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  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ck2, Llc v. Jake David ShapiroCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/20/2023 01:44 PM INDEX NO. 651383/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/20/2023 EXHIBIT A HAGUE SERVICE REQUEST FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/20/2023 01:44 PM INDEX NO. 651383/2023 Index No. 651383/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/20/2023 REQUEST FOR SERVICE ABROAD OF JUDICIAL OR EXTRAJUDICIAL DOCUMENTS DEMAND£ AUX FINS DE SIGNIFICATION OU DE NOTIFICATION A L'ETRANGER D'UN ACTE JUDICIARE OU EXFRAJUDICIAIRE Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters, signed at The Hague, November 15, 1965. Convention relative a la signification et a la nolif,cation a l'elranger des ac/esjudiciaires ou extrajudiciares en maliere civi/e ou commerciale, signee a La Haye, le I 5 Novembre I 965. Identity and address of the applicant Address of receiving authority ldenlile el adresse du requeranl Adresse de l'aU!orile deslinataire Karina J. Shreefer, Esq. HAGUE CENTRAL AUTHORITY - SPAIN SHREEFER LAW FIRM, LLC Subdirecci6n General de Cooperaci6n Juridica 5820 Knox Street Internacional Merriam, KS 66203 Ministerio de Justicia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA c/ San Bernardo No. 62 Tel. 1.913.999.4526 28071 Madrid Karina@, SPAIN The undersigned applicant has the honour to transmit -in duplicate- the document listed below and, in conformity with article 5 of the above-mentioned Convention, requests prom pt service of one copy thereof on the addressee, i.e., (identity and address) Le requeranl soussigne a /'honneur de faire parvenir---en double exemplaire-a /'autorite deslinalaire /es documents ci-dessous enumeres, en la prianl conformement a /'article 5 de la Convention precilee, d 'enf aire remetlre sans retard un exemplaire au destinalaire, savoir: Jake David Shapiro (identite et adresse) 1 Calle Mayor 21, 15 Floor-O, Madrid, Spain 28013 [8] (a) in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of the first paragraph of article 5 of the Convention.* (a) selon lesformes legates (article 5, alinea premier, le/Ire a). D (II) in oeeenlanee with the lollewing partieulor method (sub peragrnph (II) efthe first poregreph efertiele S)*: (hJ se.len la /o rme fJ€1rlie11here s11iw111,'e (article 5, aUmJ9 wemier , le/Ire b} : D (e) by deli~·ery te the addressee, if he eeeepts it Yelunterily (see011d poregreph ef ertiele S)*: (c) le eas eche€1.~.'. fJ8>" ,"f!mise sim{Jle (arlie.le 5, 9fo1e9 2). The authority is requested to return or to have returned to the applicant a copy of the documents-and of the annexes*-with a certificate as provided on the reverse side. Cette autorite est priee de renvoyer ou de faire renvoyer au requerant un exemplaire de l'acte---el de ses annexes-avec l'allestationfigurant au verso. THE PERSONS AND E TITIES WITHI THE UNITED STATES COMPETE T TO FORWARD SERVICE REQUESTS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 3 INCLUDE ANY COURT OFFICIAL; ANY AITORNEY; OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY AUTHORIZED BY THE RULES OF THE COURT. (See U.S. declarations to the 1965 Convention at Hague Conference website: List of documents provided in duplicate, in English and Spanish Enumeration des pieces Summons Done at Merriam. Kansas, U. S.A. , the 17- Aer; { z.;;, '2.3> Verified Complaint Notice of Electronic Filing Signature and/or stamp. / 7 Fait ii - - - - - - - ~ le - - - - - - ~ - - - -,,__,_ Signature et/ou cachet. ~ k_a_ *Delete if inappropriate (Fonnerl y OBD-11 6 which was fom1erl y LAA-I 16, US -94 Rayer /es mentions mull/es. botl, of which may still be used) (Est. I I/22/77) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/20/2023 01:44 PM INDEX NO. 651383/2023 Index No. 651383/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/20/2023 CERTIFICATE ATTESTATION The undersigned authority has the honour to certify, in conformity with article 6 of the Convention, L 'autorite soussignee a / 'honneur d 'al/ester confo rmement a I 'article 6 de /adite Convention, I) that the document has been served * I . que la demande a ete executee - the (date) - le (date) - at (place, street, number) -a(locarlite, rue numero) - in one of the following methods authorised by article 5- -dans une des f ormes suivantes prevues a/ 'article 5: □ (a) in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of the first paragraph of article 5 of the Convention*. a) se/on /es formes legales (arlicle 5, a/inea premier, le/Ire a). □ (b) in accordance with the following particular method*: b) se/on la fo rme particuliere suivante : □ (c) by delivery to the addressee, who accepted it voluntarily. * c) par remise simple The documents referred to in the request have been delivered to: Les documents mentionnes dans la demande ont ete rem is a: -(identity and description of person) -(identite et qua/ite de la personne) -relationship to the addressee (family, business, or other): -liens de parente, de subordinalion ou au/res, avec le destinataire de I 'acte: 2) that the document has not been served, by reason of the following facts*: 2. que la demande n 'a pas ete executee, en raison desfaits suivants: In conformity with the second paragraph of article 12 of the Convention, the applicant is requested to pay or reimburse the expenses detailed in the attached statement * . C onfo rm e nt a I 'articl e 12, a/in e a 2, d e /a dit e Co n ve nti o n , le re qu er ant es t p ri e d e p aye r 0 11 d e r e mb o ur se r /es f rai s d o nt le d e ta il f ig ur e a u m e m o ir e c i-J o int . Annexes Annexes Documents returned: Pieces renvoyees: Done at , the Fait a , le In appropriate cases, documents establishing the service: Le cas echeant, /es documentsjustificatifs de /'execution: Signature and / or stamp. Signature et I 0 11 cachet. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/20/2023 01:44 PM INDEX NO. 651383/2023 Index No. 651383/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/20/2023 SUMMARY OF THE DOCUMENT TO BE SERVED ELEMENTS ESSENTIELS DEL 'ACTE Convention on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters, signed at The Hague, November 15, 1965. a a a Convention relative la signification el la notification l'etranger des actesjudiciaires et exlrajudiciares en matiere civile ou commerciale, signee a la Haye, le 15 Novembre I 965. (article 5, fourth paragraph) (article 5, alinea 4) Name and address of the requesting authority: Nam el adresse de l'autorite requerante : Karina Shreefer, Esq., SHREEFER LAW FIRM, LLC 5820 Knox Street Merriam Kansas U.S.A. Tel. 1.913.999.4526, Karina(m,S Particulars of the parties*: Idenlite des parties .· CK2, Plaintiff, vs. Jake David Shapiro, Defendant. JUDICIAL DOCUMENT** ACTE J UDJC!AIRE Nature and purpose of the document: Nature et obJet de l'acte: To give notice to the Defendant that a civil lawsuit has been filed against him and to summon him to answer. Nature and purpose of the proceedings and, where appropriate, the amount in dispute: Nature et objet de /'instance, le cas echeant, le montan/ du litige: A civil lawsuit has been filed against the Defendant. Date and place for entering appearance**: Within 30 days after service of this summons on the defendant, exclusive ofthe day of Dateetlieu de la comparulion : service, defendant must serve on the plaintiffs attorney an answer to the attached Verified Complaint on the Plaintiffs attorney. Plaintiffs attorney is Kevin Fritz, Esq., MEISTER SEELIG & FfNE, PLLC, 125 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, New York 10017, USA . Court which has given judgment**: Juridic/ion qui a rendu la decision : N_IA __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date of judgment**: Date de la decision : - -NI- A ----------------------------------------- Time limits stated in the document**: If defendant fails to appear or answer within 30 days after service of this summons, Indication des delaisfigurant dans I'acte: exclusive of day of service, judgment by default will be entered against him for the relief demanded in the corn laint. EXTRAJUDICIAL DOCUMENT** ACTE EXTRAJUD!C/AIRE Nature and purpose of the document: Nature et objel de I'acte: __N_I_A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time limits stated in the document**: Indication des delais figuranl dans l'acte: NIA * If appropriate, identity and address of the person interested in the trans mission of the document S';t ya l,e11, 1de11111e et adre.lSe de la personne mu}ressee a la 1ra11sm1ss10,1de /'acte. • US Go,·cmmcnl PnnungOITicc 1990-262·2 I 1/15102 •• Delete if inappropriate. Rayer /es menuons inulfles. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/20/2023 01:44 PM INDEX NO. 651383/2023 Index No. 65 1383/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 35 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/20/2023 WARNING AVERTISSEMENT (recommended by the Fourteenth Session of Hague Conference of October 1980) identity and address of the addressee identite et adresse du destinataire JAKE DAVID SHAPIRO Calle Mayor 21 1st Floor - D Madrid, Spain 2801 3 IMPORTANT THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENT IS OF A LEGAL NATUR£ AND MAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. THE "SUMMARY OF THE DOCUMENT TO BE SERVED" WILL GIVE YOU SOME INFORMATION ABOUT ITS NATURE AND PURPOSE. YOU SHOULD, HOWEVER, READ THE DOCUMENT ITSELF CAREFULLY. IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE. IF YOUR FINANCIAL RESOURCES ARE INSUFF ICIENT YOU SHOULD SEEK INFORMATION ON THE POSSIB ILITY OF OBTAIN ING LEGAL AID OR ADVICE EITHER fN THE COUNTRY WHERE YOU LIVE OR IN THE COUNTRY WHERE THE DOCUMENT WAS ISSUED. ENQU IRI ES ABOUT THE AVAILABILITY OF LEGAL AID OR ADVICE fN THE COUNTRY WHERE THE DOCUMENT WAS ISSUED MAY BE DIRECTED TO: LEGAL AID SOCIETY 199 Water Street New York, New York 10038 U .S.A. Tel. : 1.212.577.3300 TRES IMPORTANT LE DOCUMENT Cl-JOINT EST DE NATURE JUR!DIQUE ET PEUT AFFECTER VOS DROITS ET OBLIGATIONS LES "ELEMENTS ESSENTIELS DE L'ACTE" VOUS DONNENT QUELQUES INFORMATIONS SUR SA NATURE ET SON OBJET IL EST TOUTEFOIS INDISPENSABLE DE LIRE ATTENT!VEMENT LE TEXT£ MEME DU DOCUMENT IL PEUT ETRE NECESSA IRE DE DEMANDER UN A VIS JU RID/QUE SI VOS RESSOURCES SONT !NSUFF!SANTES, RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS SUR LA POSS/BIL/TE D'OBTEN!R L'ASS!STANCE JUD/CIA/RE ET LA CONSULTATION JURID!QUE SOIT DANS VOTRE PAYS SO!T DANS LE PAYS D'OR!G!NE DU DOCUMENT LES DEMANDES DE RENSE!GNEMENTS SUR LES POSSIB/LITES D'OBTEN!R L'ASSISTANCE JUDICIAIRE OU LA CONSULTATION JURJD!QUE DANS LE PAYS D'ORIGINE DU DOCUMENT PEUVENT ETRE ADRESSEES: LEGAL AID SOCIETY 199 Water Street New York, New York 10038 US.A. Tel.: 1.212.577.3300