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  • LVNV FUNDING LLC V LARRY MCKINNEY (E-CASE) AC Suit on Account document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC V LARRY MCKINNEY (E-CASE) AC Suit on Account document preview


Electronically Filed - RANDOLPH - May 28, 2024 - 10:28 AM 24RA-CV00605 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF RANDOLPHCOUNTY, MISSOURI ASSOCIATE DIVISION LVNV FUNDING LLC, PLAINTIFF, CASE NO. v. Larry McKinney, DEFENDANT. PLAINTIFF’S AFFIDAVIT OF NON-MILITARY SERVICE I, Anthony F. Porto, the undersigned, of lawful, age, affirm, on oath state that I am an attorney of the Mandarich Law Group, LLP, attorneys for the for Plaintiff in the above entitled action, and I make this affidavit pursuant to the provisions of the Service Members Civil Relief Act of 2003; that I have caused a careful investigation to be made to ascertain whether or not the above-named Defendant is in the active service of the Army of the United States, the United States Navy, the United States Marine Corps, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Air Force, the National Guard or of any Public Health Service detailed by proper authority for duty with the military; and, that as a result of said investigation, I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge the Defendant or Respondent is not in any of the above-named branches of the military service nor has the Defendant or Respondent received notice of induction or notice to report for active service. THIS AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. /s/ Anthony F. Porto ANTHONY F. PORTO