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  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Elyse Pasquale v. Anthony BurgesReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 Exhibit “A” FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,.......... ,,,,,.... ...... .. "" OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER n This page is part of die instrument. The Chy '"" an ; a Register will rely ontheinformation provided ¡iiiii 1.. " " by you on this page for purposes of indexing .. . un " |" this instrument. The informadon on this page || j iin nu | " "" will control for indexing purposes in the event b ::±x ;:::.:: : . no of any conflict with the rest of the document. 2008060500669001001E3340 noamerit ID: 200885050063001 Document Date:06-04-2008 Prepamtion Date: 06-05-2008 Document Type: DEED Document Page Count: 6 PRESENTER: RETURN T O: S & P LAND SERVICE, INC. PICK UP (SP-1324-08) ADAM STENGEL, ESQ. 15 EAST 32.ND STREET, 3RD FLOOR 358 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 401 NEW YORK, NY 10016 NEW YORK, NY 10001 212-447-7015 PROPERTY .DATA Borough Block Lot Unit Address MANHATTAN 928 1405 Entire Lot PH3D 340 EAST 23RD STREET Property Type: SINGLE RESIDENTIAL CONDO UNIT CROSS REFERENCE DATA CRFN ___.__ or Doenment ID or _____ Year__ Reel __ Page ___. or File Number_______ __ PARTIES GRANTOR/SELLER: GRANTEE/BUYER: VICTOR AT E 23, LLC ELYSE PASQUALE 3349 HIGHWAY 138, BUILDING C, SUlTE C 230 EAST 18TH STREET, #1F WALL, NJ 077.19 NEW YORK. NY 10003 .... FEES AND TAXES Mortgage Filing Fee: Mprtgag_Ainoy_nti______.X______..____0 00____L_____.___________$ _____. _J5,00 hable.M9ggagE_An10st;___$_______ 100___INYC Real Property Transfer Tax: Exemption: 49,696.96 JWXEX;_ÇogntyLBmiglt__ jji____ ADO____ NYS Real Estate Transfer Tax: +$34,875.06 = $ City (Additional): s 0.00 $13,952.00 48.827,06 .___.._.- SEeg[AdditignaD l__________A.00____ RECORDED OR FILED IN THE OFFICE TASF: _$________.__ 0.00 F THE CITY REGISTER OF THE _....._____MTA1_______.1_____ __0.00___ CITY OF NEW YORK NYCTA; s 0.00 s. . Recorded/Filed 06-13-2008 15:12 Addhiene!. MRT: $ 0.00 City Register File.No.(CRFN): TOTAL: $ 0.00 2008000238542 _Reep gg FepL______1 _ 67AL . Affidavit Fee: $ 0.00 City Reghter Offiicial Signature httpe !!|magõView?doc_ld=20080 1500669001 1/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 VICTOR AT E 23, LLC TO Elyse Pasquale CONDOMINIUM UNIT DEED Section 38 Block 928 Lot 1405 UnitNo. PH3D 340 East 23rd Street New York, New York sP /3W-o f RECORD AND RETURN TO: Adam Stengel, Esq. 358 Fifth Avenue, Suite 401 New York, New York 10001 000138386\0001\143658-1 .... . .. .......... -. .- . - . . ..!DSIDecumentSearch/Dacr.... :...aseView?doc_ld=2005000500669001 2/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 CONDOMINIUM UNIT DEED THIS INDENTURE, made as of the 4th day of June, 2008, by and between VICTOR AT E 23, LLC, a New York limited liability winpany, having an office at 3349 Highway 138, Building C, Suite C, Wall, New Jersey 07719 (the "Grantor"), and Elyse Pasquale, having an address at 230 East 18th Street, #1F, New York, New York 10003 (the "Grantee"), E1IEE s s EIB That the Grantor, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, does hereby grant and release unto the Grantee, and the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee, forever: The Coñd=ini= Unit known as Unit PH3D (the "Unit") in the building known as Gramercy Condomiaiam and by the street number 340 East 23rd Street, New York, New York 10010 (the "Building"), said Unit being designated and described as Unit No. PH3D in that certain declaration dated the 5th day of October, 2007, made by the Grantor pursuant to Article 9-B of the Real Property Law of the State of New York (the "Condominium Act"), en=ªliMS a plan for condominium ownership of the Building and the land upon which the Building is situated (the "Land"), which Land is more particularly described on Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and which declaration was recorded in the New York County Office of the Register of the City of New York (the "Register's Office") on the 7th day of December, 2007, as CRFN 2007000603806 (such declaration and any ameakee thereto being referred to hereinafter, collectively, as the "Declaration"); said Unit also being designated as Tax Lot 1405 in Block 928 of Section 38 of the Borough of Manhattan on the Tax Map of the Real Property Assessment Depaiment of the City of New York and on the floor plans of the Building certified by Gerner Kronick & Valcarcel, Architects, PC, on the 16th day of November, 2007, and filed with the Real Property As=ament Department of the City of New York on the 16th day of November, 2007, as Cord !Am Plan