or proceeding pending or threatened with respect to the account, (Maren Popiicer FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Maria Popovici Legal Document Specialist CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC UCI 1. Be toand se before me this 7B_ day of we CS NOTARY PUBLIC Khel My Commission expires: &LA LATA, (Le ly, GAVEND My ey se Fis ne asi, a pre eee “nn, TA RY |zg thenaenee TN BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS January 20%, 2023 Petal Card, Inc, a Delaware corporation with a place of business at 233 Spring Street, 3 Floar, New York, NY 10013 (“Seller”) hereby absolutely sells, transfers, assigns, sets-over and conveys to Crown Asset Management, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company organized under the laws of Georgia with its principal place of business at 3100 Breckinridge Blvd., Suite 725, Duluth, Georgia 30096 (“Buyer”) without recourse and without representations or warranties, express or iniplied, of any type, kind or nature except as set forth in the Agreement (hereinafter defined): (a) all of Seller’s right, title and interest in and to each of the Accounts identified in the Account schedule attached hereto as Schedule 1 to January 2023 Bill of Sale and Assignment of Accounts (the “Accounts”), and (b) all principal, interest or other proceeds of any kind with respect to the Accounts, but excluding any payments or other consideration received by or on behalf of Seller on or prior to January 1 1", 2023, with respect to the Accounts. This Bill of Sale is being executed and delivered pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and provisions of that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement made and entered into by and between the Seller, and the Buyer dated January 20", 2023, (the “Agreement”). The Accounts are being conveyed hereby subject fo the terms, conditions and provisions set forth in the Agreement. This Bill of Sale shall be governed by the Jaws of the State of New York without regard to the confticts-of- laws rules thereof. Petal Card, Ine By: wer we | kother Name: (/Gt Wet HEY Title: Lao [NOTARY] Trataypuble or eter alco competing Ws ceieatavertes oh ie idanity of tha individual who signed the. documentte which this certificate is attached, tn oot ie tahoe, ‘accuracy. randy of that document, State of California County of Stabs btn } on Zéstrarey 24, Z+2-Inotorene, Pant ‘Elisth Mibivy Labbe (Date) (Here Insert ‘Name and Title of the Officer) personally appeared La/evewes Chen ‘{Namotsf of Signeria}) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the pe/san(s} whose name(s} Is/are” subscribed Lo the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they execilted the same in hisdhéi/tbetr authorized capacity(jea), and that by his/pev/thetr signatute(s) on the instrumont the person(s}. or the entity upon behaif of which the parsonis}acled, executed the instrument, Teertily under PENALTY Ut PERJURY under the faws of the Siate of Catlfarnta that the foragolng- paragraph is true and costect. Gar Libs ory PAUL ELLIOTT WITNESS my and and-oficial seat, Comm, #2427184. Notary Public: California # ill of Sale (Petal) Signature, (Seal) Santa Clara Coun “(Signatura of Notary Public} oi ap Comm. Expires Dec 16, 2026 SCHEDULE J] TO JANUARY 2023 BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS REFER TO Jan_23_Sale_File_01_12.csv Bill of Sate (Perel) BILL OF SALE January 20°, 2023 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENT that WebBank (“Assignor”) does hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer, assign and deliver, without recourse to Petal Card, Inc. (“Petal”), in exchange for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, all right, title, and interest it holds in and to the accounts identified in ExhibitA attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, as of January 20", 2023, and Assignor hereby represents that (i) it has sald to Petal all receivables associated with such accounts; and (ii) it has not created or suffered to exist (other than as a result of any action by Petal) any lien, encumbrance or security interest upon or with respect to such accounts that would adversely affect Petal’s ownership of such accounts. The Assignor represents and warrants that, immediately prior to the assignment of the accounts to Petal, the Assignor is the sole owner thereof and has good and indefeasible title thereto, free of any lien and encumbrance. