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  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview


FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 12/26/2023 10:23 AM INDEX NO. 802220/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 75 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/26/2023 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF ERIE VADIM WOOLF and HELENA WOLF, his spouse NOTICE OF ENTRY Plaintiffs, v. Index No. 802220/2023 JTEKT CORPORATION, JTEKT TOYODA AMERICAS CORPORATION, JTEKT MACHINERY AMERICAS CORPORATION, Individually and as Successor in Interest to JTEKT TOYODA AMERICAS CORPORATION, TAYLOR METALWORKS, INC., TAYLOR-POHLMAN, INC., n/k/a TAYLOR METALWORKS, INC., Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Order, of which the within is a copy, was duly granted by the Honorable Gerald J. Greenan, III, J.S.C. in the above-entitled action on December 22, 2023 and duly entered in the Office of the Clerk on December 22, 2023. DATED: Buffalo, New York December 26, 2023 LIPSITZ GREEN SCIME CAMBRIA LLP By: s/ Melissa D. Wischerath Melissa D. Wischerath, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 42 Delaware Avenue, Suite 120 Buffalo, New York 14202 Tel: (716) 849-1333 1 of 4 FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 12/26/2023 10:23 AM INDEX NO. 802220/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 75 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/26/2023 TO: JTEKT CORPORATION 1-1 Asahi-machi Kariya, Aichi Prefecture 448-8652 Japan Christopher P. Keenoy, Esq./Brian Heermance, Esq. MORRISON MAHONEY LLP Attorneys for Defendants, JTEKT Toyoda Americas Corporation, JTEKT Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to JTEKT Toyoda Americas Corporation Wall Street Plaza 88 Pine Street, Suite 1900 New York, New York 10005 Vincent G. Saccomando, Esq. BARCLAY DAMON LLP Attorneys for Defendants, Taylor Metalworks, Inc. and Taylor-Pohlman, Inc., n/kla Taylor Metalworks, Inc. 200 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1200 Buffalo, New York 14202 2 of 4 FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 12/26/2023 10:23 AM INDEX NO. 802220/2023 NYSCEF DOC. ERIE NO. 75 COUNTY CLERK 12/22/2023 RECEIVED NO. 802220/2023 INDEXNYSCEF: 12/26/2023 FILED: 04:42 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 74 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/22/2023 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT : COUNTY OF ERIE VADIM WOOLF and HELENA WOLF, his Spouse, ORDER Plaintiffs, 'vs. JTEKT CORPORATION,- Index No.: 802220/2023 iTEKT TOYODA AMERICAS CORPORATION, JTEKT MACHINERY AMERICAS CORPORATION, Individually and as Successor in Interest to JTEKT TOYODA AMERICAS CORORATION, Assigned Justice: TAYLOR METALWORKS, INC., Hon. Gerald Greenan, III TAYLOR-POHLMAN, INC., n/k/a TAYLOR METALWORKS, INC., Defendants.. Plaintiffs, by their attorneys, Lipsitz Green Scime, Cambria, LLP, having made a motion before this court seeking an Order for an additional 240 days from January 12, 2024, to serve the Summons and Complaint on defendant JTEKT Corporation at its new address via the Hague Convention and no opposition to this motion having been made by defendants; NOW, upon this motion having been submitted on papers, it is hereby. ORDERED, that Pursuant to Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters developed at the Tenth Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law on 15 November, 1964 (the "Hague Convention"), and for good cause shown, the Court hereby appoints Celeste Ingalls, specializing in international service of process, 733 SW Vista Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97205, as the authority 1 of 2 3 of 4 FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 12/26/2023 10:23 AM INDEX NO. 802220/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 75 RECEIVED NYSCEF: INDEX 12/26/2023 NO. 802220/20 23 FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 12/22/2023 04:42 PM) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 74 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/22/2023 and judicial officer competent under the Jurisdiction of this Court to issue and forward a request to the applicable Central Authority, for service of any and all documents to be served in this case in accordance with the Hague Service Convention; and it is further hereby ORDERED, that plaintiffs' time to serve the Summons and Complaint in this action on defendant JTEKT CORPORATION is extended by 240 days from January 12, 2024, up to and including'September 8, 2024. Dated: December Z 2 2023 erald Gree an, II, J.S. 2 2 of 2 4 of 4