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  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview
  • Darnell Hill v. Labyrinth Funding, Llc, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company F/K/A METROPOLITAN INSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANYSpecial Proceedings - Other (Structured Settlement Trf) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 EXHIBIT “C” FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 LABYRINTHFUNDlNGLLC 323 Sunnylsles Blvd.,7th FL .mrgfgrrk‘ 877-877-1490 Sunny Isi es Beach, FL 33160 £31? 561-327-7483 fax I i : I .I :v/ Let us guide you thr ough the maze of selling futur e payments February 26, 2024 Via USPS——9405 5036 9930 0664 0207 71 Darnell Hill 1295 Amsterdam Ave. #40 NewYork, NY 10027 Re: NY Disclosure Statement —- OPT 2 Dear Mr. Hili: The New York Structured Settlement Transfer statute requires that Labyrinth Funding LLC (“Labyrinth") send you a copy of the enclosed Disclosure Statement not less than 10 days before you sign any agreement to receive a lump sum for transferring all or any portion of your future structured settlement payment rights. You should carefully read them before signing. Labyrinth strongly advises that you obtain independent advice from a professional, such as an attorney or financial planner about the legal, tax and financial implications of this transaction. If you have any questions, you shcuid call your sales representative. LABYRINTH FUNDINGLLC Dlsclosure Statement NY FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 Structured Settlement Transfer DISCLOSURESTATEMENT- NYSTATE Person Receiving Payments: Darnell Hill New York All Calculations as of: February 26, 2024 1. DESCRIPTIONOF PAYMENTS TO BE TRANSFERRED You will be transferring (Le. selling) the following structured settlement payments: 156 monthly payments of $1 ,497.48, with a 3%COLAea 2/8, from 2/8/30-1/8/43 (referred to as the “Assigned Payments”). 2. PURCHASE PRICE In exchange for the Assigned Payments, you will receive a Purchase Price of: _ $86,000.00 3. AMOUNT AGGREGATE PAYMENTS OFTHE TRANSFERRED Adding all the Assigned Payments together totals: $280,647.96 , 4. CALCULATIONOF CURRENTVALUE OF THE TRANSFERRED STRUCTUREDSETTLEMENT PAYMENTSUNDER FEDERAL STANDARDS FORVALUINGANNUITIES The federal government publishes a discount rate to be used in calculating the present value of annuities for tax purposes. As of February 26, 2024, that rate is: 4.8% Catculated as of February 26, 2024, the current value of the transferred structured settlement payments using the federal standard for valuing annuities is: $154,343.65 Disclosure Statement NY FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 5. PRICE QUOTESFROMANNUITYISSUERS The insurance company now making payments to you, will not provide a quote for the issuance of a new annuity policy that pays the specific periodic payments you are now selling to Labyrinth. Below are companies with comparable ratings. They each publish rates at which they will sell long term annuities. Using the published rates for annuities issued by those two issuers, as of this date, the cost to buy an annuity that would payout in the same amounts and on the same schedule as the Assigned Payments wouid be $137,681.041 $138,838.542 6. GROSSADVANCEAMOUNT ANDTHEANNUALDISCOUNTRATE The gross advance amount to be paid to you for the Assigned Payments is: $86,000.00 As of February 26, 2024, this gross advance amount (equal to the Purchase Price in the agreement) has been calculated by discounting the Assigned Payments at the following annual rate, compounded monthly: 9.79% g 7. FROMYOURGROSSPURCHASE FEES TO BE DEDUCTED PRICE Legal Fees $0.00 Broker Commission $0.00 All other Fees and Charges“ $0.00 - $300.00 MrFees up to the amount of $300.00 may be charged to me if Labyrinth has to obtain documents that I should have in my possession (i.e. Release and Settlement, Annuity Contract, etc.). ' issuer: Sentinel Security Life, Guaranteed Interest Rate: 5.75% 2 Issuer: Atlantic Coast Life, Guaranteed Interest Rate: 5.68% Dlsclosure Statement NY FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 Additionally, the Purchase Agreement, which will be sent to you no less than ten (10) days after this Disclosure Statement provides that you may have to satisfy any judgments or liens filed against you. Prior to closing, Labyrinth will identify any such claim and the amounts (if any) that will be deducted from the purchase price to satisfy your obligations. 8. DUETO YOUAFTERALL DEDUCTIONSFROMTHE NETAMOUNT PURCHASE PRICE The net cash payment you receive in this transaction from the buyer was determined by applying the specified discount rate to the amount of future payments received by the buyer, less the total amount of commissions, fees, costs, expenses and charges payable by you. $86,000.00 9. PENALTIES ANDDAMAGES The amount of any penalties or liquidated damages payable by you in the event of any breach of the transfer agreement is: NONE 10. RIGHT TOCANCEL You will have the right to cancel the transfer agreement, without penalty or further obligation, not later than the third business day after the date you sign the transfer agreement. 