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Petal, its successors and permitted assigns, forever, Assignor does hereby covenant and agree that it will from time to time, as reasonably requested by Petal, its successors and permitted assigns, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver to Petal or its successors and permitted assigns, all reasonable further acts, transfers, conveyances, assignments, powers of attorney, and additional papers and instruments, and do or cause to be done all and any other acts or things as often as may be reasonably proper or necessary for better conveying, transferring and assigning the accounts hereby conveyed, transferred and assigned, and to effectively carry out the intent hereof, and to vest in Petal such title and interests as Assignor held, free and clear of any lien created by Assignor, in and to such accounts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor, through its authorized officer, affirmatively states the Bill of Sale assigning all right, title and interest in the accounts referenced above, was effective as of the date first written above. ASSIGNOR y: gon Sargent B Name: Jon Sargent Title vP Date: 01/20/2023 Bill of Sale (WebBank) Garrett Henderson Wed, Dec 28 2022 at 05:55 a Your Petal account has been charged-off Hi Garrett, It's been over 180 days since you made at least the minimum payment on your Petal account. As a result, your account has been closed permanently and digital access is now restricted. You will no longer be able ta make purchases with your card. Your total balance due as of Dec 28, 2022 is $1,204.94. This amount includes any transactions or interest that may have posted since your last statement date. If you were enrailed in AutoPay, it has been turned off. Please contact if you have any questions. Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card 4 Petal GARRETT BURT HENDERSON - Card Ending in - Bill Period: 03/01/2022 - 03/31/2022 Credit Card Statement Payment Information Account Summary Previous Balance $1,012.65 New Balance Payment Due Date Minimum Payment Due Payments ~ $100.00 $1,017.38 04/26/2022 $41.86 Other Credits $10.42 Purchases $93.20 Interest Charged $21.95 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum payment by your due date, your account will be New Balance $1,017.38 treated as past due and this may negatively affect your credit score. Credit Limit $1,000.00 Minimum Payment Warning: {f you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it Credit Limit Available (817.38) will take you longerto pay off your balance. Statement Closing Date 93/31/2022 Days in Billing Cycle 30 Ifyou make no additional charges You will pay off the balance And you will end up using this card and each month shown on this statement in ying an estimated Past Due Amount $0.00 you pay about total of Only the minimum payment 5 year(s) $1,761.97 $1,462.32 3 year(s) $40.62 (Savings= $299.65) If you woul like information about credit counseling services, call: (855) 697-3825 Pay or manag un ACCOl on oF on our monte app. Tot 168: 7 AgoR 825 Intern i (GIT) 267 >2 - Send all check payments fe: P.O. Box 1159 New Yor NY 10008-1150. * See reverse for Important Information ® Petal Payment Coupon CARD REFERENCE NUMBER i Card Account Number Statement Date New Balance Minimum Amount Due Payment Due Date a 04/01/2022 $1,017.38 $41.86 04/26/2022 How to Pay by Check: Please send us this portion of your statement with your check or money order. If you are not using the Payment Coupon, please include your Card Reference Number when paying separately with a check. To be credited as an on time payment, checks must be received by 5:00 pm ET on the due date. Please allow at least 5-7 business days for delivery and processing (holidays may result in processing delays). Amount Enclosed $ PLEASE SEND ALL CHECKS TO: GARRETT BURT HENDERSON Petal P.O. Box 1150 New York, NY 10008-1150 Page:1/3 Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card Information about your Petal Card How n | avoid paying Interest Charges on purchases? ‘Your due date is at least25 days from the statement closing date. if you pay your account in Making a payment fuil each biling pariod, no interest wil be charged. Ad ional. if oither (a) you paid the New You may make paymentin several ways: Balance stated on your current biltng statement in full by the Payment Due Date shown on that biling statement or (b) your New Balance on your current billing statamont is zero or a Cniine through the Petal wobsite oF tho Petal mobile applications for approved electronic ‘cred (less than zero). then you will not be charged any interest during the current biting devices Calling the telephone nursber listed on the front of this slalement and providing the period. Il you pay the New Balance on your current biling statement by the Payment Due required payment information and Sending