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  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview
  • Berg, Daniel et al vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts et al Equity Action involving the Commonwealth, Municipality, MBTA, etc. document preview


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SUFFOLK, ss. ’ CIVIL ACTION NO. 2184-cv-1848‘F DANIEL BERG, ANDREW FERRARA, LOCAL S-28, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL-CIO, and LOCAL 8-29, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL-CIO, Plaintiffs, 52:5 3 E g} 57:: 3:. Fr") 92': :nv (-3 :1: V . in?” 22-9 T: __ To) m: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, Egg ’0 gig EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF PUBLIC SAFETY gm _ 311:: AND SECURITY, MILITARY DIVISION, And .33“ (:1 §g " HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION, :4 MT .23 Defendants. PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS Now comes the Plaintiffs, Daniel Berg and Andrew Ferrara (“Plaintiff Employees”), Local S-28, International Association of Fire Fire?ghters, AFL-CIO, and Local S-29, International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL—CIO(“Unions”) (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) and hereby moves this Honorable Court pursuant to Mass.R.Civ.P. 12(0) to grant judgment in favor of the Plaintiffs because there are no material factual disputes for which discovery or a trial is necessary. The sole issue is whether Defendants Commonwealth of Massachusetts (“Commonwealth”),Executive Of?ce of Public Safety and Security,Military Division, and Human Resources Division (collectively, “Defendants”) are appropriately applying M.G.L. c. 33, § 59 in the administration of paid military leave. Speci?cally, Defendants are interpreting “day” to mean the equivalent of one-fifth of an average work week, whereas Plaintiffs seek application period, regardless of calendar day. See of the statutory de?nition of “day” as a twenty—four—hour M.G.L.c. 33, § 59. For these reasons, and the reasons set forth in the Plaintiffs’ attached memorandum, Plaintiffs respectfully request that judgment be granted in favor of the Plaintiffs. Respectfully submitted, DANIEL BERG, ANDREW FERRARA, LOCAL S-28, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS, and LOCAL S—29,INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS By their attorney, 4wWI” James Hykel Pyle, Rome, Ehrenberg, RC. 2 Liberty Square, 10th Floor Boston, MA 02109 (617) 367-7200 Dated: December 20, 2022 CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE PURSUANT TO SUPERIOR COURT RULE 9C I herebycertify that, pursuant to Superior Court Rule 9C, a conference was held Via email on December 19, 2022, between James Hykel (counsel for Plaintiffs) and Eric Haskell (counsel for the Defendants) in which the parties made a good-faith effort to narrow areas of disagreement to the fullest extent. James ykel CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on December 20, 2022, I served the above documenton counsel for the Defendants by ?rst class mail and email. James ykel