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  • In the District Court of OTOE County                                           
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000079                                                  
                  Rebecca N Crunk, Change of name                               
 The Honorable Julie D Smith, presiding.                                        
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/04/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/04/2024Name Changes document preview
  • In the District Court of OTOE County                                           
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000079                                                  
                  Rebecca N Crunk, Change of name                               
 The Honorable Julie D Smith, presiding.                                        
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/04/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/04/2024Name Changes document preview
  • In the District Court of OTOE County                                           
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000079                                                  
                  Rebecca N Crunk, Change of name                               
 The Honorable Julie D Smith, presiding.                                        
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/04/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/04/2024Name Changes document preview
  • In the District Court of OTOE County                                           
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000079                                                  
                  Rebecca N Crunk, Change of name                               
 The Honorable Julie D Smith, presiding.                                        
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/04/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/04/2024Name Changes document preview


Nebraska State Court Form DC 6:9.1 Rev. 08/2023 Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-21,271 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ( yvO é COUNTY, NEBRASKA : £. oh.- ey IN RE NAME CHANGE OF: Case No. CDMA (case number assigned by clerk of court) Reoecca Nicole Cronk > (your full name) PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE (Adult) L Rebecca Nicole Cronk > (current first name) (current middle name(s)) (current last name(s)) without the assistance of an attorney, ask this court for a name change. In support of this Petition, I state that the following items are true: 1. Myaddressis ]7/9 2nd Ave (your present street address) oV0€ County, Nebraska. Nebraska Cth (city where you live)’ / > (county where you live) I have been a resident of 2. Cars County, Nebraska (county where you live ) for more than one year prior to the filing of this petition. My date of birth is provided on the Confidential Party Information Form (DC 6:9.4). 4 My current name is: Rebecca Ai cole Cronk (current first name) (current middle name(s)) (current last name(s)) 5. Idesire the court to change my current name of: Rebecca Nicole Crunk (current first name) (current middle name(s)) (current last name(s)) to my preferred new name of: ebecca Wr cole Edmunds (new first name) (new middle name(s)) (new last name(s)) DC 6:9.1 Rev. 08/2023 e 1 o Pe TIONAL 000067266D11 6. Idesire to change my name for the following reasons: To tale..on. my _ Ite perrnes Jerk. name. LT Widh do Share the Sate last. Natt. GS Cov Chilclerr, oe on WHEREFORE, I respectfully request that the court set this matter for hearing, and that upon such hearing, order my current name to be changed from: Rebecca Nicole Cruate (current first name) (current middle name(s)) (current last name(s)) to my preferred new name of: ebtcca WMicoale Edmonds (new first name) (new middle name(s)) (new last name(s)) Signature LZ en Copik Date: 4- Y- ZoZY Printed Name: Rebeces, Crunk Street Address/P.O. Box: / 7/7 Cnc fAue- City/State/ZIP Code: Abb yaska City ME 6 S40 Telephone Number:_402 - Zo 9- ~74o *Email address: (eAmonds 444 Q aps. L Cort * Nebraska Supreme Court Rule § 2-208 requires individuals who are not attorneys and representing themselves to provide their email address. The court will use the email address to send notices from the court about this case except for items that require another type of service as directed by statute or Nebraska Supreme Court Rule. If you no longer have email capability or if your email or other contact information changes, you must complete a Change of Contact Information Form. By checking this box, I am letting the court know that I do not have the ability to receive emails. The reason I cannot receive email is: DC 6:9.1 Rev. 08/2023 Page 2 of 2 Petition for Name Change