a check to Petal Card ine. by mailto the address, Date shown on that billing statement, we will also nat impose interest cherges on New ‘oF the front of this statement with the payment coupon or the last four digits of your account Purchases. New Purchases are Purchases thal first appearon the next biling statement. umber. All paymants must be ie US dalars in the form of a bank transfevdACH or a check Certain prometional offers may ellow you to avoid paying Imerest charges in other situations, from a US bank account, You agree cot to send us any post dated checks. If you do. we may eposit it immaciately upon receipt, despile the later cate on the check. We will not accept What To Do If You Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statement: any payments made in cash. if payment does not conform to these payment instructions, Myo ti link there is an error on your statement, you can actly us by writing to Petal Card, ‘erediting wil be delayed or may be refused, and additional charges may be imposed. C - 186991, P.G Box 105168. Atlanta, GA 30348.51 Att, ing Dispute. You aiso may call us free ‘oF sere an email 10 When wil! you credit my Payment? with the subject line "DISI putes For online payments made on the Peta! websive or mobile application, or payments made: ever the phone, payments will bo cracited as of the day the payment is made, as long a tis {in your writien or emailed dispute, give us the fellowing information: made by # p.m, Easlem Time, Payments received after the applicable cut-off time will be treniedas received as of our noxt business dey. For mail or other payments. payments will be * Account information: Your namo and last four digits of your account number, recited as of the business day we receive it, as long as iis received by 5 p.m. Pacific Time. + Transaction information: The dollar amauni(s) and date(s} of the suspecled error Please allow al ‘cast sven (7) business days for mail delivery. Mailed payments received by * Boscnplion of probleme: if you thirk there is an error on your bil, Gescribe what you us at any other location or payments in any other form may noi be credited as of the day we Delieve is wrong and why you believe i isa mistake receive them. Payments recoived after the applicable cut-off time will be treated as received a of our nexi business day. Ifthe paymentdue date falls on a weekend or holiday. we wil ‘You must contact us within sixty (60} days after the error appeared on your statement. You ‘reat any payment received by ihe applicable cut-aff time in accordance with these payment rust notify us of any potential ecrors in writing or by email. You may call us, but if you do, Instructions on our next business day as being received by us on the dus date, ere not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have te pay the amount in Account Information Reported to Credit Bureaus qussiticn. We will nofify you within thirty (30) days of out receipt of your written or emalied Gispute, While we investigate whether or not there has bean an error, the following are tree’ ‘We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payrrents or other defaults an your account siay bo rolleciad in your credit zeport. You have . ‘We cannot try 10 collect the amountin question, oF report you as definquent on that the right to dispute the accuracy of mform: n we have reported. If you think any information amouri, Tha charge in question may remain on your statement, and we ray continue to about your account that we have reporiad to 2 credit bureau is incorrect, you can netty us by Charge you interest on thet amount, But, if we determine that we made a mistake, you Witt ‘writing to Petal Card, Inc., MSC « 166934, P.C. Box 105168, Alianta, GA 30348-5166, Attn not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees retated to that Credit Reporting Please include your name, address, phone number, and a brief description amount, of the issue, You also may callus tol at (of send an email 19 While you do not have to pay the amount in question until we send you a nolice about the ‘all the subject li ERED T REPO! IRTING ISSUE" outcome of our investigation, you are respensible for the remainderof your balance. You may, at any time, pay the full amount you ewe without incurring any additional We can apply an unpaid amount against your credit iimit. Within ninety (90) days of our charges. receipt of your wt s7-oF emailed dispute. we will send you a writen notice vis U.S, Post Authorization to convert your check to electronic transfer debit and email, explaining either that we corrected the ertar {10 appear on your next slatement) When you provide a check or check information to