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  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview
  • Fifth Partners Llc v. Punch House Flatiron Llc, Joseph W. Foley, Nada VasilijevicReal Property - Other (Breach of Lease) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/29/2023 01:14 PM INDEX NO. 161105/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 102 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/29/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION: FIRST DEPARTMENT _______.__________________________________________________________Ç FIFTH PARTNERS LLC, Plaintiff-Respondent, NOTICE OF ENTRY -against- Index No. 161105/21 Case No. 2023-04898 2023-04899 JOSEPH W. FOLEY and NADA VASILIJEVIC, Defendants-Appellants. PUNCH HOUSE FLATlRON LLC, Defendant. ____________________________________________________________________Ç PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an order of the Appellate Division, First Department, of which the within is a true copy, was duly entered in the within named Court on November 28, 2023. Dated: New York, New York November 29, 2023 BORAH, GOLDSTEIN, ALTSCHULER, N INS & GOIDEL, P.C. PAUL N. GRUBER Attorneys for Plaintiff-Respondent 6th 377 Broadway, Floor New York, New York 10013 (212) 431-1300 x 449 TO: JOSEPH W. FOLEY Defendant-Appellant, Pro Se 18th 12 East Street New York, New York 10003 (646) 844-4666 1 1 of 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/29/2023 01:14 PM INDEX NO. 161105/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 102 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/29/2023 - 2023-04898 FILED : APPELLATE DIVISION 1ST DEPT 11/ 28 / 2023 09 :25 AQ NYSCsF DOC. NO. 9 $grente Court of e tate of Beb agbrvsD NysCsF: 11/28/2023 2(ppellate 3Bfbfgton, jffrst Jubfetal 3Bepartment PRESENT: Hon. Troy K. Webber, Justice Presiding, Jeffrey K. Oing Ellen Gesmer Peter H. Moulton Kelly O'Neill Levy, Justices. Fifth Partners LLC, Motion Nos. 2023-04598 Plaintiff-Respondent, 2023-04755 IndexNo. 161105/21 -against- Case Nos. 2023-o4898 2023-04899 Joseph W. Foley and Nada Vasilijevic, Defendants-Appellants, Punch House Flatiron LLC, Defendant. Appeals having been taken to this Court from an order of the Supreme Court, New York County, entered on or about April 27, 2023 (Case No. 2023-04898) and from a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County, entered on or about May 11, 2023 (Case No. 2023-04899), And defendants-appellants, pro se, having moved to stay enforcement of the aforesaid judgment pending hearing and determination of the appeal taken therefrom (Motion No. 2023-04598), And plaintiff-respondent having moved to dismiss the aforesaid appeals (Motion No. 2023-04755), Now, upon reading and filing the papers with respect to the motions, and due deliberation having been had thereon, 2 of 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/29/2023 01:14 PM INDEX NO. 161105/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 102 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/29/2023 Case Nos. 2023-04898 -2- Motion Nos. 2023-04598 2023-o4899 2023-04755 defendants-appellants' It is ordered that motion to stay enforcement of the judgment entered on or about May 11, 2023, is denied (Motion No. 2023-04598), and it is further ordered that the motion by plaintiff-respondent to dismiss the appeals under Case Nos. 2023-04898 and 2023-o4899 is denied (Motion No. 2023-04755). ENTERED: November 28, 2023 Silsanna Molina Rojas Clerk of the Court 3 of 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/29/2023 01:14 PM INDEX NO. 161105/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 102 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/29/2023 plaintiff such other relief which may be just and proper. Dated: New York, New York October 27, 2023 Yours, etc. BOR GOLDSTEIN, ALTSCHULER, NAH S & GOIDEL, P.C. B : PAUL N. GRUBER Attorneys for Plaintiff-Respondent 377 6th Fl. Broadway, New York, New York 10013 (212) 431-1300, x 449 TO: JOSEPH W. FOLEY Defendant-Appellant, Pro se 12 East 18th street New York, New York 10003 ' (646) 844-4666 2 4 of 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/29/2023 01:14 PM INDEX NO. 161105/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 102 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/29/2023 for Attorney(s) 20 of day this 3 To: me before to Swom signature2eiow mnmaineor we 1 ········ ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· "·· ··· ··· ··· Ext. 449 Esq. GRUBER, N. A PAUL To: York. Newof State the P.C. within Service Postal States United theof custody communications all refer Please care exclusive the under depository official A and 334-0960 (212) NUMBER: FAX wrapper, postpaid, an in addressed properly a in 431-1300 (212) enclosedsame of copy truea depositing by purpose YORK, YORK 10013-3993 NEW NEW that for saidby attorney(s) designated address the M BROADWAY 377 Address Office Post and Office action, at for Petitioner-Landlord-Respondent Attorney(s) 20 thisin for the attorney(s) P.C. GOlDEL, & NAHINS court ALTSCHULER, GOLDSTEIN, BORAH, upon copy led) within the ENTRY OF NOTICE a On WITH ORDER I served 20 Defendant. and box section) at reside I age;of years 18 over amI action;thisto party a not amI sworn, LLC, says; Being FLATIRON HOUSE PUNCH Signature Be OF COUNTY Defendants-Appellants. NEWYORK OF STATE 20 SERVICE OF VASILIJEVIC, W. MAIL BY AFFIDAVIT NADA and FOLEY JOSEPH and true a be to it -against- for Attorney(s) ' ............................................... Plaintiff-Respondent the com cert LLC, pursuant M o'clock at PARTNERS FIFTH in practice to ²° °" FIRST DEPARTMENT DIVISION: APPELLATE within the YORK NEWOF STATETHEOF COURT SUPREME OF of a of copy receipt acknowledges The undersigned 20 Year No.: 161105/21 Index OF SERVICE ADMISSION 5 of 5