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  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview
  • Vadim Woolf and, Helena Wolf His Spouse v. Jtekt Corporation, Jtekt Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Jtek Machinery Americas Corporation, Individually and as Successor in Interest to, JTEK Toyoda Americas Corporation c/o Registered Agent MFEM Registered Agent, LLC, Taylor Metal Works, Inc., Taylor-Pohlman, Inc, n/k/a Taylor Metalworks, IncTorts - Product Liability (Premises and Labor Law) document preview


FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2023 02:59 PM INDEX NO. 802220/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 65 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2023 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT : COUNTY OF ERIE ________________________________________ VADIM WOOLF and HELENA WOLF, his Spouse, Plaintiffs, Index No.: 802220/2023 vs. JTEKT CORPORATION, JTEKT TOYODA AMERICAS CORPORATION, JTEKT MACHINERY AMERICAS CORPORATION, Individually and as Successor in Interest to JTEKT TOYODA AMERICAS CORPORATION, TAYLOR METALWORKS, INC., TAYLOR-POHLMAN, INC., n/k/a TAYLOR METALWORKS, INC., Defendants. _______________________________________ 1 of 5 FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2023 02:59 PM INDEX NO. 802220/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 65 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2023 CERTIF0CATE The undersigned authority has the honour to ce tify in confornii.ty v/ith article 6 of the Cónvention - the(date) at (piaces streets number) . . 0301) - in one of the following methods sehorised py article 5 * Mtm Ts Aus Alstt 5 &o7/EQb T WE L t * a) in accordance with the provisions of sub paragraph (a) 0.f the first paragraph of article 5 of the Convention 4tos 6 $16 1 a(s)©Mte . . . b) in accordance with the following particular method*: c) by delivery to the addressee who accepted it voluntari y*, The documents referred to in the request have been delivered to: Odentity and descriptfon of person) (RM&$U 4 to 24GW B) . .............. .... ... ..........._n______ ... . .. ....... .....__,__... relationship to