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  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview
  • Anonymous v. William Cosby Jr, Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership Ii, The Carsey-Werner Company, LlcTorts - Adult Survivors Act document preview


INDEX NO. 952230/2023 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/28/2023 02:01 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/28/2023 At Part {7 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York, held at the Courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007 on the 17 day of Noy 2023. PRESENT: Hon. _Chtovwo low Le AQ te wo eetececenan cern ceteeenn ence nnene see eeeneenetennnnereeencenen! FS1AIZO ANONYMOUS, Index No. ___—/2023 CEPA 72 SHO CMmc€ Plaintiff, : -against- ws #1 WILLIAM COSBY, JR., NBCUNIVERSAL MEDIA, LLC, KAUFMAN ASTORIA STUDIOS, INC., ASTORIA STUDIOS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP II, and THE CARSEY-WERNER COMPANY, LLC, Defendants. eteeneretnneneeerennenemeecnonnnnnenrnnnearnnenccnseeenrceese! = = Upon reading and filing the annexed affirmation of Jordan Rutsky, Esq., of Merson Law, PLLC., dated November 20, 2023, the exhibits attached thereto, and all other papers herein, including the Summons and Complaint, and upon due consideration: Dekndenks shaw cuse LET BE-SHOWN CAUSE before this court, at Part {“]_ of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York at the Courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007, or via video conferencing, on the iat day of Deca meter, 2023, at S30-a.m., oF e's 0 oA heats oon tl RA MAT es ras counsel may % Rpe heard, re wh wsy Ss an Order should not be entered in this proceeding: lof 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/28/72023 02:01 PM INDEX NO. 952230/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/28/2023 1 Granting a Temporary Restraining Order pursuant to CPLR 6301 and New York Civil Rights Law 50-b deeming Plaintiffs use of the pseudonym “Anonymous,” and the caption “Anonymous v. William Cosby, Jr., NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership II, and The Carsey-Werner Company, LLC’ to be proper; 2 Permitting Plaintiff to proceed in this action under the pseudonym “Anonymous,” and the caption “Anonymous v. William Cosby, Jr., NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership II, and The Carsey-Werner Company, LLC’; 3 Directing the parties, their attorneys, and agents to refrain from publishing Plaintiffs true identity; 4 Directing that all papers filed in this action, and all judgments, orders, decisions, notices to the Court and any other document relating to the action refer to Plaintiff by the pseudonym “Anonymous”, and bear the caption “Anonymous v. William Cosby, Jr., NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership II, and The Carsey-Werner Company, LLC” and directing the County Clerk to enter and record all papers in the action under the title “Anonymous v. William Cosby, Jr., NBCUniversal Media, LLC, Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership II, and The Carsey-Werner Company, LLC”; 5. Directing the County Clerk to enter and record all papers in this action under the caption “Anonymous v. William Cosby, Jr., NBCUniversal Media, LLC, 20f 4 INDEX NO. 952230/2023 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/28/2023 02:01 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF 11/28/2023 Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc., Astoria Studios Limited Partnership II, and The Carsey-Werner Company, LLC”; and 6. Granting such other relief as the court may deem just and proper. ORDERED, that pending the hearing of this motion BEFORE THE JUSTICE TO BE ASSIGNED, the Clerk of this Court, upon payment of the proper fees, be and is hereby directed to assign an index number to this proceeding, and to accept for filing a Request for Judicial Intervention (“RJI”) bearing the following caption, | namely: SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK sere ceene gn aneeennanenmenneecsenenenensecarsnsccneserenne sees, ANONYMOUS, Index No. /2023 Plaintiff, MERIFIED-GOMPLAINT -against- WILLIAM COSBY, JR., NBCUNIVERSAL MEDIA, LLC, KAUFMAN ASTORIA STUDIOS, INC., ASTORIA STUDIOS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP II, and THE CARSEY-WERNER COMPANY, LLC, Defendants. wen cetec cece erence ence nen eneeseeneens, HONS J.S.C. NOV 214 2023 ORDERED, that service of a copy of this order on defendants, by overnight service, together with the papers upon which it is granted, on or before the ist day of _D€ieimleer_, 202.3 be deemed good and sufficient service. 3 0f 4 INDEX NO. 952230/2023 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/28/2023 02:01 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF 11/28/2023 ORDERED, that opposition, if any, is due on or before the ve day of QECA mio ear, 2024 ORD of ——_{_ 02 ENTER: 7 IS. SHEOMO S. HAGLER, JSC. 4 of 4