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  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview
  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview
  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview
  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview
  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview
  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview
  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview
  • SWANTON, PAUL vs. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANYContracts document preview


Filing # 174794698 E-Filed 06/07/2023 12:14:19 PM 10783 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. CASE NO. 23001779CA SWANTON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEES OF THE PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON REVOCABLE TRUST DTD 4/27/06 Plaintiffs, v. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. / NOTICE OF REMOVAL Defendant, Amica Mutual Insurance Company (“Amica Mutual”), pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1446(d), gives notice to the Clerk of the Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, in and for Charlotte County, Florida, that on June 6, 2023, Amica Mutual, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1332 and 1441, et. seq., by filing its Notice of Removal, removed this action to the United States District for the Middle District of Florida, Ft. Myers Division. Further, this court is requested to take no further action and to stay all proceedings before this court, pursuant to 28. U.S.C.§ 1446(d), unless and until further Order is forthcoming from the federal court, remanding this action to the state court if such action was improvidently removed. Absent entry of a Remand Order issued by the federal court, the state court is divested of jurisdiction over this cause and is requested to stay all actions and take no further proceedings. Attached as Composite Exhibit “A” is a copy of the notice of removal filed with the federal court, by and on behalf of Amica. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served via Florida’s e-filing portal this 7" day of June 2023 to Plaintiffs’ Attorney, Anthony M. Dennis, Esq., Dennis Kessler, PLLC 333 SE 2"! Avenue, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131; []; []; []. COLODNY FASS Attorneys for Defendant 1401 N.W. 136" Avenue, Suite 200 Sunrise, FL 33323 Telephone: (954) 492-4010 Facsimile: (954) 492-1144 By: 4s/ Amy L. Koltnow AMY L. KOLTNOW, ESQ. Fla. Bar. No. 899010 Composite Exhibit “A” Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 1 of 8 PagelD 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA FORT MYERS DIVISION PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. CASE NO.: SWANTON INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEES OF THE PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON REVOCABLE TRUST DTD 04/27/06, Plaintiffs, V. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. / DEFENDANT AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY’S NOTICE OF REMOVAL Defendant, Amica Mutual Insurance Company (“Amica Mutual”), pursuant to U.S.C. § 1441, et seq., removes this action from the Circuit Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in Florida, in and for Charlotte County, Florida, Case No. 23001779CA, styled Paul C. Swanton and Deborah A. Swanton Individually and as Trustees of The Paul C. Swanton and Deborah A. Swanton Revocable Trust DTD 04/27/06 v. Amica Mutual Insurance Company, and states: l The State Court Case 4 On May 5, 2023, plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against their homeowner's insurance company, Amica Mutual, asserting a claim for breach of contract based on property damages allegedly sustained to the insured residence located at 7155 South Lake Drive, Englewood, Florida 34224. 2 The action is currently pending in the Circuit Court of the 20" Judicial Circuit in and for Charlotte County, Florida, Case No. 23001779CA. 1 Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 2 of 8 PagelD 2 3 Amica Mutual was served with the initial complaint on May 9, 2023, and within 30 days of being served with the lawsuit, on June 6, 2023, Amica Mutual has timely filed this notice to remove the action from state court to federal court based upon the plaintiffs’ supporting damage estimate in excess of $75,000. 4 Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1446(a) and the Local Rules, a copy of all process, pleadings, and orders on file in this case are attached as Composite Exhibit “A”. 5 The case is removed to the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Fort Myers Division, because the state court action was brought in Charlotte County, Florida. 28 U.S.C. §§1441(a); 1446(a). I. Standard of Review 6 Where there is complete diversity of citizenship and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs, an action may be removed from state court to federal court. 