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  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview
  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview
  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview
  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview
  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview
  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview
  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview
  • PennyMac Loan Services, LLC v. FormanForeclosure-Other document preview


Filed in Otoe District Court ** EFILED ** Case Number: D11C1240000005 Transaction ID: 0021134773 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OTOE COUNTY, NEBRIAGRAte: 02/07/2024 11:31:42 AM CST PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLC, CASE NO. CI 24-5 Plaintiff, AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING vs. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS THE ESTATE OF RANDY FORMAN; THE HEIRS, LEGATEES, DEVISEES, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF RANDY FORMAN, DECEASED, real names unknown; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, real names and marital status unknown, Defendants. STATE OF NEBRASKA ) )ss. COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) Eric H. Lindquist, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is the attorney for the plaintiff in the above-captioned action; and that on February 2, 2024, he mailed a copy of the Notice to Defendants required in this proceeding, first published in the Nebraska City News Press on February 7, 2024, to the parties named in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, at the addresses set forth in Exhibit “A” underneath the respective names of said parties. AFFIANT FURTHER STATES that each such communication was properly stamped with sufficient postage and deposited at the Post Office or some subdivision of the postal department where mail may properly and legally be deposited for collection and transmission; and that the plaintiff and its attorney, after diligent investigation and inquiry, were unable to ascertain and do not know the post-office address of any other party appearing to have a direct legal interest in the above-captioned action or proceeding, other than those to whom notice has been mailed in writing. JAS. he to. ic H, Lindquist, 4 Le Y, Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C. 8712 West Dodge Road, #260 Omaha, NE 68114 Tele: (402) 829-0400 Attorney for Plaintiff fro Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this _f 7 day of February. 2024, by EricH. Lindquist. GENERAL NOTARY » Stato of Nebraska JENNIFER A, STANDER Not: 1 My Comm. Exp, August 28, 2026 My Commission Expires JAS EXHIBIT “A” Estate of Randy Forman 764 6" Street Syracuse, NE 68446 John Dog, real name unknown 764 6" Street Syracuse, NE 68446 Jane Doe, real name unknown 764 6" Street Syracuse, NE 68446 JAS THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Otoe TO ALL CONCERNED: Please take note of the following copy of Notice to Defendants which was published in the Nebraska City News Press, a legal newspaper of said County and State on February 2, 2024: NOTICETO DEFENDANTS TO: Defendants, the Estalo of Randy Forman, the Holrs, Legatoes,-Devl- soos, Personal Representallves, and Ali Other Persons Interested In the Esfata of Randy Forman, Daceased, real names unknown, John Ooe and Jane Doe, real names and marital status unknown, 'Notiog Is hereby elven that on January 11, 2024, PennyMac Loan Services, LLG, a8 tho plaintif, Tlec its Complaint In the District Court of Oloe Coun ly, Nebraska, Case No, Cl 24-6, agalnel cofondants tho Estalo of Randy Forman, ha Heirs, Legalees, Qovisaos, Personal Feprasentativea, and All ‘Other Persons Interosted In the state of Rendy Forman, Deceased, real names unknown, Jchn Doe and Jana Dos, real names and marital siatus unknown, the object and prayer af which Is to foreclose a certain deed of trust, 07 the teal estate described as: Lots Ning (2) and Ten (10), In Block Six (6), Gtey's First Additionto tha Clty of Syracuse, Otos County, Nebraska (sometimes referred as Gray's Addition to Syracuse), which was executed on December 30, 2022, by Randy Forman, @ single ‘man executed and dellvered fo Sherl A. Burkholder, as Trustee, for the bon- ‘alll of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, ino., as Bonetielary, as nominga for Liberty First Credit Union, its sucssssora and assigns, Banetl- ‘lary, and which was duly recorded in the O'fies of the Register of Feeds ot ‘Oloo County, Nebraska, on January 8, 2023, ag Inswument No, 202900027, Such deed of vust was given to secure the payment of-e certain hele in rwaling dated Decomber 99, 2022. ‘The plaintif alleges in Rs Complaint that there Is now due the plaintifoF said note the principal sum of $82,714.88, lagather with intarest thereon ‘rom July 1, 2023 at the ralo of 6.0% per annua.The pleintift is the owner of tha benalltal interest under such deed of trust, and Is tha, holder of the Indebjedness secured theroby. ap ‘The plaintit prays that in detault of payment by the defendants of the arfiount due the plaintif as aforesaid, euch morigagoe promises be decrand io be sold eecording to law to salty tha sums found cue the plain, with interest ‘and costs of sull, and that such defendants be forever barred and foreclosed of all righ, tle, Han, equity of redemption or ather interest in, to and upen euch mortgaged premises. ‘You are required to enswer such Complaint on or before the 15th day of Maren, 2024, PENNYMAG LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plain, By ERIC H. LINDQUIST, RC, LL.O, 712 WEST DODGE ROAD, #260 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 621 14 ‘TELEPHONE (402) 628-0400 its Attornoy alindquist@etindquistiawicom . Published in tho Nabraska City News Press on Friday, February 2, 2024; Foomuary 9; 2024 and February 16, 2024. Fund ZNEZ, Date: February 7, 2024 Eric H. Lindquist Attorney for Plaintiff Certificate of Service | hereby certify thaton Wednesday, February 07, 2024 | provided a true and correct copy of the Affidavit-Mailing to the following: Forman,Heirs of Estate of Randy, service method: First Class Mail Doe,] ohn, service method: First Class Mail Forman,E state of Randy, service method: First Class Mail Doe,] ane, service method: First Class Mail PennyMac Loan Services, LLC represented by Eric Lindquist (Bar Number: 18112) service method: Electronic Service to elindquist@ Signature: /s/ CASARES, SHELLY M (Bar Number: 27443)