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  • In the District Court of Johnson County                                        
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000020                                                  
 The Honorable Rick A Schreiner, presiding.                                     
 Classification: Habeas Corpus                                                  
 Filed on 04/15/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/15/2024Habeas Corpus document preview
  • In the District Court of Johnson County                                        
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000020                                                  
 The Honorable Rick A Schreiner, presiding.                                     
 Classification: Habeas Corpus                                                  
 Filed on 04/15/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/15/2024Habeas Corpus document preview


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JOHNSON COUNTY NEBRASKA Joseph Mark, > Case No's: CR-19-3203 & CR-19-3723 Applicant ) Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis Applicant, Joseph J. Mark, ‘pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat. 25-2301.01 (Reissue 2016), moves the court allow Applicant to proceed In Forma Pauperis in his application for Writ of Habeas Corpus, and any resulting proceedings pursuant to sbch Writ. In support of this motion, Applicant swears the following affidavit: Joseph J. Mark, first being sworn, states: 1) I am the applicant in the above-entitled action; 2) I desire to file an application for Writ of Habeas Corpus; 3) I bring this action in good faith and believe I am entitled to redress; 4) I am without sufficient funds or property to pay court costs and other costs of litigation; 5) Therefore, I request the court grant my motion and applicatoin to proceed In Forma Pauperis. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Joseph rk, Applicant: In the State of Nebraska, County of Johnson, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged’ befor e on this 10 day of > 2024, by Joseph Mark. Myth. Breuer. Phocefique S: Bredey” Notary Aignature Printed Name Notary Title ) ss. GENERAL NOTARY Nebraska ANGELIQUE§. 5; REWER By. April 19, 2028 eee wee FILED APR 15 2024 KATHLEE NM. NIEVEE CLERK OF Di IST. COURT JOCONE