7 28 U.S.C. § 1441(a) provides: Except as otherwise expressly provided by Act of Congress, any civil action brought in a State court of which the district courts of the United States have original jurisdiction, may be removed by the defendant or the defendants, to the district court of the United States for the district and division embracing the place where such action is pending. 28 U.S.C. § 1332 provides, in relevant part: (a) The district court shall have original jurisdiction of all civil actions where the matter in controversy exceeds the sum or value of $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs, and is between— (1) Citizens of different States; Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 3 of 8 PagelD 3 9 Subsection (c) of 28 U.S.C. § 1332 provides: (c) For the purposes of this section and section 1441 of this title -- (1) a corporation shall be deemed to be a citizen of every State and foreign state by which it has been incorporated and of the State or foreign state where it has its principal place of business .. . 10. 28 U.S. 1446(b) provides, in relevant part: (1) The notice of removal of a civil action or proceeding shall be filed within 30 days after the receipt by the defendant, through service or otherwise, of a copy of the initial pleading setting forth the claim for relief upon which such action or proceeding is based, or within 30 days after the service of summons upon the defendant if such initial pleading has then been filed in court and is not required to be served on the defendant, whichever period is shorter. IL. Jurisdiction A. Diversity Jurisdiction 11. This court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 because the controversy exceeds the sum of $75,000 exclusive of interest and costs, and is between citizens of different states. 4 Citizenship of the Partie 12. There is complete diversity of citizenship. 13. Plaintiffs’ complaint fails to include any allegation as to the specific citizenship of Amica Mutual, or the location of its principal place of business. 14. The allegations of diversity, however, are not required to exist in the complaint. This court may consider other filings, in addition to the complaint to determine Amica Mutual's citizenship. Huchon v. Jankowski, 2007 WL 221421 at *2 (S.D. Fla. 2007, Case No. 06-10094 CIV MOORE)(citing Davis v. Cluet, Peabody & Co., 667 F.2d 1371, 1373 (11" Cir 1982). Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 4 of 8 PagelD 4 15. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 (c)(1), a corporation shall be deemed to be a citizen of any state in which it has been incorporated and of the state where it has its principal place of business. 16. At all material times, Amica Mutual was and is a foreign (surplus lines insurance carrier) corporation, incorporated in Rhode Island, with is principal place of business located at One Hundred Amica Mutual Way, Lincoln, RI 02865. See Exhibit “B”, 2023 Foreign Profit Corporation Annual Report filed with the Florida Division of Corporations. 17. Amica Mutual, therefore, “resides” in Rhode Island, and for purposes of diversity jurisdiction, Amica Mutual could only be considered a citizen of Rhode Island, not Florida. 18. Plaintiffs are residents of Charlotte County, Florida, and are the owners of the real property that is the subject of this lawsuit located at 7155 South Lake Drive, Englewood, Florida 34224. (4, Complaint). According to the Charlotte County Property Appraiser, plaintiffs receive a homestead tax exemption for this residence. Accordingly, upon information and belief, plaintiffs’ permanent residence and place of domicile is in Charlotte County, Florida. 19. Florida Statutes §196.012(17) defines permanent residence as “place where a person has his or her true, fixed, and permanent home and principal establishment to which, whenever absent, he or she has the intention of returning. A person may have only one permanent residence at atime. . .”. 20. Although residency may not be equivalent of citizenship for diversity purposes, state citizenship or domicile purposes of diversity jurisdiction is determined by two factors: residence and intent to remain. See Jones v. Law Firm of Hill and Ponton, 4 Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 5 of 8 PagelD 5 141 F.Supp.2d 1349, 1355 (M.D. Fla. 2001)(citing Mississippi Bank of Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield, 490 U.S. 30, 48 (1989). There is a presumption that the state in which a person resides at any given time is also that person’s domicile. Jones, 141 F. Supp. At 1355 (citing District of Columbia v. Murphy, 314 U.S. 441, 455 (1941). Furthermore, once an individual has established a domicile, he/she remains a citizen there until he/she satisfies the mental and physical requirements of domicile in a new state. /d. at 1355 (citing Yeldell v. Tutt, 913 F.2d 533, 537 (8'" Cir. 1990). 21. It is anticipated that plaintiffs will identify Florida as their state of citizenship in their mandatory disclosure statement pursuant to Rule 7.1, Fed. R. Civ. P. B. Amount in Controversy 22. The amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, exclusive of interest, attorney’s fees and costs. 