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  • In Re: Petition for Approval of Minor Settlement of Meily Ayala-Chavez, a Minor, by Her Mother and Guardian, Keyri Guadal Chaves Cervantes. Minor Settlement document preview
  • In Re: Petition for Approval of Minor Settlement of Meily Ayala-Chavez, a Minor, by Her Mother and Guardian, Keyri Guadal Chaves Cervantes. Minor Settlement document preview


27-CV-23-19168 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 12/21/2023 1:31 PM State of Minnesota District Court Hennepin County Fourth Judicial District Court File Number: 27-CV-23-19168 Case Type: Minor Settlement Notice of Judicial Assignment- Motion-Petition-Miscellaneous FILE COPY In Re: Petition for Approval of Minor Settlement of Meily Ayala-Chavez, a Minor, by Her Mother and Guardian, Keyri Guadal Chaves Cervantes. Date Case Filed: December 20, 2023 All future papers must include the above file number, name of assigned judge, attorney identification number, and must otherwise conform to format requirements or they will be returned. This case is assigned the following judicial officer for all further proceedings: District Court Judge Patrick D. Robben 612-348-0198 Mailing Address: 300 South Sixth Street, MC 332, Minneapolis, MN 55487-0332 Parties: If you receive this notice and have obtained an attorney, notify him/her of this assignment immediately. Attorneys: Only the first listed attorney for a party is being sent this notice. If you are the attorney receiving this notice, contact all other attorneys representing your party of the judge assignment and requirements. The filing attorney/party is responsible for notifying all attorneys/parties not listed on the Civil Cover Sheet of the judge assignment and requirements. Per Supreme Court order, e-filing is mandatory in this case for all attorneys and government agencies. Unrepresented parties are excluded by this order. Attorneys or government agencies must also e-serve all documents required or permitted to be served on other attorneys or government agencies. Upon receipt of this notice, attorneys and government agencies shall immediately add their firm/agency’s service contact(s) for this case to the e-filing system. For further information on e-filing, go to All future hearings and trial dates will be scheduled by the courtroom staff. Check with the Court Display Monitors on the Public Service Level for the location on the day of the hearing. A notice to remove this judicial officer must comply with Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure 63.03 and Minnesota Statute § 542.16. Failure to timely file any required document or other failure to comply with the General Rules of Practice for the District Courts may result in the impositions of sanctions, including possible dismissal of the case. Dated: December 21, 2023 Sara Gonsalves Court Administrator Hennepin cc: JEFFREY ALLEN JONES