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  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 EXHIBIT “A” FILED: NEW SCHENECTADY YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 05/14/2024 03/27/2024 12:10 06:03 PM PM INDEX INDEX NO.NO. 154456/2024 2024-671 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 03/27/2024 h MetLife® Metropolitan LNo Insurance Company NY 10010-4690 One Madison Avenue, New York, certifies that it will make (herein called Metlife) Metropolitan Life Insurance Company described in this certificate. the payments Contract No. Group Annuity _ 8281 Certificate No. 72283 . - I. Life Measuring Damell Hill .WWWN—. mi of Life Date of Birth Measuring gE ' . 1987 February 8, . , Owner _ . . Mehnpeiitan Insurance and Annuity Company Commencement Date Annuity 2013 :- February 8, _....._.,..._...._.. __._.,._._._..__ ._..___.. Maw—Wh??? ' - | . Beneficiary (if any) Estate ofDarnell Hill I W.W D Form G.4324A (E Q E A i FILED: NEW SCHENECTADY YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 05/14/2024 03/27/2024 12:10 06:03 PM PM INDEX INDEX NO.NO. 154456/2024 2024-671 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 03/27/2024 Rights of Owner: The Owner owns the annuity described in this certificate. The Owner will have the right at any time to designate the payee, Including the Beneficiary, to whom - benefits are payable under the annuity. However, unless the Owner otherwise directs, MetLife will make all payments under the annuity to the person(s) named in the certificate. . In addition, at any time after the death of the Measuring Ufe, the Owner may direct MetLife to pay, in lieu of any term certain annulty payments described in this certificate, the commuted value of all remaining term certain annuity payments in a single sum to a payee named by the Owner. The commuted value of such annuity payments will be calculated the same interest as that used in the purchase price of the annully. using rate(s) determining No such change In payee or terms of payment will be effective until written notice of the change Is received by MetUfe. However, any change in a Beneficiary designatIon will take effect as of the date the request was signed but without prejudice to MetLife on account of any payment made by it before receipt of the request, When contacting MetLife the , Owner should mention the Contract number and the name and certificate number of the Measuring Ufe. Proof of Living: MetLife may require proof that the Measuring Life, the Beneficiary or other payee, as the case inay be, is living on the date on which any annuity payment is to be made. If proof is requested, no payment will be made until the proof has been n=ceived by MetLife. Beneficiary: If two or more Beneficiaries are designated and their respective interests are not specified, their interests will be several and equal _ Change or Walven No sales representative or other person, except an authorized officer of ' MetLife, may make or change any certificate or make any binding promises about any _ certificate on behalf of MetLife. Any amendment, modification or waiver of any provision . of this certificate will be in writing and may be made effective on behalf of Metlife only by an authorized officer of MetLife. ,- Misstatements: If the age or sex of the Measuring Life or any other relevant fact has been misstated, Metlife will not pay a greater amount of annuity than that provided by the actual . amount received to purchase the annuity and the correct information. Any overpayrnent of - annuity will, together with interest, be deducted from future annuity payments. Any ' underpayment of an annuity will, together with interest, be paid immediately upon receipt of the corrected information. The interest rate(s) will be that used in determining the - purchase price at the annuity. I Nonassignability; Claims of Creditors: This certificate and the payrnents provided under it are nonassignable and will be exempt from the claims of creditors to the maximum extent | permitted law. I by Form G.4324A (2) i l FILED: NEW SCHENECTADY YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 05/14/2024 03/27/2024 12:10 06:03 PM PM INDEX INDEX NO.NO. 154456/2024 2024-671 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 03/27/2024 m I: 1 cettificate as follows: make payments under this Annuity: Metlife will Payment of Life is living Commencement Date and while the Measuring On and after the Annuity ! MetLife will monthly annuity 2043, pay case to and including January 8, but in any up before i Life dies Owner. If the Measuring payments to the payee named by the i to the MetLife will pay i and unless the Owner directs otherwise, January 8, 2043, are payments that the monthly annuity 3, l to and January 8, 2043, Beneficiary, up including payments l Life. The rate of the monthly annuity payable after the death of the Measuring i item below. is sltown in (1) l of Annuity: $906.00 Rate (1 ) Monthly l payee named the shown in item below to the by also make the payments (2) MetLife will date such payment is f Life is not living on the any However, if the Measuring Owner. the such payment to MetLife will pay and unless the Owner directs otherwise, payable, : Beneficiary. Amount of : Payment eat 3' Date of Payment (2) $120