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  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka
  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka
  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka
  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka
  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka
  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka
  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka
  • Magdalena Trzuskot (aka


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY ..---------------------------------------.._ __....___.....__.._______Ç Magdalena Trzuskot (aka "Maggie Trzuskot") Index No. 101474/2019 Plaintiff, AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF RE-NEWAL AND RE-ARGUMENT OF DEFAULT APPLICATION [On Motion #012 and re: Ex-Parte Motion #011, Motion #009, and Motion #010] -against- Carl Johann Johnson (personally, and as Interim CEO of, Chief of Staff of, and Executive/Special Assistant/Employee of, Patrick Byrne, professionally as Former CEO of, Gabriel Abed (as a Board Member of,, and Magdalena Trzuskot, pro se, not an attorney admitted to practice law before ANY courts in ANY jurisdiction, affirms under penalty of perjury the following: 1. I am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this case. 2. I respectfully submit this affirmation in support of the relief I am seeking in my Notice of Motion. PROCEDURAL HISTORY OF APPLICATION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT 3. On August 24*, 2023, Plaintiff moved (Motion #009) the Court for default judgment against, and See Exhibit A. 1 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 4. This submission failed to include the required documentation in support of a default judgment application. And as a result of Plaintiff overlooking the factual and legal documents required, this Court also overlooked the relevant facts. Plaintiff mistakenly thought NYSCEF Documentation already filed was sufficient. 5. On December 1", 2023, J.S.C. Hagler released his Decision and Order on that Motion and denied default judgment. See Exhibit B. 6. Within 30 days of that Decision and Order, on December 22nd, 2023, Plaintiff noticed a cross-motion for leave to renew/reargue THAT PRIOR motion for default judgment as against all parties, however TZERO in particular. See Exhibit C. 7. However, Plaintiff, once again, failed to include all the required information and documentation in support of a default judgment application for proper consideration as against all parties. 8. Therefore, arguments with respect to, and for default application are pursuant to leave to renew based upon new facts not covered in the prior motions, and pursuant to leave to reargue. 9. The reason for this failure is I am inexperienced, not a licensed attorney, did not understand procedural law clearly, and could not find any clear summary of the necessary documents recently.1 required for a default application until LEGAL SERVICE HISTORY ON CORPORATE ENTITIES NY]2 1., Inc. ("") [Authorized Foreign Corporation in Checklist for Motion for Default Judgment - Hon. Ellen retrieved from Tobin, A.J.S.C., 2 See Exhibit E. for NY Department of State Entity Information, OVERSTOCK.COM, INC. 2 2 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 10. On August 2, 2022, leave was granted to serve additional, new defendants by Judge Hagler 1" on Motion #006. See Exhibit D. Plaintiff was to serve the supplemental summons and Amended Complaint within 30 days after service of a copy of the Order with Notice of Entry upon,, and 1" 11. Process Service job completed in connection with OverstocAcom: Date legal process service completed: August 10, 2022 upon Patrick Byrne, Former CEO, served via the following method: personal residence, via posted copy of the same in a conspicuous place after three attempted personal service, under CPLR Section 308(4)3. See Exhibit F. 12. Patrick Byrne appeared in the action via Counsel, and court dismissed him from this action as a litigant in his personal capacity, albeit that remains an open issue as this case has not been permanently resolved at yet. 1" 13. Consequently, Plaintiff served the Amended Complaint on Head Office. 2"" 14. Process Service job completed on Overstockcom: Date legal process service completed against Overstock Head Office: September 21, 2022 via the following method: on Tyler Montgomery, to a person of suitable age and discretion; person authorized to accept service at Head Office in Utah; Pursuant to CPLR 311 (a)(1) "upon any domestic of foreign corporation, to an officer, director, managing or general agent or 3 "where service under paragraphs one and two cannot be made with due diligence, by affixing the summons to the door of either the actual place of business, dwelling place or usual place of abode within the state of the person to be served and by either mailing to such person at his or her last known residence or by mailing the the summons summons by first class mail to the person to be served at his or her actual place of business in an envelope bearing confidential" the legend "personal and and not indicating on the outside thereof, by return address or otherwise, that the communication is from an attorney or concerns an action against the person to be served, such affixing and mailing to be