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  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/27/2023 11:07 AM INDEX NO. 952230/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/27/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------------------------X ANONYMOUS, Index No.: 952230/2023 Plaintiff, -against- STIPULATION WILLIAM COSBY, JR., NBCUNIVERSAL MEDIA LLC, KAUFMAN ASTORIA STUDIOS, INC., ASTORIA STUDIOS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP II, and THE CARSEY-WERNER COMPANY, LLC, Defendants. ---------------------------------------------------------------------X STIPULATION Defendant William Cosby, Jr., hereby agrees to answer or otherwise respond to Plaintiff's Complaint in the above-captioned matter by February 6, 2024. Defendant Cosby further agrees that in his responsive pleadings, he will not raise any affirmative defense regarding service of process. /s/ _Jennifer Bonjean /s/ Jordan Rutsky Jennifer Bonjean, Esq. Jordan Rutsky Bonjean Law Group, PLLC Merson Law PLLC 750 Lexington Avenue, 9th Floor 950 Third Ave, 18th Fl. New York, NY 10022 New York, NY 10022 (718) 875-1850 212-603-9100 Attorney for Defendant William Cosby, Jr. Attorney for Plaintiffs Dated: New York, NY December 27, 2023 1 of 1