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  • Ali M Ramax vs Lennar Conciliation document preview
  • Ali M Ramax vs Lennar Conciliation document preview


27-CO-22-5891 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/6/2023 11:53 AM State of Minnesota District Court Hennepin County Fourth Judicial District Court File Number: 27-C 0-22-5891 | Case Type: Conciliation Ali M Ramax ORDER VACATING JUDGMENT VS. Lennar --......________...____ ee aaa eee Order Vacating J udgment Upon Removal/A ppeal Minn. Gen. R. Prac 521(d) Removal/A ppeal by the Defendant Lennar having been perfected, the judgment as ordered on February 16, 2023, as to Ali M Ramax vs Lennar is vacated. Dated: March 6, 2023 htt, iy ae Judge of District Court Last revised 11/2016