effected within twenty days of each other; proof of such service shall be filed with the clerk of the court designated in the summons within twenty days of either such affixing or mailing, whichever is effected later; service shall be complete ten days after such filing, except in matrimonial actions where service hereunder may be made pursuant to an order made in accordance with the provisions of subdivision a of section two hundred thirty- law." two of the domestic relations 3 3 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 cashier or assistant cashier or to any other agent authorized by appointment or by law to service." G..' receive And CPLR 308(2)4. See Exhibit 3"' 15. Process Service job completed on Plaintiff thereafter served the Delaware Secretary of State. Date of legal process service completed: October 26, 2023. Pursuant to NY Business Corporation law section 306 - Service on of State. (b) Secretary See Exhibit H. 4'" 16. Process Service job completed on Plaintiff also served's Registered Agent in Delaware. Date of legal process service completed: October 25, 2023. Pursuant to NY Business Corporation law section 306 - Service of (a) process on a Registered Agent. See Exhibit I. 5'* 17. Process Service job completed on Plaintiff also served's local Registered Agent in Utah. Date of legal process service completed: December 2023. Pursuant to NY Business Corporation law section 306 - Service 19, (a) of process on a Registered Agent. See Exhibit J. 4 Personal service upon a natural person. Personal service upon a natural person shall be made by any of the following methods: 2. by delivering the summons within the state to a person of suitable age and discretion at the actual place of business, dwelling place or usual place of abode of the person to be served and by either mailing the summons to the person to be served at his or her last known residence or by mailing the summons by first to the personclass mail to be served at his or her actual place of business in confidential" an envelope bearing the legend "personal and and not indicating on the outside thereof, by return address or otherwise, that the communication is from an attorney or concerns an action against the person to be served, such delivery and mailing to be effected within twenty days of each other; proof of such service shall be filed with the clerk of the court designated in the summons within twenty days of either such delivery or mailing, whichever is effected later; service shall be complete ten days after such filing; proof of service shall identify such person of suitable age and discretion and state the date, time and place of service, except in matrimonial actions where service hereunder may be made pursuant to an order made in accordance with the provisions of subdivision a of section two hundred thirty-two of the domestic relations law. 5 - This process service comports with CPLR section 313 service without the state giving personal jurisdiction. 4 4 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 6'* 18. Process Service job completed on Plaintiff also served on an authorized person (Josh Poulsen) at actual place of business. Date of legal process service completed: December 19, 2023. Pursuant to CPLR 311(a)(1). See Exhibit K. 7'" 19. Process Service job completed on Plaintiff also served via NY Secretary of State. Date of legal process service completed: January 22, 2024. (b)- State.6 Pursuant to NY Business Corporation Law section306 Service on Secretary of See Exhibit L. NY]7 2. tZERO Group, Inc. ("") [Authorized Foreign Corporation in 1" 20. Process Service job completed on Date legal process service completed: August 11, 2022 at actual place of business upon authorized person to accept Kevin Wilches. Pursuant to CPLR 311 (a)(1) "upon any domestic of foreign corporation, to an officer, director, managing or general agent or cashier or assistant cashier or to any other service." agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive And See Exhibit N. 2"" 21. Process Service job completed for Plaintiff thereafter served the Delaware Secretary of State. Date of legal process service completed: October 26, 20238. Pursuant to NY Business Corporation law section 306 - Service on of State (b) Secretary given tZERO is registered in NY. See Exhibit 0. 6 This additional service was completed should there be any issues with Delaware Secretary of State and complete" "service under BCL s. 306(b). ' See Exhibit M for Department of State Division of Corporation, TZERO GROUP, INC. 8 Additional notice under CPLR 3215 (g)(4) (copy of summons and notice of service for authorized foreign corp) served by BCL section 306. 5 5 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 3'' 22. Process Service completed for Plaintiff also served's Registered Agent in Delaware. Date of legal process service completed: October 25, 20239. Pursuant to NY Business Corporation law section 306 - Service of process on a (a) Registered Agent. See Exhibit P. tZERO admitted to this legal process - upon its Registered Agent in Delaware. See. Exhibit V. 4* 23. Process Service completed for Plaintiff also served tZERO's last known address via Mail. See Exhibit Q. 5* 24. Process service completed on Plaintiff also served via NY Secretary of State. Date of legal process service completed: January 22, 2024.10. Pursuant - State." to NY Business Corporation Law section 306 (b) Service on Secretary of S_ee Exhibit R. "" 3. Bitt Inc., [Unauthorized/Unregistered Foreign Corporation located in Barbados]¹2 25. A Legal Process Server completed service upon on August 19, 2022 via DHL shipment, registered mail re: service upon Gabriel Abed, Board Member and Bitt Inc. S_ee Exhibit T. 9 Additional notice under CPLR 3215 (g)(4) (copy of summons and notice of service for authorized foreign corp) served by BCL section 306. l° Additional notice under CPLR 3215 (g)(4) (copy of summons and notice of service for authorized foreign corp) served by BCL section 306. " Should there be any issues with Delaware Secretary of State legal service. Presumably there is not. 2 or Bitt Inc. is NOT registered as a corporate entity under Utah Business Search, however, it is Company" registered as an "International Business as Bitt Inc. under Barbados Corporate Law. Its former address was Suite 8, Hastings Plaza, Hastings, Christ Church, Barbados, and initial documents were 3d served upon its current address: Floor, Cedar Court, Wildey Business Park, Wildey, Barbados. S_ee Exhibit S. 6 6 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 WHETHER DEFAULT JUDGMENT APPLICATION WAS BROUGHT WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF WHEN AN ANSWER WAS DUE AND PROOF OF DEFAULT 26. Prior Default Judgment Application mistakenly claimed the default application was brought after one year of when an answer was due as against some of the defendants. This was a calculating error. 1" renewed/re- 27. The Default Judgment Application was brought on August 24"', 2023 and applied on December 22, 2023, and is currently pending, as against, and other defendants not noticed (i.e Overstock and Bitt). 1" A. tZERO's Default of the Amended Complaint L Under CPLR section 311(a)(1) [personal delivery to authorized to receive service] and CPLR section 308(2) [recipient be a person of suitable age and discretion at the defendant's actual place of business] 1" 28.'s service (Exh. N) was completed via CPLR section 31 l(a)(1) on August 11, 2022. It was served personally upon a person authorized to accept and mailed to actual place of business pursuant to Section 308(2). 1" 29. The Amended Complaint was served with the Summons. 30. Plaintiff uploaded/filed the Affidavit of Service to NYSCEF Septernber 8, 2022. Service is deemed complete 10 days after filing proof of service. Service was completed September 19. 2022. 31. Pursuant to CPLR 3012 (c), tZERO had within 30 days to answer (after completed service), so by October 19. 2022. 32. Pursuant to CPLR 3012 (d), tZERO did NOT seek an extension of time to appear or plead. 7 7 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 33. Pursuant to CPLR 320(a), tZERO had 30 days after service was complete to appear or file a motion which has the effect of extending the time to answer if the summons was served pursuant to section 308(2). No motion was filed. 34. Therefore, tZERO defaulted. 35. On August 24*, 2023, Plaintiff moved the Court for default judgment (first) application,³ which was brought within 1 year of when an answer was due from II. Under BCL Section 306 (a)(b)(1)(2)(d) 2nd - 3rd - 36. Further,'s (EXh. O Delaware Secretary), (Exh. P Delaware 4* - Registered Agent) and (Exh. Q Last Known Address) services were completed under BCL section 306 on October 26, 2023. 1" 37. Plaintiff served the required documents pertaining to the Amended Complaint only; again. 38. Notices included a Notice of Default pursuant to CPLR section 3215 (g) (4)(i)(ii), which states that a default judgment is sought against a corporation that has been served pursuant to BCL section 306 (b) initially. Plaintiff misunderstood/was confused by this language, such that she simply re-served the initial summons and notices, plus the additional Notice under CPLR 3215 (g)(4)(i)(ii) upon the secretary of state, registered agent, and by first class mail on corporation's last known address. Hence, this additional service was Plaintiff's notice to that she was holding them in default under section 13 The first application incorrectly and mistakenly claimed the default was brought past a year of when an answer was due. 8 8 of 29 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/29/2024 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 101474/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 268 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/29/2024 311(a)(1) and potentially under section 306(b) if a default application was to be denied 2nd and/or subsequently renewed while Plaintiff sought a stay of service of the Amended Complaint pending the outcome of the default application. 39. was served by its Delaware Registered Agent, which served them on November 1, 2023. as their proof shows. 40. On November 6. 2023, Plaintiff uploaded/filed all 3 affidavits of service to NYSCEF. 41. The Secretary of State was served on October 26. 2023, so service was completed then, and tZERO had until November 25. 2023 to serve an answer. 42. Pursuant to CPLR3012 (c), tZERO had within 30 days to answer (after completed service). 43. Even 30 days from their Registered Agent's service would have resulted in an answer being due on or about December 4. 2023. 44. filed their Notice of Motion on December