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  • Professional & Business Collections, LLC, v. Hannah Kinman, Drew KinmanCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • Professional & Business Collections, LLC, v. Hannah Kinman, Drew KinmanCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • Professional & Business Collections, LLC, v. Hannah Kinman, Drew KinmanCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • Professional & Business Collections, LLC, v. Hannah Kinman, Drew KinmanCC - Civil Collection document preview


STATE OF INDIANA IN THE DUBOIS SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF DUBOIS SS: Professional & Business Collections,LLC, as agent for collection for Deaconess Hospital, Inc. Plaintiff, V. CAUSE NO. l9D0t-2401-CC-000079 Hannah Fay Kinman and Drew Roberts Kinman Defendants, JUDGMENT Plaintiff, Professional & Business Collections, LLC, as agent for collection for Deaconess Hospital, Inc., by counsel, having filed their Application for Default Judgment and Affidavit of Debt, Non-Military Service and Competency and the Court being duly advised in the premises now finds: 1. Defendants, Hannah Fay Kinman and Drew Roberts Kinman, were duly served with process, which return on service is reflected in the Court's file herein. 2. This Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this case. 3. Defendants, Hannah Fay Kinman and Drew Roberts Kinman, have failed to timely enter an appearance, file a responsive pleading, or otherwise comply with the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure. Having failed to appear or answer, Defendants are, pursuant to Trial Rule 55, hereby defaulted. 4. Defendants are not known to be an infant or incompetent or in the military service of the United States. 5. Plaintiff is entitled to the relief prayed for in the Complaint and the Application for Default Judgment should be granted. 6. Plaintiff, Professional & Business Collections,LLC, as agent for collection for Deaconess Hospital, Inc., is entitled to judgment in the principal amount of $3129.40, joint and several, joint and several, plus costs, plus against Defendant, Hannah Fay Kinman, individually, plus attorney's fees in the amount of $800.00. IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED thAt Plaintiff, Professional & Business Collections, LLC, as agent for collection for Deaconess Hospital, Inc., have judgment against and recover from Defendants, Hannah Fay Kinman and Drew Roberts Kinman, jointly and severally, in the amount of $3129.40, joint and several, plus costs, plus against Defendant, Hannah Fay Kinman, individually, attomey's fees in the amount of $800.00. DATE: HON. JUDGE, DUBOIS SUPERIOR COURT I hereby certifu that the foregoing or attached Court Record or document complies with the requirements of the Indiana Rules on Access to Court Records. Andrew D. Wurdem an, #37 833 -82 Distribution to: Andrew D. Wurdeman, #37 833-82 KAHN, DEES, DONOVAN & KAHN, LLP 501 Main Street, Suite 100 Post Office Box3646 Evansville, Indiana 47 7 3 5 -3 646 Telephone: (812) 452-47 59 Telecopier: (8 12) 452-4722 Hannah Fay Kinman 1527 W.5th Ave. Jasper IN 47546-9774 Drew Roberts Kinman 1527 W.5th Ave. Jasper IN 47546-9774