11. LEGAL, FINANCIAL ANDTAX ADVICE It is strongly recommended that you consult with an attorney, financial advisor or tax advisor regarding any federal and state income tax consequences arising from your pending transfer of structured settlement payments. <32 [Q DARNELLHILL MA Disclosure Statement NY FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 . LABYRINTHFUNDINGLLC 323 Sunnylsles Blvd.,7lh FL .- 8776774490 Sunny Isl es Beach, FL 33160 ' » 561-327—7483 fax {55.1% Let us guide you thr ough the maze of sel i ing futur e payments February 26, 2024 VIA USPS- 9405 5036 9930 0664 0207 71 Darnell Hill 1295 Amsterdam Ave. #40 NewYork, NY 10027 Re: Delaware Disclosure Statement —OPT2 Dear Mr. Hill: The Delaware Structured Settlement Transfer statute requires that Labyrinth Funding LLC (“Labyrinth") send you a copy of the enclosed Disclosure Statement not less than ten (10) days before you sign any agreement to receive a lump sum for transferring alt or any settlement payment rights. You should read portion of your future structured carefully them before signing. advice from a professional, such Labyrinth strongly advises that you obtain independent as an attorney or financial planner about the iegal, tax and financial implications of this transaction. if you have any questions. you should call your sales representative. LABYRINTH FUNDINGLLC FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 DELAWAREDISCLOSURESTATEMENT ' NAME: Darnell Hill Residence State: NY , All Calculations as of: February 26, 2024 1. PAYMENTS DESCRIPTIONOF TRANSFERRED I am transferring the following structured settlement payments: 156 monthly payments of $1 ,497.48, with a 3%COLAea 2/8, from 2/8/30- 1/8/43 The aggregate total of these payments is $280,647.96. 2. GROSSADVANCEAMOUNT In exchange for these payments, I will receive a gross amount of $86,000.00. Funding will not occur until all conditions required under the transfer agreement have occurred. 3. TRANSFEREXPENSES fees and expenses will be deducted ' Iunderstand that the following from the Gross Advance Amount payable to me or my account: Le-al Fees best estimate $0.00 $0.00 All other fees and Charo es** $0.00 - $300.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 “Fees up to the amount of $300.00 may be charged to meif Labyrinth has to obtain documents that I should have in my possession (Le. Release and Settlement, Annuity Contract, etc.). 4. NETADVANCEAMOUNT I understand that the Gross Advance Amount, as described above, shall be reduced by the Transfer Expenses described above resulting in the Net Advance Amount below: Net Advance Amount $86,000.00 Disclosure Statement DE FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 I understand that I will receive this Net Advance Amount, less (a) any advances made to me or on my behalf by Labyrinth; and (b) any amounts necessary to satisfy any outstanding liens, judgments, and credit-based obligations, pursuant to the terms of the transfer agreement. 5. QUOTlENT The net amount that you receive exchange for your wiil from us in future structured settlement payment(s) represents 55.72% of the estimated current value of the payments based upon the discounted value using the applicable federal rate. 6. DISCOUNTEDPRESENTVALUE This provides the calculation of the estimated current value of the transferred structured settlement payments under federal standards for valuing annuities. The Federal Rate that is used to make this calculation is provided below in addition to the Discounted Present Value. Federal Rate used to calculate the Discount Present Value Discount Present Value _ $154,343.65 7. PENALTYIN THE EVENTOF BREACHOF CONTRACT The amount of any penalty or liquidated damages, inclusive of penalties, payable by me in the event | breach the transfer agreement is $0. 8. You will not incur any obligation under a transfer agreement until the tenth (10th) day after you receive this disclosure statement. Disclosure Statement DE FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/14/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 154456/2024 3/8/24, AM 10:07 -® USPSTracking® Results NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/14/2024 ® USPSTracking FAQs ) . Remove X Tracking Number: Copy Add to Informed Delivery ( Latest Update Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 5:56 pm on February 28, 2024 in NEWYORK, NY 10027. Get More Out of USPSTracking: USPSTracking Plus® _n - s Delivered 8 Delivered, ln/At Mailbox g NEWYORK, NY 10027 February 28, 2024, 5:56 pm See All Tracking History What Do USPSTracking Statuses Mean? 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