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  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Garvall Harrison Booker Jr. v. 628 East 9 Street Housing Fund Development CorporationCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF CivilDOC. CourtNO. 7 City of New York 18 of the RECEIVED NYSCEF: Nurrber: 04/03/2024 05/09/2024 LT-301832-24/NY Index Counq of New York llr lilt llt illt ilt il tt ililt tLilltltilLilI lil Garvall Harrison Booke ,Jr Landlord/Tenant Answer in Writing Petit ioner (s ) - against - and Verification .Tohn B Arnold,' Stacey Eskelin AKA Stacey Keith; ,' Jolm l'Doe". u.raneu uDoe" Respondent (s ) WRII''I'EN ANSWEIT l, John B Arnold, am the Respondent in this proceeding. As my answer to the allegation(s) made in the Petition, I offer the following: L X General Denial (t deny the allegations in the complaint) c-- 2 >UB E\-.\C.L-C.):\t 5-> J. Counterc lainr: S d)O Reason: \J g u,\ \\ \l-( Krsow fIE- CF-\ \\._e- t-\DFC Co - op 'EoAqg I)atc: 0.1/01/202;l Tttts, \rt- w-sALAs(€D -16 S [b\^ L\ Ddco,r4=\, ( ature of li SO qflFr \U(J *-s- 1+AD John B Arnold residing at 628 Easr 9th Srre Apt 3 B. Neu York. NY 10009 Flgrr={ PAID, VERIFICAI'I0N State of New York, County of New York ss: John B Arnold, being duly swom, deposes and says: I am the Respo et.) in this eeding. I have read the Written Answer and know the contents thereolto be true to mv o*,n knorvl gee cept oth Se matters Sta o1.1 infbmation and belief. and as to se matters I believe them to be C S*o obe e this day ol 20 'spondent Signa n Employee an itlc on dent must serve a copy of this answer on the petitioner or petitioner's attomey and file thc oliginal witlr proofofservice Hertz, Cherson & Rosenthal, PC For Coun Use Only, I l8-35 Queens Blvd, 9th Floor lnitial Calendar Date Forest Hills. NY I 1375 Both Sides Notifled: 1 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PM NO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 WRITTEN ANSWER TO INDEX # LT-3OI{I2.24INY lfa holdover tenant is someone who has stayed in their rental unit past the end date on their lease, then legally, we are not holdover tenants. We ar€ tenants who were denied a lease based on retaliatory reasons. Those retaliatory reasons include: a. Heated exchanges over the Plaintiffs refusal to give us a mailbox key (Item #l); b. Our refusal to sign a document perjuring ourselves to the HDFC Coop Board about the illicit payment of rent to the Plaintiff(Item #2)' c. Our growing reluctance to continue deceiving the Coop Board as to the Plaintiffs whereabouts. The Plaintiffmade it clear (in writing and on the phone) that we werc to conceal the fact that he had moved to Ann Artrcr, Michigan, so he wouldn't be in violation of the Coop's rules regarding legal residency. He is, in fact, being sued by the Co-op Board for deceptive practices and for violating the terms and conditions of the Coop (ltem #3). a We are not in violation of any agreement to vacale the spartment since the Plaintiff promised us a two-year lease, obtained permission from the Coop Boad to sublet to us, and then refused to give us that lease based on the retaliatory reasons stated above. We agreed to move into the apartment based on that promise (ltern #4). The Plaintiffdemanded we pay his maintenance fee to the Co-op, even though we weren't legally obligded to do so (ltems #5 and #5a). a COUNTERCLAIMS: The Plaintiff owes us $9000. Per Co-op rules, the first three months ofany subtenancy or potential subtenancy are a rent-free "guest period." The Plaintiff demanded we pay our $1800 a month rent under the table and without the knowledge of the Co-op Board. We paid an additional two months' rent (also illicitly) while the Plaintiff negotiated a sublease with the Coop Board (ltem *t6). We are requesting a review or Traverr Hearing for improper service ofpapers. Legal papers were left on our doorstep and also mailed to uq but only one attempt was made to see if we were home. o The conditions ofthe apartnent as it was prcsented to us by the Plaintiffwere objectively filthy and verminous (ltern #7). Additionally, the Plaintiffhid the fact that the cremated rtmains of his mother and brother werc stored in the hall closet (Items #E and #8a). . The Plaintiff is unfairly rushing us through our legal process becaur he is also being sued by the Coop Board and is at risk of losing his shares in the building. 2 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 2113124,11:57 PM Yahoo Mail - contrition contrition From Buddy Booker ( To:; Dat€: Monday, October 30, 2023 at 07:53 PM EDT John suggested that communications for now should be by email. (Othenrvise, I would have picked up the phone, Stacey. ) First, Stacey - I wanna apologize br where we went last night It was honible. I am truly sorry And all I can do is offer an explanation as to why I went there. We hired a lawyer who helped us with the co-op board. The co-op lawyer was the one who told me that I should not give you a mailbox key, as well as other informatlon that's not quite applicable. So, when I cont€cted a tenant-landlord lawyer today, he told me you ac'tually had a right to tte key to the mailbox. I apologize. Again, I was laboring under misinformation. l've never been a landlord; I am a guy dealing with tenants who need one thing and a coop board who is demanding another thing. I am a God-fearing man and I seek to do the right thing each and every moment of the day. That misinformation was devastating for our relationship because it bred misfust. Now that I know you were entifled to the mailbox key, I have absolutety no problem providing you with that mailbox key. With my hat in hand, I seek to heal. lncidentally, the kind of wo* that John is doing is the kind I did for years to create the ability to own my apartment. I have worked many jobs for many hours most of my life. and l'm still faced with working every single day even at this age. So I am admittedly reflexive when it comes to keeping what I've worked for so hard, by mysolf, to create. I am having a hard time affording the basic needs of my life right no'/v, so I'm doing each and everything I can to make sure that in what time I have left on the planet, I do the best I can to provide for my daughter and myself. My daughter went to the cardiologisl today- Let's leave it at that- Things are strained and lense. For me as well. I feel that we need to have a heart-filled conversation in a way that restores trust and assurance for all of us in terms of outlining a stable living situation. Please accept my apology, pick up the phone, and talk to me when you can, John. Thank you for your consideration. Sracey, I hope you can forgive me for rhe upset tast night ( \Oe_ tr \ L;ED /\ ss s-1 \(--E oT- Buddy Tt-*qr'.t^\\-iA1\ o\J 9 H.:,.,.. L y -r \€/rc. n+re-<) Jqrs \s zs,rfrl 1 A,c(E\rl€.D AFTET\ A 2obr\ CAL\_ r\r \-\\{ €y\rhv Nul Arwg 1-\ t5 Sl"t.rtrasD w NE(Etr.\ t{cirre r:r \loApb E^C\\A\s€D AOou -t Arb AEruvrL To sr{e \^e /Y tv\J\\u8Or( KE Y Aso H\S r TF\q(Af S -1o E\ r<-\ eS 3 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 528E9STREET,HDFC ;'t-r- 1'-'- CONFIRMATION OF UNDERSTANDING Ztetn4z Underthe corporation's proprietary lease, by-laws, and subletting policy, the SHAREHOLDER affirms that they will not receive payments from the sublessee before, during, or after the duration of the sublet of apartment _, including: r KEY MONEY . EXTRA PAYMENT OF RENT r EXTRA PAYMENTS OF FEES BY THE SUBLESSEE TO THE SHAREHOLDER OR THIRD PARTY Shareholder's name: Shareholder's signature: Date: Under the corporation's proprietary lease, by-laws, and subletting policy, the SUBLESSEE affirms that they will not make payments to the subletter before, during, or after the duration of the sublet of apartment _, including: o KEY MONEY o EXTRAPAYMENTOF RENT o EXTRA PAYMENTS OF FEES BY THE SUBTESSEE TO THE SHAREHOLDER OR THIRD PARTY Sublessee's name: Sublessee's signature: Date: COOPERATIVE DOCUMENTS Subtenant understands that the Apartment is part ofthe 628 E 9 Street, HDFC corporation, and that this Sublease shall be subject and subordinate to: (i) the Proprietary Lease for the Apartment between the corporation and owner. (ii) the Rules and Regulations ofthe Apartment Corporation (which are sometimes called House Rules); and (iii) the By-Laws of the Corporation and all amendments thereto, including any amendments subsequent to the date hereof, are collectively called the "Cooperative Documents". ln the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Sublease and the Cooperative Documents, the provisions of the Cooperative Documents shall govern and be binding. