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  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview


At an lAS Part of Supreme Court, of the State of New York, County of Ne\..,r York located at 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007, on the day of October 2023 PRESENT: Hon. Justice of the Supreme Court ---------------------------------x ERNEST WATSON and ABBY WATSON, Law Dep't No. 2020-002205 Plaintiffs, Index No. 162516/2019 -against- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE THE CITY OF NEW YORK; Det. "JOHN" BRADY Shield No. 646 and P.O. RENE SOTO, Defendants. ---------------------------------x On reading and filing the Affirmation of Robert Dembia, Esq., dated October 2, 2023, setting forth facts tending to show that it is appropriate in the within action to extend the time for the plaintiff to secure the report of a medical expert and to complete non-party discovery, and also tending to show that in this action, there is just cause such an extension of time, or alternatively, to allow the plaintiff to complete the above after filing the note of issue, LET defendants show cause before a motion term of this Court, in Room - - - , Supreme Court of the State of New York, at the Courthouse thereof, 80 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013, at _ _ _ _ _ AM, on , 2023, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard why relief should not be granted as follows: 1. An order pursuant to CPLR 2004, extending the time limit set forth in the Stipulation and Order dated 6/27/23 and otherwise extending for 60 days the time limit for plaintiffs to complete pre-trial proceedings, including but not limited to securing expert medical opinion and non-party discovery, on the ground that the undersigned, despite a good faith effort, was unable to complete the above proceedings within the time provided in the Stipulation and Order dated 6/27/2023, 2. Alternatively, an order pursuant to Uniform Rule § 202.21(d), permitting the plaintiffs complete the aforesaid pretrial proceedings after the filing of the note of issue. 3. An order for any other relief which to the Court appears just. Sufficient reason therefore appearing, and pending the hearing and determination of this motion, it is ORDERED, that the deadlines in the Stipulation and Order dated 6/27/2023 are hereby extended for 60 days pending further proceedings and it is further ORDERED, that service of a copy of this Order and the papers on which it is granted, on defense counsel, by mail to New York City Law Department 100 Church Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10007 and additionally, by filing the papers on which it was granted with the NYSCEF e-filing system under the file for this action, on or before October , 2023, be deemed good and sufficient. E N T E R Justice of the Supreme Court