23. Plaintiffs alleged the residence sustained direct physical damage as a result of Hurricane lan on September 28, 2022 (8, Complaint), and that Amica Mutual breached the policy by failing to “provide the appropriate amount of coverage and properly pay the full amount of insurance proceeds owed to Plaintiffs.” (14, Complaint) 24. Following its investigation of the claim, Amica Mutual notified the insureds that it was affording coverage for the reported property damage and issued payments to the insureds for $13,721.13 (Coverage B); $1,444.22 (Coverage B — depreciation); and $23,898.24 (Coverage A). See Comp. Exhibit “C”. 25. In support of their claim, plaintiffs submitted a roofing contract/estimate for $96,600.00. See Exhibit “D”. Plaintiffs also advised Amica Mutual that there was potentially structural damage to the residence. Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 6 of 8 PagelD 6 26. On November 30, 2022, plaintiffs served a statutory presuit notice of intent to initiate litigation and included a settlement demand based on damages of $110,661.00, exclusive of attorney's fees and costs. 27. Plaintiffs have failed to plead any specific amount of damages sought and have simply stated that this is an action for damages in excess of $30,000 exclusive of attorney fees, costs and interest”, without more. (4/1, Complaint) 28. When a plaintiff files a case in state court and fails to plead a specific amount of damages, the removing defendant must only prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the amount in controversy exceeds the jurisdictional requirements. Williams v. Best Buy Co. Inc., 269 F.3d 1316 (11" Cir. 2001). 29. “(I)nformation relating to the amount in controversy...shall be treated as an “other paper” under subsection (b)(3). 28 U.S.C. § 1446 (c)(3)(A). 30. Based upon the factual allegations of the complaint and plaintiffs’ proposed repair estimate, the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, the jurisdictional requirement of this court. 31. Pre-suit settlement demands or offers may be considered in establishing that the jurisdictional threshold has been met. Burns v. Windsor Ins. Co., 31 F.3d 1092, 1097 (11" Cir. 1994)(cited in Morock v. Chautauqua Airlines, Inc., 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 43133 (M.D. Fla. Case No. 8:07-CV-00210-T17MAP) and Burnette v. Regions Bank, 2016 WL 1644182 (M.D. Fla. 2016, Case No. 5:15-CV-567-OC-32PRL); see also Westerburger v. Geovera Specialty Ins. Co., 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 87974, (S.D. Fla. Case No. 19-60870-ClVO(“Public adjuster estimates are routinely used to establish the amount in controversy in removal cases of first party insurance claims where the amount of damages is not specified in the complaint.”); Juan Diego Cardenas DDS, Inc. v. Colony 6 Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 7 of 8 PagelD 7 Specialty Ins. Co., 14-22957 Civ-Scola, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 184620 (S.D. Fla. Feb. 12, 2015); Dart Cherokee Basin Operating Co. v. Owen, 135 S. Ct. 547, 554, 190 L. Ed. 2d 495 (2014)(citing 28 U.S.C. § 1446(a))(“[A] defendant's notice of removal need include[s] only a plausible allegation that the amount in controversy exceeds the jurisdictional threshold.”). IV. Conclusion 32. Defendant, Amica Mutual Insurance Company, removes this case to the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. 33. Promptly after filing this notice of removal, defendant will give written notice to all adverse parties and will file a copy of this notice with the clerk of the state court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1446(d). CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that on June 7, 2023, | electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system which will send a notice of electronic filing to all counsel of record on the attached service list. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Amy L. Koltnow Amy L. Koltnow, Esq. Florida Bar No: 899010 Colodny Fass Counsel for Defendant 1401 NW 136th Avenue Suite 200 Sunrise, FL 33323 Telephone: (954) 492-4010 Telefax: (954) 492-1144 SERVICE LIST: ANTHONY M. DENNIS, ESQ. Counsel for Plaintiffs Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 8 of 8 PagelD 8 Dennis Kessler, PLLC 333 SE 2™ Avenue, Suite 2000 Miami, FL 33131 Email:;; Filing # 17255644 E-FHTEY OSAS)/ 2025 H2IB:43 PMed 08/07/23. Page 1 of S PagelD 8 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR’ CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. CASE NO.: SWANTON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEES OF THE PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON REVOCABLE TRUST DTD 04/27/06 > Plaintiffs, Vv. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. PLAINTIFFS’ COMPLAINT FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL COMES NOW, Plaintiffs, PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEES OF THE PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON REVOCABLE TRUST DTD 04/27/06, through the undersigned counsel, and hereby files this Complaint against Defendant, AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, and as grounds therefore states as follows: 1 This is an action for damages in excess of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000.00), exclusive of interest, attorneys’ fees and costs, and is otherwise within the jurisdictional limits of this Court. 