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  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview
  • Edna Skinner v. Unified Marketing Llc, Pirs Capital, Llc, Daniel Ledven, Jacob Shimon, Alexander Parsol, Russell (Last Name Currently Unknown), Igor (Last Name Currently Unknown), James Lambright a/k/a JIM LAMBRIGHT in their individual capacities Torts - Other (Employment Discrimination) document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 LAW OFFICES MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN & BREITSTONE, LLP 190 WILLIS AVENUE MINEOLA, NY 11501 (516) 747-O300 No. 464464 via Email 8 US Mail June 9, 2017 Mr. Lou Ricci The Hagan-Ricci Group 7 MacDonald Avenue Armonk, NY 10504 CLIENT NO. 14341-00010 For legal services rendered through M_ay 31, 2017 and not previously billed: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter $38,820.50 Less 20% Discount (7,764.10) $31,056.40 Disbursements 1,351.47 $32,407.87 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $32,407.87 SEE ATTACHED DETAIL MM The Amount shown is due and payable in full upon receipt of this invoice. Please make check payable to Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein 8 Breitstone, LLP. To charge this invoice on your credit card, please call (516) 747-0300 or complete the authorization and mail or fax to us at (516) 747-0653; _American American Amrrkan Express _MasterCard MasterCard _VisaVha Visa Amount Charged $ Account # Expiration Date Signature FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice #464464 Matter: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter Client Number 14341-00010 D_ate Description Time Value Richard M. Howard 05/17/17 Review and revise letter to adversary re discovery abuses. 2.40 Hrs $972.00 Conferences with Mike Masri re discovery practice and potential motion practice certificat' 05/18/17 Conferences with Mike Masri re certifica 1.70 Hrs $688.50 su lementation of discovery responses nd assorted trial preparati f tructions applicable to intellectual property 05/19/17 Conference with Mike Masri re: after court conference 0.30 Hrs No Charge ATTORNEY TOTALS 4.40 Hrs $1,660.50 Michael Masri 05/01/17 Preparation for depositions. 1.20 Hrs $504.00 05/03/17 Prepare for depositions. 1.00 Hrs $420.00 05/04/17 Prepare for depositions. 2.50 Hrs $1,050.00 05/07/17 Prepare for depositions. 1.20 Hrs $504.00 05/08/17 Telephone conference with L. Ricci regarding deposition 5.30 Hrs $2,226.00 preparation (.8); exchange emails with L. Catina regarding document production (.4); prepare for call with the Court (.3); telephone conference with L.. Ricci regarding supplemental document production while preparing email to L. Catina (.4); exchange further emails with L. Catina resolving document dispute and obviating the need for Court intervention (.3); deposition preparation (3.1) 05/09/17 Prepare for depositions (1.5); travel (n/c); prepare client (n/c); 10.40 Hrs $4,368.00 travel (n/c); defend deposition (6.5); travel to client's office (n/c); conferences with client regarding contacts and methods (.4); travel (n/c); preparation (2.0). 05/10/17 Prepare for deposition (1.5); travel (n/c); take deposition (7.5); 10.50 Hrs $4,410.00 travel (n/c); prepare (1.5). 05/11/17 Prepare for depositions (2.5); travel (n/c); deposition of John 8.50 Hrs $3,570.00 Carter (6.0); travel (n/c). 05/12/17 Prepare for (2.0); travel (n/c); take deposition of lan Watts, IT 7.50 Hrs $3,150.00 employee for TIBCO (3.0); travel (n/c); analysis (1.0); further conferences with L. Ricci (n/c). 05/15/17 Analysis. 0.10 Hrs $42.00 05/16/17 Analysis. 2.00 Hrs No Charge Page 1 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice 4464464 Matter: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter Client Number 14341-00010 Michael Masri 05/17/17 Preparation and drafting of status email (.4); telephone 8.70 Hrs $3,654.00 conference with client (n/c); preparation and drafting of expert disclosure (.4); telephone conference with client (n/c); revise expert disclosure with R. Howard's assistance (.5); preparation and drafting of default letter to Mike DiMattia while checking for compliance with discovery (2.9); conferences with R. Howard (n/c); analyze defendant's default letter and begin preparing supplemental discovery responses (4.5); telephone conference with L. Ricci regarding request to admit (n/c). 05/18/17 Revise default letter (.5); transmit same to M. DiMattia (n/c); 9.00 Hrs $3,780.00 telephone conferences and emails with L. Ricci (n/c); preparation and drafting of Reply to Answer with Counterclaims (1.0); revise expert disclosure (.2); telephone conferences with K. Stack regarding theories regarding same (.5); preparation and drafting of retainer letter for Stack (1.0); finish supplemental disclosure (5.0); check request to admit (n/c); prepare for (.3) and telephone conference with Mike DiMattia (.5); and telephone conference with L. Ricci regarding same (n/c). 05/19/17 Prepare for (2.0) and attend conference before Judge 4.00 Hrs $1,680.00 Scheinkman (2.0); travel (n/c). 05/22/17 Preparation and drafting of amended complaint against TIBCO 2.60 Hrs $1,092.00 (1.0); legal research regarding same (1.0); preparation and drafting of email to Laura Catina (.1); analyze liquidated damages case law (.5); telephone conferences with L. Ricci (n/c). 05/26/17 Analysis (1.0); complete Note of Issue (.5). 1.50 Hrs $630.00 05/30/17 Receipt of L. Ricci deposition and note pages are upside down, 0.50 Hrs No Charge contact opposing counsel regarding need for corrected copy. 05/31/17 Preparation and drafting of status/strategy email (.5); read L. 1.50 Hrs $630.00 Ricci transcript (1.0). ATTORNEY TOTALS 78.00 Hrs $31,710.00 Elliot D. Buckman 05/11/17 Conference with M. Masri re: 0.10 Hrs No Charge 05/12/17 Le al research re 7.80 Hrs $2,535.00 . ; researc re:ap ica i t y o non-comp employment context (2.7); Further research re: liquidated damages clauses in employment non-compete context (4.1) 05/14/17 Draft research memo re: applicability of non-compete 1.20 Hrs No Charge agreements in employment context. Page 2 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice #464464 Matter: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter Client Number 14341-00010 Elliot D. Buckman 05/18/17 Continued research re: in 5.90 Hrs $1,917.50 employment context (1. ; ra -page r memo re: same (4.5). E- -. - .a• - • a •- . 05/23/17 a •• -• • .a • a • 2.70 Hrs $877.50 1.8 - - -- - .aa n unen orcea• e an o e •u en . v . men (.6); procedural mechanism for remittance of issue (.6); draft memo re: same (.5). ATTORNEY TOTALS 17.70 Hrs $5,330.00 Sharon Brown (Paralegal) 05/22/17 PDF and efile Amended Verified Complaint Against Tibco with 0.30 Hrs $60.00 Westchester Supreme Court. 05/26/17 PDF and efle note of issue with Westchester Supreme Court. 0.30 Hrs $60.00 ATTORNEY TOTALS 0.60 Hrs $120.00 LEGAL SERVICES SUMMARY Richard M. Howard 4.40 $1,660.50 Michael Masri 78.00 $31,710.00 Elliot D. Buckman 17.70 $5,330.00 Sharon Brown (Paralegal) 0.60 $120.00 100.70 $38,820.50 DISBURSEMENTS DOCKETING SYSTEM 01/31/17 AMERICAN LAWYER MEDIA 30.12 $30.12 FACSIMILE 05/17/17 FACSIMILE 6.00 $6.00 PHOTOCOPIES 05/01/17 PHOTOCOPIES 255.20 $255.20 POSTAGE Page 3 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice #464464 Matter: The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter Client Number 14341-00010 05/18/17 POSTAGE 15.60 $15.60 WESTLAW 05/31/17 WESTLAW 1,044.55 $1,044.55 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $1,351.47 Page 4 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2018 03:14 PM INDEX NO. 60992/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2018 The Hagan-Ricci Group Invoice 4464464 Total Fees $38,820.50 Total Disbursements $1,351.47 Less Courtesy Discount ($7,764.10) Total Fees and Disbursements $32,407.87 Total Balance Due $32,407.87 ** ** MATTER SUMMARY MATTER HOURS VALUE DISBURSEMENTS 14341-00010 The Hagan-Ricci Group v. John Carter 100.70 38,820.50 1,351.47 38,820.50 1,351.47 ** ** ATTORNEY/LEGAL ASSISTANT SUMMARY ATTORNEY/LEGAL ASSISTANT HOURS VALUE Elliot D. Buckman 17.70 $5.330.00 Michael Masri 78.00 $31.710.00 Richard M. Howard 4.40 $1.660.50 Sharon Brown (Paralegal) 0.60 $120.00 100.70 38.820.50 Page 5