EXHIBIT(S) - F (Motion #001) - Email Correspondence

On December 13, 2021 a case was filed by Fifth Partners Llc, represented by Gruber, Paul N., Krassner, Mark, Nadelbach, Joshua Neal, and Rosenbaum, David Barry, against Joseph W. Foley, Nada Vasilijevic, and Punch House Flatiron Llc, represented by Tung, Kevin Kerveng, in the jurisdiction of New York County. Judge Gerald Lebovits presiding.

FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/27/2022 12:36 PM INDEX NO. 161105/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 31 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/27/2022 From: Saq Hussain To: Joseph Foley; Vijay Mehra Cc: Accounting; Veronica Stewart; Nada Foley; Ryan Mehra Subject: RE: 19 West 21st Street Lease Comments - Punch House Attachments: image003.png 19 - COI sample for tenancy.pdf 038-COI- (2) -.pdf 038-CC HH Agreement - Rev.2019.docx Hello Joseph, Please email me your COI and your welders’. See attached samples and indemnification. Also, we can only take the alarm offline during normal working hours, while our staff is in the building. Feel free to…

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