2. At all times material hereto, Defendant was an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and doing business and maintaining offices and/or agents for the transaction of its customary business in Charlotte County, Florida. 3 At all times material hereto, the damaged property is located in Charlotte County, Florida. Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 2 of 5 PagelD 10 4 Prior to September 28, 2022, Plaintiffs sought and purchased homeowner’s insurance from Defendant to cover their property located at 7155 South Lake Drive, Englewood, Florida 34224 (hereinafter “property and/or Insured Property”). 5 The subject policy of insurance, which is believed to be policy number 63020920NL was issued by Defendant to Plaintiffs to provide property insurance coverage for the Insured Property. 6 Plaintiffs have paid the premiums for the Contract prior to September 28, 2022. 7. At all times material hereto, Plaintiffs and Defendant had a policy of insurance, Policy No. 63020920NL, (hereinafter “Contract”). Plaintiffs are not in possession of a complete certified copy of the Contract; however, the Contract is well known to and in the possession of Defendant, and Plaintiffs have requested a formal copy of the Contract through a Request to Produce which has been served upon Defendant contemporaneously with this Complaint. See Equity Premium, Inc. v. Twin City Fire Ins. Co., 956 So. 2d 1257 (Fla. 4!" DCA 2007); Amiker v. Mid-Century Ins. Co., 398 So. 2d 974 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Parkway General Hospital Inc. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 393 So. 2d 1171 (Fla. 3 DCA 1981). 8 The Insured Property sustained direct physical damage as a result of a windstorm from hurricane Ian on or about September 28, 2022. 9 The policy described in paragraph 7 above was in full force and effect as of September 28, 2022. 10. Defendant received timely notice of the loss. lL. Defendant assigned the loss reported by Plaintiffs and described in paragraph 8 above a claim number believed to be 60004440946. Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 3 of 5 PagelD 11 12. Defendant and its agents requested and were given access and the opportunity to inspect the Insured Property and the reported damage arising from the loss described in paragraph 8 above. 13. Prior to this action, the Defendant denied coverage and/or failed to issue full payment for the loss described in paragraph 8 above pursuant to the terms and coverages available under the Contract. 14. This is an action relating to Defendant’s breach of Contract for its failure to provide the appropriate amount of coverage and properly pay the full amount of insurance proceeds owed to Plaintiffs. 15. Jurisdiction and venue of this matter are proper in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida. COUNT I- BREACH OF CONTRACT 16. Plaintiffs reallege and reincorporate paragraphs 1-15 as if fully stated herein, and further allege as follows: 17. During the above Contract period the Insured Property sustained direct physical damages to the property, including but not limited to the roof, exterior, and interior of the dwelling. 18. Plaintiffs provided timely notice of the loss, described in paragraph 8, above to the Defendant. 19. Prior to the initiation of this lawsuit, Defendant has denied coverage under the Contract for the damages referenced herein and/or has refused or otherwise failed to issue full payment to Plaintiffs for the physical damages to the Insured Property sustained during the Contract period. Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 4 of 5 PagelD 12 20. The Defendant has wrongfully determined the damages to the Insured Property are excluded under the Contract and/or represented that the damages are less than the damages actually sustained as a result of the loss. 21. The Plaintiffs have provided notice, complied with all obligations, and conditions precedent to this lawsuit, and as required by Florida Statute, including F.S. § 627.70152,! which would entitle Plaintiffs to recover under the Contract or such conditions/obligations have been waived. 22. The Plaintiffs have complied with all policy obligations and conditions precedent to this lawsuit which would entitle the Plaintiffs to recover benefits under the Contract, or such conditions/obligations have been waived. 23. Defendant has failed to provide complete coverage and/or issue full payment for the physical damages that occurred as a result of the loss during the Contract period. 24. This failure is contrary to the terms of the Contract and constitutes a breach of the Contract. 25. The Plaintiffs have been damaged by this breach in the form of unpaid insurance proceeds needed to restore the Insured Property to its pre-loss condition as a result of Defendant refusing to provide complete coverage and pay the full amount owed under the Contract. 26. