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  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Sanjay SeepersaudOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/08/2024 06:19 PM INDEX NO. 154266/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/08/2024 ®^"ª^'sª""s^"° ® amaZ0RCOm AccountNumberendingin 8267 "U nchron Payment Information NewBalance: $4,401.16 Paymentsmustbereceived by5pmETon AmountPastDue: $960.00 07/13/2021 if mailed, or by 11:59pm ETon TotalMinimumPaymentDue: $1,135.00 07/13/2021 foronlineandphonepayments. OverlimitAmount: $1,101.16 orCall PaymentDueDate: 07/13/2021 1-866-771-1104. Warning:Ifwedonotreceive LatePayment yourTotalMinimum Payment DueDatelistedabove.youmayhaveto payalatefee DuebythePayment upto$38.00. MinimumPayment Warning:11youmakeonlytheminimum payment each period,youwillpaymoreininterestanditwilltakeyoulongerto payoff yourbalance.Forexample: Ifyoumakeno Youwillpayoff Andyouwillend additional charges thebalance uppayingan usingthiscard shownonthis estimatedtotal andeachmonth statementin of... youpay.... about... Onlytheminimum 13years $9,766.00 payment about creditcounselingservicescall Ifyouwouldlikeinformation 1-877-302-8775. Account Summary PreviousBalance asof05/22/2021 $4,270.76 CreditLimit $3,300 FeesCharged + 38.00 Available Credit $0 InterestCharges + 92.40 Rewards Summary NewBalance asof06/20/2021 $4,401.16 RewardsEarnedYTD $0.00 30 DayBillingCycleIrom05/22/2021 to06/20/2021 SeeRewardsDetail Rewards Detail RewardsEarnedYTD $0.00 AmazonPrimeCardholderscanearn5%Backon PreviousRewardsBalance $0.00 eligibleAmazon.compurchases,andalsoearn + 5%RewardsEarned $0.00 BonusRewardsby purchasingselectitemsat + BonusRewardsEarned $0.00 - RewardsRedeemed $0.00 +/- Adjustments $0.00 Visitamazon.comor = CurrentRewardsBalance $0.00 to redeemavailablerewards.Formoredetailsaboutthe 5%Backprogram, Account Balance Summary Expired se P e ous n st Pro ion Sta ment Balance Type O erC its F s &O rs Regular - $4,270.76 - $38.00 $92.40 - $4,401.16 Total $4,270.76 - $38.00 $92.40 - $4,401.16 Ifyouhavepromotional additional balances, promotional detailscanbefoundbelowinthePromotional PurchaseSummary. * Expired promotional willdisplayinboththepromotional balances andregularpurchases rowduringthemonthof balance expiration. Transaction Detail Date Reference # Description Amount TotalFeesCharged ThisPeriod $38.00 06/13 LATEFEE $38.00 TotalinterestCharqed ThisPeriod $92.40 06/20 INTEREST ONPURCHASES CHARGE $92.40 2021Year-to-Date Feesandinterest TotalFeesCharged $377.67 TotalInterest Charged $509.75 TotalInterest Paid $0.00 5484 GFJ 1 7 18 210620 EXPAGE 1 of 3 9342 1100 APS6olNX54 84 Useblueorblackink, AccountNumber 8267 detach&mailwithyour NewBalance $4,401.16 check- TotalMinimumPayment Due $1,135.00 Payment DueDate 07/13/2021 Amount Amount Overlimit Enclosed V PastDue Amount $960.00 $1,101.16 Noothercorrespondence please. Printnewaddress onback. oremailchanges SANJAYSEEPERSAUD APT3A 766SAINTNICHOLAS AVE MakeSYNCHRONY BANK/AMAZON NEWYORKNY10031-4006 PaymentPOBOX960013 to: ORLANDO, FL32896-0013 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/08/2024 06:19 PM INDEX NO. 154266/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/08/2024 Customer Service: Foraccount iniärmation, caRthe number onthehontofstssstatement ForHearing orSpeech disabiRdes,use aTRS.Unless rname islistedonthisstatement, youraccess toinformation ontheaccount maybelimited. Youmayalsomailquestions (butnotpaymenis) to:P.O. Box 13,Orlando, FL32896-5013. Please indude youraccount number onanycorrespondence yousend tous. Payments: Send paymenls totheaddmss lis1edontheremit portionofthisstatement orpayordine. Notice:Seebelow foryourBilling Rights andother important information.Tele imabout bilingemyswAnotpreserve yourrights