No. 1815 and also filed in the Register's Office on the 7th day of December, 2007, as CRFN 2007000603807. TOGETHER with an üñdivided L0093% interest in the Common Elements (as such term is defined in the Declaration); TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the Grantor in and to the Unit; TOGETHER with, and subject to, the rights, obligatiars, easements, restrictions and other provisionsset forth in the Declaration and in the By-Laws of Gramercy Cand=iniam, as the same may be amended from time to time (the "By-Laws"), all of which shall constitute covenants running with the Land and shall bind any person having at any time any interest or estate in any of the Units, as though recited and stipulated at length herein; and SUBJECT also to such other liens, agmmeta, covenants, enements, licenses, restrictions, and other matters of record as pertain to the Unit, to the Land or to the Building (the Land and Building being referred to hereinafter, collectively, as the"Property"). TO HAVB AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee, and the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee, forever. If any provision of the Declaration or the By-Laws is invalid under, or would cause the Declaration or the By-Lawsto be insufficient to submit the Property to, the piGvisiõñs of the Condominhim Act, or if any provision that is necessary to cause the Declaration and the By-Laws to be 000138386\000n145658-1 hHps:!!!megeView?doc_id=2008060500668001 3/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 sufficient to submit the Property to the provisions of the c:: '± Act is missing from the Declaration or the By-Laws, or if the Dee!ade and the By-Laws are insufficient to submit the Property to the provisions ofthe Cêñd=P Act, the applicable provisions of the Declaration shall control. Except as otherwise specifically permitted by the Residential Board (as such term is defined in the Declaration) or provided in the Dc+=±a or in the By-Laws, the Unit is intended for resider.tial use only. The Grantor that the Grantor has not done or suffered anythi::¡; to be done whereby the covenants Unit has been enardered in any way whatever, except as set forth herein or in the Declaration and the By-Laws (and any Rules and Regüktioña adopted under the By-Laws). This covenant is for the personal benefit of the Grantee only and cannot be assigned to or exercised by, and shall not inure to the benefit of, any other person or entity, including, but not limited to, any insurer of the Grantee's title or any successor to the Grantee's interest. The Grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law of the State of New York, covenants that the Grantor will receive the ceasecration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such comMeden as a trust fund for the purpose of paying the cost of improvemcats at the Property and will apply the same first to the pay:ncat of the cost of such improvements before using any part of the same for any other purpose. By secepting delivery of this Deed, the Orantee accepts and ratifies the provisions of the Declaration and the By-Laws (inckëñg, but not limited to, any Rules and R:;;:':±ñs adopted under the By-Laws) and agrees to comply with all the provisions thereof. This conveyance is made in the regular course of business actually conducted by the Grantor. "Grantor" "Grantee" "Grantors" "Gmaraas:" The terms and shall be read as and whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and the Grantee have duly executed this indenture as of the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: VICTOR AT E 23, LLC By: VictorEast Mezz, LLC, its Sole Member By: Victor Seven Manager, LLC, its Managing Member B Name: Ashe. 3hodW( Title: Authorized Signatory GRANTEE: Elyse Pasqug o00138386Wo01\145658-1 ....,-. .... .......- . .. . . .... . .. . ... ... . ... .. httpsJ/ëãcch|Desm= egeView?doc_id=2008000500669001 4/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 SCHEDULE A Legal Description Parcel I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of Iand situate, lying and being in the Borough of M±±att±e, County, City and State of New York, Mended and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the scdiedy side of East 23rd Street, distant 100 feet westerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the scüthedy side of 23rd Street with the westedy side of First Avenue; RUNNING THENCE southerly parallel with the westerly side of First Avenue, 98 feet 9 inches to the centre line of the block; THENCE westerly along said centre line of the block and parallel with the southerly side of East 23rd Street, 50 feet; THENCE southerly again parallel with the westerly side of First Avenue, 2 I feet; THENCE westerly again parallel with the southedy side of East 23rd Street, 25 feet; THENCE northerly again parallel with the westerly side of First Avenue, 21 feet; THENCE westerly again parallel with the southerly side of East 23rd Street, 50 feet; THENCE northerly again parallel with the westcdy side of First Avenue, 98 feet 9 inches to the southerly side of East 23rd Street; THENCE easterly along the southerly side of East 23rd Street, 125 feet to the point or place of EEGINNING. 