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  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 127 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 127 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 LAW QFFICE5 MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN & BREITSTONE, LLP 190 WILL1S AVENUE MINEOLA, NY 11501 (516) 747-O300 No. 461693 via Email 8 US Mail May 25, 2017 Mr. Lou Ricci The Hagan-Ricci Group 7 MacDonald Avenue Armonk, NY 10504 CLIENT NO. 14341-00010 For legal services rendered through April 30, 2017 and not previously billed: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter $11,237.00 Less 10% Discount (1,123.70) $10,113.30 Disbursements 35.90 $10,149.20 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $10,149.20 SEE ATTACHED DETAIL ACCOUNT STATUS PREVIOUS BALANCE $4,578.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $10,149.20 NEW TOTAL BALANCE $14,727.20 MM The Amount shown is due and payable in full upon receipt of this invoice. Please make check payable to Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP. To charge this invoice on your credit card, please call (516) 747-0300 or complete the authorization and mail or fax to us at (516) 747-0653; _American American Express __MasterCard MasterCard ___Visa Visa Amount Charged $ Account # Expiration Date Signature FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 127 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice #461693 Matter: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter Client Number 14341-00010 Date Description Time Value Richard M. Howard 04/14/17 Conference with Mike Masri re deposition and improve letter to 0.80 Hrs $324.00 adversary. ATTORNEY TOTALS 0.80 Hrs $324.00 Michael Masri 04/02/17 Work on interrogatories and depositions. 2.00 Hrs $840.00 04/03/17 Work on trial outline/deposition questions. 2.00 Hrs $840.00 04/04/17 Prepare for end of discovery/prepare for depositions. 1.60 Hrs $672.00 04/06/17 Exchange emails with TIBCO's and Carter's counsel regarding 3.50 Hrs $1,470.00 depositions; prepare for deposition. 04/07/17 Extensive telephone conference and email with L. Ricci 1.00 Hrs No Charge regarding status and strategy. 04/10/17 Analyze client email (n/c); telephone conference with client 1.00 Hrs No Charge (n/c); exchange multiple emails with Brian Condon regarding settlement (1.0); additional telephone conference with client (n/c). 04/13/17 Telephone conference with client regarding status and strategy 0.80 Hrs $336.00 (n/c); preparation and drafting of email to Mike DiMattia regarding invitation to settle and depositions (.5); exchange emails with B. Condon regarding scheduling depositions (.3); exchange client emails regarding status/strategy (n/c). 04/14/17 Preparation and drafting of letter to Condon and DiMattia 2.20 Hrs $924.00 regarding resolution of deposition issues (1.1); preparation and drafting of notice of depositions (.4); analysis regarding CPLR regarding deposition and notice (.5); exchange emails with defendants regarding deposition dates (.2). 04/18/17 Receipt and analysis of decision denying defendant's motion to 2.10 Hrs $882.00 dismiss (.8) receipt and analysis of Michael DiMattia discovery letter (.5); coordinate adjournment of discovery cut-off (.3); telephone conference with Lou Ricci (n/c); strategy and preparation and drafting of agenda for 4/19 call (.5). 04/19/17 Further analyze decision of motion to dismiss (.8) and letter 3.10 Hrs $1,302.00 from TIBCO's counsel (.2); preparation and drafting of response to TIBCO's counsel (1.6); preparation and drafting of supplemental document production/discovery responses (.5); telephone conferences with L. Ricci (n/c); exchange emails with L. Ricci (n/c). Page 1 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 127 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice #461693 Matter: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter Client Number 14341-00010 Michael Masri 04/20/17 Telephone conference with L. Ricci regarding Tibco letter (n/c); 1.90 Hrs $798.00 revise TIBCO letter and analyze outstanding discovery (1.6); respond to L. Catina inquiry concerning adjourning depositions (.3). 04/21/17 Exchange emails with Michael DiMattia and Laura Catina 1.10 Hrs $462.00 regarding call with Court (.3); telephone conference with L. Ricci regarding status and transitioning discussion toward settlement (n/c); prepare for and telephone conference with M. DiMattia and L. Catina and Court (.6); follow up telephone conference with L. Catina (.2); telephone conference with L. Ricci regarding status (n/c). 04/24/17 Follow up regarding depositions. 0.20 Hrs No Charge 04/25/17 Exchange emails with TIBCO and Condon's office to force 0.70 Hrs No Charge settlement discussions and move case (.3); telephone conference with DiMattia regarding same (.4); telephone conferences with L. Ricci regarding status (n/c). 04/26/17 Coordinate call with opposing counsel for depositions and trying 0.60 Hrs $252.00 to open settlement (.1); exchange emails with Lou Ricci regarding settlement (.2); telephone conferences with defendant's attorneys regarding depositions (.3); follow up settlement call with M. DiMattia (.2); telephone conferences with Lou Ricci (n/c). 04/27/17 Exchange emails re: confirming depositions and prepare for 0.50 Hrs $210.00 same. 04/28/17 Prepare for depositions and supplemental discovery. 1.50 Hrs $630.00 04/30/17 Work on document supplement and depositions. 2.00 Hrs $840.00 ATTORNEY TOTALS 27.80 Hrs $10,458.00 Stephanie Suarez 04/18/17 Conference with Michael Masri re: decision on motion to 0.30 Hrs $97.50 dismiss (0.1); Review decision on motion to dismiss (0.2). 04/19/17 Review and analyze decision on motion to dismiss. 0.80 Hrs $260.00 04/20/17 Conference with Michael Masri re: outcome of motion to 0.30 Hrs $97.50 dismiss. ATTORNEY TOTALS 1.40 Hrs $455.00 LEGAL SERVICES SUMMARY Richard M. Howard 0.80 $324.00 Michael Masri 27.80 $10,458.00 Stephanie Suarez 1.40 $455.00 30.00 $11,237.00 Page 2 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 127 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice 4461693 Matter: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter Client Number 14341-00010 DISBURSEMENTS DOCKETING SYSTEM 01/01/17 AMERICAN LAWYER MEDIA 32.30 $32.30 PHOTOCOPIES 04/14/17 PHOTOCOPIES 3.60 $3.60 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $35.90 Page 3