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  • Margaret Mary Claire Leo v. Thomas Naiming Yim, Millwork Specialty Inc.Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Margaret Mary Claire Leo v. Thomas Naiming Yim, Millwork Specialty Inc.Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/29/2022 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 161118/2021 NYSCEF SUPREMEDOC. NO. 4OF COURT THE STATE OF NEW YORK Attorney: RECEIVED ABEND & SILBER,NYSCEF: PLLC 03/29/2022 COUNTY OF NEW YORK The papers served bore the index # and MARGARET MARY CLAIRE LEO., date of Eng. Plaintiff(s) Index # 161118/2021 - against - Purchased December 13, 2021 THOMAS NAIMING YlM, ETANO Defendant(s) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss: HUSAM AL-ATRASH BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS DEPONENT IS NOT A PARTY TO THIS ACTION, OVER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND RESIDES IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. That on March 18, 2022 at 07:19 AM at 14205 ROOSEVELT APT. 111 FLUSHING, NY 11354 deponent served the within SUMMONS AND VERIFIED COMPLAINT WITH NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING (MANDATORY) on THOMAS NAIMING YlM therein named, AFFlXING by affixing a true copy of each to the door of said premises, which is the Defendants dwelling house/usual place of TO DOOR abode within the state. Deponent was unable, with due diligence to find the Defendant or a person of suitable age and discretion, thereat, having called there on: December 22, 2021 AT 12:01 PM March 17, 2022 AT 6:03 PM March 18, 2022 AT 7:19 AM MAILING Deponent enclosed a copy of same in a postpaid wrapper properly addressed to the Defendant at the Defendanes last known residence at 14205 ROOSEVELT APT. 111 FLUSHING, NY 11354 and deposited said wrapper in a post office or official depository under exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service within New York State on March 23, 2022 by REGULAR FIRST CLASS MAIL in an envelope marked PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL and not indicating on the outside thereof, by retum address or otherwise, that the communication is from an attorney or concerns an action against the person to be served. Sw in to m March 23, 2022 JOSEP NIGHT VINETTA BREWER ' Notary , State of New York Notary Public, State of New York HUSAM AL-ATRASH No. 01 617 41 No. 01BR4949206 License #: 1279639 Qualifi d In New ork County Qualified in Bronx County Comm sion Exp es November 26, 2023 Commission Expires April 3, 2023 Invoice #: 776798 SUITE 440, NEW YORK, NY 10007 - 619-0728 NYCDCA#1102045 UNITED PROCESS SERVICE, INC., 225 BROADWAY, (212) 1 of 1