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  • Tekeste Bekele v. Husain MuedhCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Tekeste Bekele v. Husain MuedhCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Tekeste Bekele v. Husain MuedhCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Tekeste Bekele v. Husain MuedhCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 03/27/2024 01:29 PM INDEX NO. 804490/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/27/2024 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF ERIE TEKESTE BEKELE Plaintiff. SUMMONS v. Index No.: HUSAIN MUEDH Defendant, To the above named Defendant YOU ARE IIEREBY SUMMONED AND REQ UIRED, to respond to the claim for the relief sought by the PlaintitT either a written Demand for a Complaint or by a written Notice of Appearance on the PlaintifTs Attorney, at the address stated below If this Summons and Notice is served upon you within the State of New York by personal service you must respond within (20) days after not Twenty service, including the day of service. If this Summons and Notice is not to you personally delivered within the State of New York, you must respond within Thirty (30) days after service is completed. as provided by law. If you do not respond to the attached Summons and Notice within the applicable time limitation stated. a Judgment will be entered against for you, by default, the relief demanded, without further notice to you This action is to be held in the of Erie based on the residence of Cotmty the plaintiff and location of cause of action DATED: Buffalo, New York March 20, 2024 LAW OFFICE OF TIJE R A.-9UNCAN eArthur A Dun Attorneyfor Plaintiff Tekeste Bekele 484 Delaware Ave Buffalo. New York 14203 Telephone (716) 348-0992 1 of 2 FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 03/27/2024 01:29 PM INDEX NO. 804490/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/27/2024 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF ERIE TEKESTE BEKELE Plaintiff, NOTICE OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY .IUDGMENT IN LIEU OF COMPLAINT v. Index No.: HUSAIN MUEDH Defendant. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, upon the af rmation dated March 20, Plaintiff will move 2024, this court on or as soon thereafter as the parties be may heard, for and Order pursuant to NY CPLR 3213 1 Granting Plaintiff Judgement Summary a Find Defendants in breach of contract, and b. Pay 10,000 in Actual Damages c Compensatory and Punitive Damages d Attorney's fee and costs associated with the action, and e. For other such relief as the Court deems just and proper PLEASE TAKE FURTIlER NOTICE, that pursuant to NY CPLR 2214(b), papers answering and notice of cross-motion with papers, if any, must be served upon the supporting undersigned at least seven (7) days prior to the return date of this motion. DATED: March 20, 2024 Buffalo. New York TheArthur. , . . Attorney )by IUw nff 484 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, New York 14202 (716) 348-0992 2 of 2