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS TO APARTMENT subtenant cannot build in, add to, change or alter, the Apartment in any way, including, but not limited to, installing, changing or altering any paneling, wallpaper, flooring, "built in" decorations, partitions, railings, paint, carpeting, plumbing, ventilating, air conditioning, electric or heating systems, without first obtaining the prior written consent of Owner which may be withheld in Owner's sole discretion (and, if consent to do so is required under the Proprietary Lease, the Corporation. lf Owner's consent (and the Apartment Corporation, if applicable) is given, the alterations and installations shall become the property of Owner when completed and paid for by Subtenant. They shall remain with and as part of the Apartment at the end of this Sublease Term. TH\5 ls-r\-\E D o c-{ ,,hLNrT t A <. 6o o KAr\ \ \ r..-:-\ E D rJb -rC, 5 \(>s--r -Ttqf\-r- \ro\J L-C) /-1AuE. Ar^\or-l \\}TED -\b PeoGAY. ui'\ Re€osnL l-(> 3tbtsr t-i L_aD 623E 9nSTREEL NEWYORK, Nyt(xrog l$"\ t\r\eD lh-iLr-rr Tc) H / tb -ALF.TSA U -TC] G\t.lE \rb \ 4 of 11LEASE. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] 2,14121.2.Og l$l - Yahoo Mail R€: H6llo flore Stacsy! NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 Re: Hello there Staceyl From: Shoshke- Rryzl Yuni ( To: Date: Monday, July 3, mB at 12:23 AM EDT trern#3 ofcourse I meant ianyone else" from the building / coop. xo On Sun, Jul 2,2023 al ll:59 PM Shoshke.Rafzl Yuni wrote: olad you checked. Definitely do NOT let Rachid or Ai{YONE else inside the apartment. Buddy had discussed this with John but I apologize as I should have closed this loop directly with you. I'd say if you haven't met him somehow within a few days, maybe give him a call and ask if you can meet him in the hall or something. Perhaps he can meet you on the main floor inside the front door so that he can personally show you how the garbage and everything works. I know you will charm him and everyone else. Shosh on Sun, Jul 2,2023 at'11:43PM Stacey K€ith wrote: So, her€'s a question. I know you and Buddy were certain that inviting Rashid down would be politic---and John has met him informally around the building. He se€ms like a nice man. But the apartment looks so radically difierent now without Buddy's gorgeous bass guitars and spoakers, etc., we're hesitant to let ANYONE into the apadment. Theyll know right away that Buddy isnl here. What are your thoughts? Sent from Yahoo N4ail for iPhone On Saturday, July 1,2O23,7:45 PM, Shoshke'Rayzl Yuni wrote Hi Stacey, Nice to hear from you. So glad you're happy! Aclually, th6 air quality here was worse than NYC all week, but itiust rained a little, so ifs a bit better now. Don't hesitate to l€t me know if you have any questions about the apartment or the building. Hugs, Shosh On Sat, Jul 1 , 2023, 5:42 PM Stacey Keith wroto: Hey, Shosh! Southwest slill has one of my bags, but I'm just happy to be here. The stre€t is lovely lhis tim6 of year (lots of birds) and there are a pair of worfiless kitties on the window ledge across the way. We are in love with the East Village, annoying white Millennials and their cluelessness notwithstanding, and it goes withoul saying that b€ing together is manna from heaven. aboutblank 5 of 11 1n FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 2113124,8:5O PM Yahoo Mail - prelim subleas€ details Forwarded message --------- From: Theresa Racht, Esq. , Bb NSKED \r"= -T o DA y ArS i* sscoopFeeNesotiationAnatysis.xlsx | f\t;:TASsE-N\ C-G- FgU AS-rD 1 126k8 \)-r-rrG_ \Cr \\t_L\/ *I pR(r-.(a11Nb tr\E (-C) ^ o 7 G6AqD Nl T \\q_ 5firr,rE_ -r- t\^ -E 7 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 Rent S Coop Fee NEt tO BB a 2,429 30% 1,700 NG (") 2,57L 30% 1,800 aBreed 2,857 30% 2,000 asked 2,125 20Yo 1,700 NG (+) 2,250 20% 1,800 agreed 2,500 20% 2,000 asked 1,889 TOYo 1,700 NG (*) 2,000 TOYo 1,800 agreed 2,222 looA 2,000 asked (*) NG = No Good for Buddy. He cannot make ends meet at this amount. 8 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 *G - .l l !,r,'r BUDDY BOOKFR INC - i180000 :,, BTJOOY BOOKER INC 31800.0o BTJOOY EOOKER INC 13a2.48 x'u b .