under federallaw.To preserve yournghts, pleasewnle10ourBilling Imuiries Address, RO.Box 6,Orlando, FL3289fr5016. Purchases, retums. andpayments made justprior 10bilingdalemaynota untilnextmonth's slatement When youprovide acheck aspayment, you authorize usethertouseinformation fromyourcheck tomake aone-lime icfundtransfer fromyouraccount ortoprocess thepayment asacheck transaction. When weuseinformation fromyourcheck 10make anelectronic lundIransfer. funds maybewithdrawn fromyouraccount assoonasthesame daywereceive yourpa nt,andyouwignotreceive yourcheck back fromyourfinancial instilution. Youmaychoose notiohaveyourpayment collected electronically by a our (withthepayment stub),inyourownenvelope -nottheenclosed window envelope, addressed 10:P.O. Box 530993, Atlanta, GA303 andnot1he Payment Address. WhatToDoif hu Thinkhu FindAh|istake On1burStatement ifwethinkyouoneanamount point, andyoudonotpaywemayreport you Ifyouthink there isanerror onyourstatement, writetousattheBiling Inquiries asdelimuent. Address ot hforma|ion AboutPayments: )bumayatany timepay,inwholeorinpart, Synchrony Bank, P.O.Box965016, Orlando, FL32896-5016 theto|alunpaid balance without additional charge ibr ent. Inyourtetter, giveusthefollowing information: Payments received after500p.m.( onanydaywAbe itedasofthe . Accomtatsmatorr hurname andacaxmt mrober. nextday.Credit 10yourAccount may delayed uptofivedaysifpayment " Dolbramorst Thedolaramountd1he suspecled error. (a)isnotreceived atthePayment Address, (b)isnotmade inU.S.doHars . Desc!|ionof Problent Ifyouginkthere isanenor anyour bi.desc1ibe whgyoudrawn onaU.S.linancial institution located intheU.S., (c)isnotaccompaned believeiswiong and whyyoubelieve itisamishde. You must conlact uswithin60 by theremitlance coupon attached toyour s latement, (d)conlains more than days alertheemyappeared onyour shdement onepayment orreminance coupon, or(e)includes staples,paper dips,tape, a Youmust usofanypotential errors folded inmit .Youmaycanus,butifyou communications check. oræespondence ofany type. Conditional Paments: AAwritten notify concemidisputed amounts, includingany check orother dowearenotrequired toinvestigate any potenti enous and you may h avel o thatthepa ntconstitutes theamount inquestion. t instrument that ndicates "payment in heweinvestigate whether ornotthere hasbeen anerror, thefollowing are with oristendered asful isfaction ofadspu amount or(ii)s tendered true. other conditions orlimitations("Disputed P mustnemailed or . canmtirybcosed heamount inquesdon, orleportyouasdeEmuent onmat eredb O x96501 shown nparenti orpreceded by . Thecharge inquestion onyour aminus (-) sign isacreditorcredit balance unless olherwise indicated.Credts mayrefrain mernent, andwe congnue b wigbeapplied toyour p reviousbalance immediately upon r eceipt,butw ilnot chargeyou &rest o ntheamount But, Iwedetermine1hat we amislake, thatmaybedue. youwilnothave b paytheamountin quesdon oranyIderest orolher feesrelaled satislyanyrequked payment 10mat amount CreditReports AndAccount In imation;If youbelieve thatwehave . M h p age con s at O Box r 9 505 Indo . Wecanandy your so,please identifytheinaccurate infcrrnation andteluswhyyoubelieve itis anyunpaid amount aganst ciedtimt, !ncorrect Ifyouhavea copyofthecredit report thatindudes theinaccurate yburRights if hu AreDissadsBed Mth)JurCredit Card 'redrases information, please Idudea ofthat r eport We report informadon Ifyouaredssalislied withthegoods orservices thatyouhave purchased with copy may yourcredit card, andyouhave tiiedingood faithtocorrect theproblem with about r account 10credk bureaus. )ments, missed payments, or ne 1,youmayhave therightnottopaytheremaining amount dueon accoun maybe myourcredit report. Tousethisright, allofthelollowing must betrue: Dai Balance Method: Wefigure theinterest balance" charge onyouraccount by 1.Thepurchase must have been tradeinyour home shde orwIlin100miescf 8P theperiodic ratetothe'daily ofyouraccount foreachday rcunent address,andthe purchase pricemust been leve more than m ing cyde. Wethen add thenterest tothe daiybalance. To t the maing balance wetakethebegnnmg bdance ofyour account each hich : Ndmer ofthese arenecessary ifyour purchase wasbased onan Wy indudes unpaid addanynewcharges, andapplicable , and wemaged10you,orilwe own thecompany that sold youthegoodssubtract interest), or any payments orcredits. The gives u sthe dailybalance, Anydaily ) balance oflessthanzerowillbetieated aszero. Ase ratedailybalance wil 1 % inughave used andtcard forme Purdeses trade cashbe calculated for each b alancetype onyour account shown in advances fiomanA orwinacheck thataccesses your andtcard accountdo theInterest Charges sectionofmisstatement isthesumofthe balances notqudn fore ach inthe cyde divided the number ofdaysin the cycle. 3.h must notyethave futypaid lorthepurchase. day billing by ing Ifallofthecriteria above aremetandyouarestildissatisfied withthepurchase, Wewillnotcharge youanyinterest onpurchasesif youpayyour entirebalance contact usin at Synchrony Bank theduedateeachmonth. Please refer10theduedateshown onthefront P.O. Box965016, ndo,FL32896-5016 yourstatement. Whieweinvest!late, thesame rulesapply tothed ledamount asdiscussed )burAccount isowned amiserviced bySynchrony Bard. above. AAer wefinish ourinvestigahon, wewilte youourdecision. Atthat [WF1993452E] - 1-04/21120 01NX5484 Ifyoulilebankruptcy, Nodce: Bankruptcy youmust indu account sendusnotice, number andaninlarmation related totheproceedng tothefollowing address: Attn:Bankruptcy Bank, Synchrony Dept,P.O. Box965065, Orlando,32896-5065. Thsisanattempt adebtandanyinformation tocollect wAbeused obtained forthatpurpose. atelephone 'Byproviding number youconsent onyouraccount, b SynchonyBank andanyother owner orservicer ofyouraccount contactin your youabout account, indudng using anycontact information orcell p hone numbersyou andyouconsent provide, totheuseofanyautomatic d ingsystem telephone and/ oranartilicial orprerecorded when voice you.even contacting ifyouarechargedforthecalunder yourphone plan. Forchanges ofaddress, phonenumberand/or check emal,please theboxandprintthechanges below. Street Address City,State ZIP Phone # Email Phone ‰ome # *Business Phone # # orotherphone *CeH # "EmailAddress wecanusetocontact you " youremail youagree email toreceive communications aboutyouraccount forustoshare andalsogivepermission your Byproviding address, withthenamed emailaddress retailer onthisaccount. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/08/2024 06:19 PM INDEX NO. 154266/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/08/2024 SANJAYSEEPERSAUD a AccountNumberendingin 8267 synchrony g Interest Charge Calculation YourAnnualPercentage Rate(APR)istheannualinterestrateonyouraccount. (v)= Variable Rate Typeof Expiration Annual BalanceSubjectto interest Balance Date Percentage Rate InterestRate Charge Purchases N/A 25.99%(v) $4,325.30 $92.40 Cardholder News and Information Youcanpayyourbilionlineoroverthephone.Wenoticedyou'vebeenenjoyingoureasypaperless payment options,sowewillno longerbeincluding Youcanmakethingseveneasierbyselecting returnenvelopes. thepaperfess statement optiononyouraccount online. NOTICE:We mayconvertyourpayment debit.Seebackofpageonefordetails,BillingRightsandotherimportant intoanelectronic information. 54B4 GFJ 1 7 18 210620 2 of 3 EXPAGE 9342 1100 APS601NX5484 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/08/2024 06:19 PM INDEX NO. 154266/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/08/2024 $484 GFJ 1 7 18 210620 EXPAGE 3 of 3 9342 1100 APS601NX5484