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  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/08/2023 11:11 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/08/2023 Jordan Bardach should i transfer loan to rentability now or wait until brett prepares? You can transfer now and notate it's a loan. 7:39 PM // ok 7:40 PM And send an email from Rentability to City5 confirming same 7:40 PM // can i pay myself back the $3K i lent personally to Rentability? 7:42 PM Jordan Bardach can i pay myself back the $3K i lent personally to Rentability? I YeS 7:42 PM ok thanks 7:42 PM Transfer it back from Rentability ' " 7:42 Pr FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/08/2023 11:11 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 Dec NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 Date RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/08/2023 8, Pending 2021 O SHOWING All Online ONLINE Description Transfer TRANSFER transactions from v CHK FROM CHK ...1010 ...1309 transaction#: TRANSACTION#: 13188116772 13783688437 Search > Type Account Account transfer transfer Amount $3,000.00$50,000.00 6 1 $3,000.00- Balance