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  • Georgia Allen v. Christian Alwine, All Unknown OccupantsEV - Evictions (Small Claims Docket) document preview
  • Georgia Allen v. Christian Alwine, All Unknown OccupantsEV - Evictions (Small Claims Docket) document preview
  • Georgia Allen v. Christian Alwine, All Unknown OccupantsEV - Evictions (Small Claims Docket) document preview
  • Georgia Allen v. Christian Alwine, All Unknown OccupantsEV - Evictions (Small Claims Docket) document preview


STATE OF INDIANA ) FULTON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT SS: ) COUNTY OF FULTON ) CAUSE N0: 'ZSQO\ -7.31 EV 331— ~ Cmifl 7x Allw ORDER TO APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE ON AFFIIJAVIT FOR Plaintiff] POSSESSION OF REAL PROPERTY VS. A Abbi/"Q, mm. Chrisfim Defendants The Plaintifl= in the above-captioned action has filed along with the Notice of Claim for davit for Immediate Possession of the real property Possession of described as: Zeal Prop and W 4:, . /KnoKas new A copy of the Afidavit is attached. We 75 The Plaintifl'states: Thatontheflday 99$» ,2033misp1ainua leased/ream to said defendant, for the term of from that date. That in consideration smnofflper ofsaidren ' saiddefendanthas o; misedand payableinadvanceonthe month/week; that said defendant entered into and took i aggedtopay possession asrenttherefore, the dayofeaehandevery of said premises and has failed to pay the installments of rent; that same is now due and unpaid; that the defendant now of said premises from the plaintifi', to the unlawfully holds over and detains the possession damagesto plaintifi'sdamageinthesumofSMforunpaidrentdueANDSwfor be amended at date ifneed be). the premises (mount of damages to premises may afuture You must appear for hearing of this claim at the Fulton County Superior Court, Courthouse, Rochester, Indiana on: 211 day of Jam mam . 2015 at 3'00 films: ' to show cause why the plaintiff should not be put into possessitir'r. rent You must also appear for the hearing on damages and the amount of past due at the Fulton County Superior Court, Courthouse, Rochester, Indiana on: the mdayof 'Rb'rnot% .2023" $.00 @lpm. You may file with the Court Affidavits on your behalfand may present testimony during dates anatimes,thePlaintifi'maybegxanteda thehearing. Ifyoufail to appear onthe above final judgment of Possession and/or Default Judgment for damages. issue the aforesaid Order to It is Ordered and directed by the Court that the Clerk of Court the Defendant. SoOrderedthisday Clerk of Fulton County Gregory L. Heller, Judge Fulton Co Superior Court STATE OF INDIANA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SS: ... RD®\-Z3\"L I:\J ' 357 . ~ COUNTY OF FULTON - CAUSE NO: Sag/+2. AIM/i VS AFFIDAVIT FOR IMMEDIATE IN CLERK m» POSSESSION OF REAL PROPERTY DEC 28 CIWISI'M IQ- ALwI'ntL Zuzd ' ED CLERK. FULTON SUPERIOR COURT The Plaintiff in the above-captioned action states that: (1) HI tiff'Is en tit d to he of real property described as: g] .57 Mam 7:1 72%? r possession (2) Defendant has unlawfully retained possession; (3) The estimated value of the prope ' is s rental value of the property Is S \ O0 w , a (3 and the estimated per month. The Plaintiff asks for a hearing and for pre-judgment Order for possession of the above-described property. I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing representations are true. PLAINT