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s breach of Contract, Plaintiffs have been required to retain the services of the undersigned attorneys to represent and protect the interests of Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs have become obligated to pay them a reasonable fee for their services in bringing this action. ' Despite compliance with F.S. § 627.70152, Plaintiffs do not concede nor contend such statute applies retroactively to policies that incepted or renewed prior to July 1, 2021 — ie., the date F.S. § 627.70152 was enacted. See Menendez v. Progressive Express Inc. Co., 35 So. 3d 873 (Fla. 2010). Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-1 Filed 06/07/23 Page 5 of 5 PagelD 13 27. In the event that Plaintiffs prevail in this action, Plaintiffs are entitled to an award of attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to section §627.428, §626.9373, §627.70152 and §57.041, of Florida Statutes and/or any other Florida Law. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment against Defendant for damages, including but not limited to damages owed under the Contract, statutory interest, and attorneys’ fees and costs. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiffs further demand a trial by jury of all issues so triable as a matter of right. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing has been served on Defendant. /s/Anthony M. Dennis ANTHONY M. DENNIS, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 123526 DENNIS KESSLER, PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiffs 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131 Phone: (813) 607-5111 Fax: (813) 522-6157 Primary: Secondary: e-service email address: Case 2:23-cy. 00406, Recuments-2. Gileg06(n7'23 Page 1 of 1 PagelD 14 Str INSURANCE COMPANY Me yi \ fii Schedute trent [Print Summary |../Detallsine/ 11060 gest THebFFQoyEWasiep 7S) C) Farmnay (preay ei ncaa tt SOD ges SLE eye Pt FCC) fo. i 1. Ng & SUMMARY Jette: Couet ype: Case Fee: howGER Dp EATOD NTL, GEOFFREY H OneUE CML Contacts (Case Narnbee (eileenCarte Meserdee: Sae 2OONOCA, ORROEC AON FPPC OPEN & Ustmare Pose Chek File Bate: ‘ates Bate Watow Spay Feta 5503 5/5 083 Login arenaBoe Catedy Loci: = Agency: dl NOTIN CUSTODY (prey Repertmamnber: ((Bencheavk! Heme-aspoc! About) Starch (/ Benchmark! Home. apie Search) Renchmark tDeckat (PR court echat | Cour api PARTIES (5 caeoar WE ——— PAT a (Benchmart (CounDecet aspx/ Calendar) OHI, anCTISC DOR (Uflenchrrarte Par Sy gn free 1a Q) Recent Senches coe t SN pe ah ORT ICES TL ATTORNEY WOLTROW, AA Y'L (JRerechrearh Par ty aap i ineice! 1A? cme! TSA gen RV cagA) JOR oo DEMOS, ANTHONY MOORE (1 enechenarte Party sag! AC SAIC TOR PALL sfhenchenark Party aapzel neds! TS PAnTIT coe SM ar wy Tr kage ooh TEETH vee ALE) iy com SN ge RP YOR NA detorrey) PANT ‘HRECTOR DERORAN (/Mereherarks Party aagm.nebes/1 AIS ‘Chet St gen OR IWS Trt 2c | (AOA RAFT. SURI COMPU ourevoanr (UflenecherantParty x treden! 1UTPSA Ac ROLTIOOW, ABE Liha referer Party pnd ec TATRA Coe 1 SAM ar oy True ORV PR SP gaa | com 1 SN pn bn FRE TALE A CENTILE, GEOPPREY M ¢/Benchrrark Party: sap Plaintiffs, Vv. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. PLAINTIFFS’ COMPLAINT FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL COMES NOW, Plaintiffs, PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEES OF THE PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON REVOCABLE TRUST DTD 04/27/06, through the undersigned counsel, and hereby files this Complaint against Defendant, AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, and as grounds therefore states as follows: 1 This is an action for damages in excess of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000.00), exclusive of interest, attorneys’ fees and costs, and is otherwise within the jurisdictional limits of this Court. 2. At all times material hereto, Defendant was an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and doing business and maintaining offices and/or agents for the transaction of its customary business in Charlotte County, Florida. 3 At all times material hereto, the damaged property is located in Charlotte County, Florida. Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-3 Filed 06/07/23 Page 3 of 16 PagelD 17 4 Prior to September 28, 2022, Plaintiffs sought and purchased homeowner’s insurance from Defendant to cover their property located at 7155 South Lake Drive, Englewood, Florida 34224 (hereinafter “property and/or Insured Property”). 5 The subject policy of insurance, which is believed to be policy number 63020920NL was issued by Defendant to Plaintiffs to provide property insurance coverage for the Insured Property. 6 Plaintiffs have paid the premiums for the Contract prior to September 28, 2022. 7. At all times material hereto, Plaintiffs and Defendant had a policy of insurance, Policy No. 63020920NL, (hereinafter “Contract”). Plaintiffs are not in possession of a complete certified copy of the Contract; however, the Contract is well known to and in the possession of Defendant, and Plaintiffs have requested a formal copy of the Contract through a Request to Produce which has been served upon Defendant contemporaneously with this Complaint. See Equity Premium, Inc. v. Twin City Fire Ins. Co., 956 So. 2d 1257 (Fla. 4!" DCA 2007); Amiker v. Mid-Century Ins. Co., 398 So. 2d 974 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Parkway General Hospital Inc. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 393 So. 2d 1171 (Fla. 3 DCA 1981). 8 The Insured Property sustained direct physical damage as a result of a windstorm from hurricane Ian on or about September 28, 2022. 9 The policy described in paragraph 7 above was in full force and effect as of September 28, 2022. 10. Defendant received timely notice of the loss. lL. Defendant assigned the loss reported by Plaintiffs and described in paragraph 8 above a claim number believed to be 60004440946. Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-3 Filed 06/07/23 Page 4 of 16 PagelD 18 12. Defendant and its agents requested and were given access and the opportunity to inspect the Insured Property and the reported damage arising from the loss described in paragraph 8 above. 13. Prior to this action, the Defendant denied coverage and/or failed to issue full payment for the loss described in paragraph 8 above pursuant to the terms and coverages available under the Contract. 14. This is an action relating to Defendant’s breach of Contract for its failure to provide the appropriate amount of coverage and properly pay the full amount of insurance proceeds owed to Plaintiffs. 15. Jurisdiction and venue of this matter are proper in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida. COUNT I- BREACH OF CONTRACT 16. Plaintiffs reallege and reincorporate paragraphs 1-15 as if fully stated herein, and further allege as follows: 17. During the above Contract period the Insured Property sustained direct physical damages to the property, including but not limited to the roof, exterior, and interior of the dwelling. 18. Plaintiffs provided timely notice of the loss, described in paragraph 8, above to the Defendant. 19. Prior to the initiation of this lawsuit, Defendant has denied coverage under the Contract for the damages referenced herein and/or has refused or otherwise failed to issue full payment to Plaintiffs for the physical damages to the Insured Property sustained during the Contract period. Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-3 Filed 06/07/23 Page 5 of 16 PagelD 19 20. The Defendant has wrongfully determined the damages to the Insured Property are excluded under the Contract and/or represented that the damages are less than the damages actually sustained as a result of the loss. 21. The Plaintiffs have provided notice, complied with all obligations, and conditions precedent to this lawsuit, and as required by Florida Statute, including F.S. § 627.70152,! which would entitle Plaintiffs to recover under the Contract or such conditions/obligations have been waived. 22. The Plaintiffs have complied with all policy obligations and conditions precedent to this lawsuit which would entitle the Plaintiffs to recover benefits under the Contract, or such conditions/obligations have been waived. 23. Defendant has failed to provide complete coverage and/or issue full payment for the physical damages that occurred as a result of the loss during the Contract period. 24. This failure is contrary to the terms of the Contract and constitutes a breach of the Contract. 25. The Plaintiffs have been damaged by this breach in the form of unpaid insurance proceeds needed to restore the Insured Property to its pre-loss condition as a result of Defendant refusing to provide complete coverage and pay the full amount owed under the Contract. 26. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s breach of Contract, Plaintiffs have been required to retain the services of the undersigned attorneys to represent and protect the interests of Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs have become obligated to pay them a reasonable fee for their services in bringing this action. ' Despite compliance with F.S. § 627.70152, Plaintiffs do not concede nor contend such statute applies retroactively to policies that incepted or renewed prior to July 1, 2021 — ie., the date F.S. § 627.70152 was enacted. See Menendez v. Progressive Express Inc. Co., 35 So. 3d 873 (Fla. 2010). Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-3 Filed 06/07/23 Page 6 of 16 PagelD 20 27. In the event that Plaintiffs prevail in this action, Plaintiffs are entitled to an award of attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to section §627.428, §626.9373, §627.70152 and §57.041, of Florida Statutes and/or any other Florida Law. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment against Defendant for damages, including but not limited to damages owed under the Contract, statutory interest, and attorneys’ fees and costs. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiffs further demand a trial by jury of all issues so triable as a matter of right. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a certified copy of the foregoing has been served on Defendant. /s/Anthony M. Dennis ANTHONY M. DENNIS, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 123526 DENNIS KESSLER, PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiffs 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131 Phone: (813) 607-5111 Fax: (813) 522-6157 Primary: Secondary: e-service email address: Filing # 1725S09%1 422PiePOSRIS/ LOS OSG PNET 08/07/23 Page 7 of 16 PagelD 21 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR’ CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. CASE NO.: 23001779CA SWANTON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEES OF THE PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. SWANTON REVOCABLE TRUST DTD 04/27/06 > Plaintiffs, Vv. AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. / SUMMONS THE STATE OF FLORIDA: To Each Sheriff of the State: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to serve this Summons and a copy of the Complaint, Interrogatories, Request for Production, Request for Admissions, Notice of Depositions, and Notice of E-mail Designation in the above-styled cause upon the Defendant: PLEASE SERVE: AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BY SERVING: Insurance Commissioner of the State of Florida, for and on behalf of the Defendant, in accordance with Florida Statutes. c/o Florida Chief Financial Officer as Reg. Agent 200 E. Gaines St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0000 DATED: 05/05/2023 ROGER D. EATON As Clerk of Court By: Qu As Deputy Clerk Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-3 Filed 06/07/23 Page 8 of 16 PagelD 22 (COURT SEAL) IMPORTANT A lawsuit has been filed against you. You have 20 calendar days after this summons is served on you to file a written response to the attached complaint with the clerk of the court. A phone call will not protect you. Your written response, including the case number given above and the names of the parties, must be filed if you want the court to hear your side of the case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, property, and money may thereafter be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book). Also, you may call your insurance company representative if you believe you are covered for this loss. If you choose to file a written response yourself, at the same time you file your written response to the court you must also mail or take a copy of your written response to the “Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney” named below. IMPORTANTE Usted ha sido demandado legalmente. Tiene 20 dias, contados a partir del recibo de esta notificacion, para contester la demanda adjunta, por escrito, y presentarla ante este tribunal. Una llamada telefonica no lo protegera. Si usted desea que el tribunal considere su defensa, debe presentar su repuesta por escrito, incluyendo el numero del caso y los nombres demanda a tiemp, pudiese perder el caso y podria ser despojado de sus ingresos y propiedades, 0 privado de sus derechos, sin previo aviso del tribunal. Existen otros requisites legales. Si lo desea, puede usted consultar a un abogado, puede llamar a una de las oficinas de asistencia legal que aparecen en la guia telefonica. Si desea responder a la demanda por su cuenta, al mismo teimpo en que presenta su repuesta ante el tribunal, debera usted enviar por correo 0 entregar una copia de su respuesta a la persona denominada abajo como “Plaintiff/Plaintiffs Attorney” (Demandante 0 Abogado del Demandante). IMPORTANT Des poursuites judicares ont ete enterprises contre vous. Vous avez 20 jours consecutifs a partir de la date de l’assignation de cetta citation pour deposer una reponse ecrite a la plainte ci- jointe aupres de ce tribunal. Un simple coup de telephone est insuffisant pour vous proteger. Vous etes obliges de deposer votre reponse ecrite, avec mention du numero de dossier ci-dessus et du nom des parties nommes ici, si vous souhaitez que le tribunal entende votre cause. Si vous ne deposez pas votre reponse ecrite de le relai requis, vous risqué de perdre la cause ainsi que votre salaire, votre argent, et vos biens peuvent etre saisis par la suite, sans aucun preavis Case 2:23-cv-00406 Document 1-3 Filed 06/07/23 Page 9 of 16 PagelD 23 ulterieur du tribunal. Il y a d’autres obligations juridiques et vous pouvez requerir les services immediats d’un avocet. Si vous ne connaissez pas d’avocat, vous pourriez telephoner a un service de reference d’avocats ou a un bureau d’assistance juridique (figurant a l’annuaire de telephones). Si vous choisissez de deposer vous-meme una reponse ecrite, il vous faudra egalement , en meme temps que cette formalite, faire parvenir ou expedier une copie de votre reponse ecrite au “Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney” (Plaignant ou a son avocet) nomme cidessous. REPLY TO: /s/Anthony M. Dennis ANTHONY M. DENNIS, ESQ. Florida Bar No.: 123526 DENNIS KESSLER, PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131 Phone: (813) 607-5111 Fax: (813) 522-6157 Primary: Secondary: e-service email address: Filing # 17255094 PES AEG O65 285902238243 PARE 08/07/23 Page 10 of 16 Pagel 24 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR’ CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PAUL C. SWANTON AND DEBORAH A. CASE NO.: