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  • Joseph Weitzel v. Niu Technologies, Niu Technologies Group Limited, Changzhou Yamasaki Motorcycle Co., Ltd., Blue Key Motors Llc S/H/A   Niu Flagship New York, Farnam Street Financial, Inc.Torts - Product Liability (e-mobility) document preview
  • Joseph Weitzel v. Niu Technologies, Niu Technologies Group Limited, Changzhou Yamasaki Motorcycle Co., Ltd., Blue Key Motors Llc S/H/A   Niu Flagship New York, Farnam Street Financial, Inc.Torts - Product Liability (e-mobility) document preview


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS -----------------------------------------------------------------------X Index №.: 534767/2023 JOSEPH WEITZEL, Plaintiff, ORDER APPOINTING -against- INTERNATIONAL PROCESS SERVER NIU TECHNOLOGIES, & NIU TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED, EXTENDING PLAINTIFF’S TIME TO CHANGZHOU YAMASAKI MOTORCYCLE CO., LTD., SERVE PURSUANT TO CPLR §306-b BLUE KEY MOTORS LLC s/h/a NIU FLAGSHIP NEW YORK and FARNAM STREET FINANCIAL, INC., Defendants. -----------------------------------------------------------------------X Upon reading and filing the annexed Affirmation of attorney Cameron Thompson dated the 11th day of January, 2024, the affidavit of Celeste Ingalls dated the 21st day of December, 2023, and the exhibits annexed to the foregoing and submitted herewith, and sufficient cause being alleged, it is hereby: ORDERED that the pursuant to Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters developed at the Tenth Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law on 15 November, 1965 (the “Hague Convention”), and for good cause shown, the Court hereby appoints Celeste Ingalls, specializing in international service of process, 733 SW Vista Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97205, as the authority and judicial officer competent under the Jurisdiction of this Court to issue and forward a request to the applicable Central Authority, for service of any and all documents to be served in this case in accordance with the Hague Service Convention; and it is hereby ORDERED that pursuant to CPLR §306-b, and for good cause shown and/or in the interest of justice, the time to serve the Summons and Verified Complaint against defendant NIU TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LIMITED is hereby extended to two hundred (200) days following the entry of this Order. E N T E R: ________________________ J.S.C.