000138386\0001\145658-1 ... . . _.... ..- . . . . - · - r|mageView?doc_id=2nn8060500669001 5/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 Parcel II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Borough of Meeti±e, County, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of East 23rd Street, distant 225 feet 0 inches westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of 23rd Street with the westerly side of First Avenue; RUNNING THENCE southerly parallel with the westerly side of First Avenue, 98 feet 9 inches to the centre line of the block; THENCE westerly along said centre line of the block and parallel with the southerly side of East 23rd Street, 40 feet 0 inches; THENCE rtcithctly again parallel with the westerly side of First Avenue, 98 feet 9 inches to the southerly side of East 23rd Street; THENCE easterly along the southerly side of East 23rd Street, 40 feet 0 inches to the point or place ofBEGINNING. 00013B386\00011145658-1 àâüaVievi?doc id=2008980«nnanann 6/12 p FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) e d of June 2008, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence tothe indtvidual whose name is sabscribed to the within ins ent and acknow!cdged to me that he exacute the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on e instrument, the individae, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the in reen Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) Notary Public No. MM -Stals of New York pgg COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) My WSS s: M On the 4th day of June 2008, before me, the undersigned, personally appea;td Elyse Pasquale, perscñâlly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indMJsS whose name is subwad to the within lashment and aciaicwledged to me that (he) (she) executed the same in (his) (her) capacity, and that by (his) (her) c!pr-e on the inencñt, the NdMdar.:, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. LAURA BUTLER Yorlt Notary Pubhc, State of New STATE OF NEW YORK No. 41 -4964188 Qushfied In Queens County , ) as,: Comass on Expwes March 26, COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) On the 4th day of June 2008, before me, the üñdersigred, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfsete•y evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) executed the same in (his) (her) capacity, and that by (his) (her) signature on the instrument, the individüal, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument Notary Public 000138386\0001\145658-1 https:!/e836-acris_nytgov!DS/DocumentSearch/DocumentlmageView?doc_ld=2008060500669001 7/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE n--- ------ - :::;,,;;, ,,,,, .....--.---.. -¬= " ltil OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER 2008060500669001001SFDC1 SUPPORTING DOCUMENT COVER PAGE PAGE 1 OF 1 Document ID: 2008666500669001 DocumentDate:06-04-2008 Preparation Date:06-05-2008 Document Type: DEED ASSOCIATED TAX FORM ID: 2008060300403 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED: Page Count DEP CUSTOMER REGISTRATION FORM FOR WATER AND SEWER BILLING 1 RP - 5217 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 2 SMOKE DETECTOR AFFIDAVIT 1ücüiñêritSearch/DocumentimageView?doc_id=2006üóù500669001 8/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 FORCITYUSEONLY CL County Code C2. Date Dead REALPROPERTYTRANSFERREPORT Reco Day STATE0FNEW YORK STATEGOARDOFREAL PROPERTYSERVICES C3, Book j C4, Page °" RP-5217NYC C5.CRFN movitano2 PROPERTiiiii-GiavIATION| t.pape,ty I 340 EAST23RD STREET PH3D MANHATTAN 00000 bcaHon similiETuuugillit snu:E.T NAMei. SOROUGH EPCOUE PASQUALE ELYSE 2.B4tyer ] Name LAST E COMPAW Fm$T LAST f cOMPANY NAME FastNAM 3.Tax wherefutureTaxBillsaretobesent Indicate Billing ifotherGianbuyeraddress (atbottomof form} ™ Address ORTCWie-- BrRdHLTNAME 61315tiTNUMBEA AND CITY sTAm apcooE 4.IndicatethanomberofAssessment 4A.PlanningBoardApproval-N/AforNYC Rollparentstransferredonthedeed I , I # ofParcelsOR PartofaParcel DIstrictNotice- NfAfor NYC 48. Agricultural Checkthet>oxesbelowastheyapplyi Property| IX | I OR _ .., 3_. . . e 6. Owneraldp TypeIsCondominium FRUNTFEET DEP1H ACRES 7.NewConatmationonVacantLand VICTOR AT E 23, LLC S.SeBer { I Name tasrrmEJCO AW FIR$r NAnig-- VmbY LAGrWME¯jcOMPAfty 9.Checkthebox belowwhichmostaccuratelydescribesthe useof the propertyatthetimaof male: A one FamllyResidentlal C VacantLand R68ldential E commeroat 0 EniuriémmUAmusemenI I Industrlaf B 2 or3 FamilyResidential D Non.Rosidential vacanitand p Apartment H communityservice J PublleService SAt.EINFORMATION 14.Checkoneor moreof theseconditionsasappilcableto transfer: 10 SaleContractbeta 4 22 / 2008 A SaleBetwoon RelativesorFormerRelatives / Im8' B Sale8etweenRelatedCompanies orPartnersInBusiness C OrieoftheBuyersis alsoaSellar it. Dateof Sale/ Transfer | 6 / 4 / 2008 o euverers.ineriscovemment Agencyor Landing Institution E DaedTypenot Warranty orBorgaInendSafe(Specity Below) F orLesslhanFeeInterest SaleofFraclional ( apecifyfielow) 12.Full $sle Price5 I , 3 4 8 7 5 . 0 6 1 o Change Significant InPropertyBetween Taxable StatusandSateDates amountpaldforthepropeityIncluding [ Full$slaPriceIsthe101s4 personal propeny. H SoloofBusinessIsIncludedInSalef$rice '"t pr;=t maybeintheformof cenh,otherproperty ef orgoods,orthe.sasurr.;&;; I OtherUnusualFactorsAffecting $alePrice{ Specify2elow) mortgages orotherobligations,)PleasetoundtothenearestwholedouaratnOunt, 13.Indicatetile valueof personal ' propertyIncludedin the sale - ASSESSMENTINFORMATION Date shedd:©otG leilestFinalAssessmentRoKandTaxBil 15. BundingClass I D, 6 I is. yotains ...ed vaiue tof anpaveetaintr.nste 17.Borough,Glockand1..otIRoll Identifier(a)( If morethen three,attachsheetwith additiottalidetttitler(s)) MANHATTAN 928 1405 CERTIFICATION Icertifythe d ortheHems orimrormationenteredor h=r± trueandcorrect(lothe'voi nadbrue0andIundmtsadthatthe .wledge ofmatertalfacthereinwillambject makingoranywlilftitfahestatement ofthepenallawretanve metotheprovisions tothemaldagandfillegofthlse(nstrumuts. BUYER BUYER¶SATTORNEY oATE LA5T E FIRSTNAME 212 564-3222 p STAEEf NuMaER 6WGEf MAME R3ALEl ARGA CQUE TEI.EPHONENuuntR SELLER - crryoRTown stax arcoD SELLERSGNATURE DATE 2008060300403201 https://a836-ecr!æëEmegeView?doc_id=2008060500869001 9h2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 CERTIFICATION me Wemy kWF as WR as undaratandmatthe makingof anywlDMfalsestatementof materlatfact hovefnwill subjectmeto theprovisionsofthepenallawfulativeto themaldngandflilng of falseInstruments, BUYER BUYER's ATIORNEY bUVER5 muE NAME FIRSTNAME 212 564-3222 230 . *.f . (M iF GTHER'tHUMBER FrQS hET GRGñLG) AREACODE 16LEPHONENUMBE SELLER OfrYCRMN SIATE 21PCODE $10HATURE DATE 2008060300403201 10/12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/08/2022 06:38 PM INDEX NO. 160804/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 6 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/08/2022 Affidavit of Come!!ans with Smoke Detector Req±e±t for One and-Two Family Dwellings AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE WITH SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENT FOR ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS State of New York ) ) SSa County of p¶ ) The undersigned, being duly sworn, depose and say onder penalty of perjury that they are the grantor and grantee of the real property or of the cooperative shares in a cooperative corporation owning real property located at 340 EAST 23RD STREET PH3D StreetAddress UnWApt. MANHATTAN New York, 928 1405 (the "Premises"); Borough Block Lot That the Premises is a one or two family dwelling, or a cooperative apartment or c:±n!±n unit in a one- or twa-family dwelling, and that installed in the Premises is an c;-psca and operationd smoke detecting device in wmpliene with the previsicas of Article 6 of Sübehapter 17 of Chapter 1 of Title 27 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York concerning smoke detecting devices; That they make affidavit in complience with New York City Administrative Code Section 11-2105 (g). (The signatures of at least one grantor and one grantee are required, and be notarized). shdor a B . QL LM 5 cok Name of Granter (typeor Print) Name of Gr segype ererino ... $ of Grantor Sigma e of Grantee Swom to ore me Swom to e me this clate of this d O N ,- PJ _2 **** MICHELLE MAFMNEZ - Quamed n o=ens Notary Pub a State of New York courgy Ne 01MA6178048 °°""*°n W*=r suoJCL Th s state a willfally false representa tion is unlawful and is punishable as NEW YORK CITY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX RETURNS FILED ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 6th, 1990, WITH RESPECT TO THE CONVEYANCE OF A ONE- OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING, OR A COOPERATIVE APARTMENT OR A CONDOMIN1UM UNIT IN A ONE- OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING, WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED