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  • Projjal Dutta v. Lisa Silversmith a/k/a Lisa Fiekowsky, The City Of New YorkOther Real Property - Unsafe Buildings document preview
  • Projjal Dutta v. Lisa Silversmith a/k/a Lisa Fiekowsky, The City Of New YorkOther Real Property - Unsafe Buildings document preview
  • Projjal Dutta v. Lisa Silversmith a/k/a Lisa Fiekowsky, The City Of New YorkOther Real Property - Unsafe Buildings document preview
  • Projjal Dutta v. Lisa Silversmith a/k/a Lisa Fiekowsky, The City Of New YorkOther Real Property - Unsafe Buildings document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/01/2023 02:47 PM INDEX NO. 158574/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/01/2023 EXHIBIT B FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/01/2023 02:47 PM INDEX NO. 158574/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/01/2023 EMERGENCY DECLARATION When signed by the Borough Commissioner, this document confirms the declaration of an condition pursuant to Section 28-215.1 of the NYC Administrative Code. I Emergency Immediate Emergency Declaration Emergency Declaration Premises Information BIdg No.: 451 Street Name: Convent Avenue Borough: MN BIN: 1061556 Block: 2064 Lot: 49 C.B. No.: 109 Const. Class: III No. Stories: 4 + C Occupancy Class: Multiple Dwelling Occupied Unoccupied ) Vacated: 04/06/2022 Owner Information Name: Lisa Fiekowsky BIdg. No.: 41 Street Name: Eastern Parkway, Apt 10B City: Brooklyn State: NY Zip: 11238 Condition of Structure and Recommended Remedy CONDITION: Landmark, semidetached, 4 story + cellar, wood joists with masonry walls and party wall at Exp 2. Partial floor collapses at 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors near the front of the building. Roof partially at open along Exposure 1 and at 1/4 corner. Roof deteriorated severely and partially open at 4ft by 4 ft section along Exp 4. Exp cornice severely 1 metal corroded and inadequately detached to structure. Floors at risk of further collapse. The building is structurally compromised, disrepair, actively deteriorating with additional floor coSI s s and oses a danger to the public and the adjacent properties- COUNTYOF Pursuant 4518(c), this certification will serve to REMEDY: demolish the building. Grade and fence site. authenticatethi ment as a true and complete copy of a Fully record of the ent of Buildings. This record was made in the regularcourseof businessof the Departmentof Buildings, it is the regular practice of the Department to make records of this type, and this record was mad the sam of the events recorde Date DesignatedCertifying O'fficer Inspector's Assessment Inspector: inspected this structure on , and (PE RA ¡ ) Philip Ng inspected this structure on 04/2812022 , and requests that the condition stated above be made safe by: Backfill Grade & Fence Site ¡ Full Demolition ¡ Other (Specify) Brace and Shore: Building Erect Fence or Sidewalk shed ¡ Partial Demolition Request Brace and Shore: Retaining Wall Repair Fence or Sidewalk Shed ¡ Seal Building Date of initial notification to HPD: Authorized Signatures Processed by: C laton 05/4/2022 for Ad trativ Chi Inspector Date ' 05/05/2022 Reviewed and Approved by: FOR Borough Commissioner Date Declaration Origination Borough ¡Excavation ¡ ERT ¡ Stalled Sites ¡ Best Squad FEU ¡Special Ops. ¡Other build safe live safe (OP32) 8/201 8