make a payment, you authorize us to use or the reasons why We believe the bills comect, information from the check to make a one-time ACH oF other eleciranic transfer from your Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Purchase: bank account, We may also process it as a check transaction. Funds may ba withdrawn from your bank 2czount as soon as the same day we process your payment. Ifyou are dissatislied with the goods of services thal you have purchased with your credit ‘card, and you have tried in goad faith te correct the probiem with the merchant, you may Disputed Payments have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase, To use this right, the Any check or other form of payment that you send us for tess than the full balance due that is following rust be tue: marked "paid in full” oF contains a siriar notation, or thal you otherwise tender in satisfaction of a disputed amount, myst be sent to Petal Card, Inc., MSC - 166931, P.O. Box 4, The purchase must have been mace in your home state or within 100 miles of your 105168, Atlanta, GA 30648-5168, Attn: Disputed Payments, We reserve all our rights ‘current mailing adress, snd the purchase price must have bean more than 850. (Note: regarding these payments (e.g., “Its determined thal there is ne valic dispute or if aay suck Neithar of these are necessary if your purchase was based on an advertisement we made check is received at any ather address, we may accept the check and you will stil owe any lo you, or if we own the company thal sold you the goods or services) remaining balance). Wve may refuse to accep! any such payment by retuming i to you, nat ‘You must have used your credit card for the purchase. Purchases made with cash cashing it or destroying it, Allofzor payments thal you make should be set to the regular ‘agvances from an ATM or with a check that accesses your credit card account do not Payment adcress shown on this stalament, sali 3. “You must not yet have fully paid for the purchase. How do you calculate the Interest Charges? We use ¢ methad called Average Daily Balance (including new transactions). Please reler to If all of the critgria above are met and you are stil dissatisfied wit purchase, you can your Cardholder Agreement for more detailed information. but generally: iify us by writing to MSC - 166931, P.O, Box 105166, Atlanta, GA 30348-5168, At Purchase Dissatisfaction. While we invesiigale, the samo rules apply to the disputed amount 4. The total interest charged for a billing period. excep for variations caused by rounding, as discussed above, After we finish our investigation. we wil tel you our decision. At that equals: Average Daily Balance ("ADB"), multiplied by Daily Periodic Rate {"OPR), point, if we think you awe an amount and you de Aot pay. we may roporl you as delinquent. mubiplied by the number af dav the biling pericd. How do | Close my Account? 2, We calculate the ADB by calculating the daily balance for each day of the biling period ‘You may contact Customer Support anytime at to request that we close your (first, taking the beginning balance of your account on thal day, then adding in new account. You will stil be responsible to pay any 0 uastanding bala nce. transactions, then adding any periodic interest charge on the previous day’s balance, then sublracting any paymenis and credits on that cay (nole, we treat any net credit halance as New York State Residents 2 zero balance)and then adding tho daily balanoes together for each dayof the billing New York rosidents may contact the New York State Department of Financial Services to poriod, then dividing this sum by the numberof days in the billing period blain a comparative listing of credit card rates, fees, and grace periods. Contact the New 8, We calculate the DPR by taking your APR and dividing the APR by 365 York State Department of Financial Services: orvisit How can my Variable APR change? ‘The Petal credit card is issued by WebBank. Member FOIC. Your account is serviced by ‘Your APRs will vary based on the Prime Rate + margin as reported in the Wall Street Petal Card, inc. Journal. For more detailed informalion aboul variable rates, see your cardholder agreement, Page:2/3 Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card & Petal Account Activity GARRETT BURT HENDERSON - Card Ending in - “i Bill Period: 03/01/2022 - 03/31/2022 im [GARRETT BURT HENDERSON] Card ending in “i Posted Date Transaction Date Description Amount(USD) Payments and Adjustments 03/01/2022 03/01/2022 ACH Payment from FIRST COMMUNITY BANK account ending I - $100.00 03/05/2022 03/05/2022 Cash Back Credit - $10.42 Total Payments and Adjustments for this Period - $110.42 Purchases and Adjustments 3/14/2022 03/12/2022 TACO BELL 035891 BEEBE ARUSA $23.24 03/14/2022 03/12/2022 ROCKS SMOKE N BAIT WARD ARUSA $8.49 03/19/2022 03/18/2022 ROPERSRESTAURANTBEEBE BEEBE ARUSA $38.18 03/20/2022 03/18/2022 BURGER KING #25967 BEEBE ARUSA $10.76 03/20/2022 03/19/2022 SQ *LOVE?S DONUTS Ward ARUSA $12.53 Total Purchases and Adjustments for this Period $93.20 interest Charged 04/01/2022 04/01/2022 Interest Charge $21.95 Total Interest Charged for this Period $21.95 2022 Totals Year-to-Date Total Interest Charged in 2022 $90.95 Interest Charge Calculation Type of Balance Annual Percentage Rate (APR)* Balance Subject to Interest Rate Total Interest Charged Purchases 26.99% $957.36 $21.95 “Your APR is your annual interest rate, and is variable and can change based on the Prime Rate. Your APR is calculated using the Average Daily Balance method. (v) = Variable Total Interest Charged = Interest Charged on Average Daily Balance + Interest Adjustments If the payment for the full statement balance is Petal Customer Service received on or before 5pm ET on the due date, P.O. Box 1150 New York, there will be no interest charges on transactions NY 10008-1150 ‘Toil Free: (855) 697-3825 that occurred in this billing cycle. If you do not make this payment, you may be subject to additional interest charges. 7 Page:3/3 Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card Important Disclosures Rates, fees, and other important information about the Peta! 2 VISA® Credit Card ("Card") are set forth in these Important Disclosures. The customized version of these Important Disclosures (the “Customized Disclosures") that we provide you prior to your first use of the Card or the related credit card account are part of the Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card Cardholder Agreement ("Agreement'’). TNs STM RGIS NCO MLAS ees) Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for 12.99% to 26.99% when you open your account, based on Purchases your creditworthiness. After that, your APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. How to Avoid Paying Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We Interest on Purchases will not charge you any Interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. For Credit Card Tips To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using from the Consumer accredit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Financial Protection Bureau at Bureau Annual Fee None Transaction Fees Foreign Purchases None Penalty Fees - Late Payment None - Returned Payment None How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called “average daily balance (including new purchases)." See the Agreement for more detail. Variable APR; Daily Periodic Rate: The APR on your Account will be determined each billing cycle by adding a margin to the Prime Rate (U.S.) as published in the Money Rates section of The Wall Street Journal (the "Index") on the 25th day of the month or the following business day. If the Prime Rate changes, your new rate will take effect on your next billing period. The margin which will be added to the Prime Rate for purchases is 9.74% - 23.74%. As of September 15, 2020 the Prime Rate was 3.25%. Credit Limit: Your initial credit limit will be between $500-$10,000, based on your creditworthiness. Arbitration Clause; Notices: PLEASE REVIEW THE ARBITRATION CLAUSE AND NOTICES SET FORTH IN EXHIBITS A-C OF THE AGREEMENT. Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card Important Disclosures Rates, fees, and other important information about the Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card ("Card") are set forth below. These Important Disclosures are part of your Petal 2 VISA® Credit Card Cardholder Agreement ("Agreement"). a ieeim a ecn cecil AIK 1k=351 CURE PLES Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for 26.99% Purchases This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. How to Avoid Paying Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We Interest on Purchases will not charge you any Interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. For Credit Card Tips To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using from the Consumer a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Financial Protection Bureau at http:/Awww.consumerfinance.govilearnmore. Bureau ae Transaction Fees Foreign Purchases None Penalty Fees - Late Payment None + Returned Payment None How We Will Calculate Your Balance: a We use a method called “average daily balance (including new purchases} Billing Rights: Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in your Agreement. Variable APR; Daily Peri