{'il DAVID RICHARDS + 31500.00 { rj .' ! , . r BUDDY BOOKER INC - t180000 BUOOY BC'OKER INC - tloooo rri' 'r'irr.rrr'. rIl, '':.1 rNc 31a00.oo -rrr: . -rfl BIJDDY BOOKEII INC - 31800.00 9 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 214124,12:07 AM Yahoo Mall - Re:A few questions If there frw-4/ are more areas of misc. stuff, please send me broad pix like this, Stacy, and we will gladly orchestrate global answers ASAP like this. Cool? Again, Buddy is very apologetic that he couldn't get ever,'thing, but he did his bcst and we did our best as I was unable to be there. As you know, the Board craziness, the lawyer, and speaking to every individual person in the entire building to try to get support took a tremendous amount of Buddy's time. Thank you for your kind understanding. In general, any linens, towels, we do not want -- so if you don't u'ant any of them it's OK to toss. At least two of the blue sheets sets are almost brand new - so if you someday decide you don't want those and if you think of it, we can take one of those sets -- but don't worry about it. Important to know -- the very top shelf(only) ofthe closet between the bathroom and the apartment door is offlimits and will be cleared when we come. Please do not touch or move these items until we come. The other shelf and the rest of the closet is empty. This closet includes an empty set of small plastic drawers, but if you don't want to use them at any point, it's OK to toss those. I found them useful and you don't see the plastic because it's hidden in the closet, small enough to fit in there. Up to you. We're trying to make sure you guys have as much leeway as possible -- but it is a furnished apartment. And in a month's time, we will make more space available to you. So we appreciate your please working with us to make due because we're trying to make the long game together (sports reference per Buddy LOL -- I can only surmise WTF a "long game" is I would say - "big picture" or "in the long run" LOL...). Meanwhile -- Does this help? Dloo€ -T|{61 E-C;-eP-TrotJ \\rAS \rs€\--r -\-O kiJi; <-o\\-c--€AL t'tr\E_ Fncx -THA\\ Hut+A\) cr(€\^A\Nb \-,8({v_ 3\arhED bun. l\AU\._ \\) CUOSE\ On Thu, Jun 15,2023 at 6:42 P M Stacey Keith wrote: Hey, Shosh. I hope your concert went well and that Buddy is settling in. He's been through a LOT. You both have. So, John went through his own hell on the subway to get to the EV while toting four suitcases, but he finally made it. We are both so grateful to you guys for trusting us with the apartment, and we want to make it the nicest it can be. John w€nt into this knowing there was work to do, and he is fully prepared to do it, which is why we are concemed about the prohibition on throwing things away. We need to to be able to exercise our good common sense and discretion if we are to make the place habitable. As is, John will have to sleep back at the studio until he can get thimgs under control. lf you and Buddy would prefer, we can put eveMhing in boxes for you to take with you next month. Then you can sort through them yourselves. Even if we were to Zoom conference this, it would take hours and hours to parse through everything. Again, if you don'twant us deciding what stays and what goes, we sre happy to box everything. As is, the painter won't be able to access the walls. Regarding the rent, did we settle on Zelle? lf so, can you confirm Buddy's email? Also, are we making this the first day of rent or do you want us to pay for fifteen days of rent so the first of the month is the first day of rent? 10 of 11 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL COURT CLERK-05/09/2024 L&T 04/03/2024 PM INDEX 12:4703:25 PMNO.INDEX LT-301832-24/NY NO. 652327/2024 [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 18 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/09/2024 04/03/2024 2114124, 12:00 AM Yahoo Mail - my family's remains my family's remains From: Buddy Booker ( To:; _Tr"n Dat€: Tuesday, November 14,2023 at 08:17 PM EST John and Stacey, I need to make anangements for the remains of my mother and brother. Their ashes are with my things which are stashed on that top shelf of the front closet. l'm so sorry to intrude, but l'm afraid I need to make arrangements to stop by for just a moment, solely to retrieve these things. Please let me know which of the following times would work for you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. This Thursday, Friday or Saturday (Nov 16, 17 o|18) in the aftemoon or evening? What time please? Thank you. Again, I'm sorry to bother you. B K \\A- (5oo<--c\'s \Dxlrss \o\) -(Hx-r T.\\g crotrF t_\N\r\b,r \\zo,r5 \N) ql\J\ k\ALL_, Cu o S e.-\ \\-rE r\E- !\ t S I=A\u \\-\ rs CAE. \^N\ N S 11 of 11