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  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview
  • Jordan Bardach v. Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic, Yoel Hershkowitch, Aron Wolocowitz, Rentability, Inc. (Nominal Respondent)Commercial - Other - Commercial Division (N-PCL 618) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 EXHIBIT 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Subject: Rentability Board Meeting, Election and Transition protocol letter Date: Friday, September 8, 2023 at 5:12:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: Angelyn D. Johnson To: Jordan Bardach, Anna Martynova, Jennifer Milosavljevic,, Attachments: Rentability Board September 1, 2023 Board Meeting.pdf Good afternoon to All, Mr. Bardach-please review the following and let me know if you would like to chat. I am a bit ill with covid but can take a brief call. The new board is on the email and you can contact them also. Let me know if you have any questions. Best regards. Angelyn D. Johnson, Esq. Angelyn Johnson & Assoc. LLC 26 Court Street, suite 2610 Brooklyn, New York 11242 718-875-2145 (office) 718-875-9318 (fax) 516-395-6902 (cell) PLEASE SEE NEW SUITE ADDRESS My legal assistant is Keinda West Sylvain: 1 of 1 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 ANGELYN D. JOHNSON & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 26 COURT STREET [ SUrfE 2610 | BROOKLYN, NY 11242 Tel: 718.875.2145 | Fax: 718.875.9318 | E-mail: ajohnson( Of Counsel: Meryl L. Wenig Kafi Harris Colin A. Liverpool Jeffrey Saltiel Andre Sylvestre Brian Ward September 8, 2023 Jordan Bardach BY EMAIL TRANSMISSION: jordan Additional Email: anna.martynova.M ã; Jenn.Milosavljevic;; jack1 1230@qmailcom Re: Rentability Inc. September 1, 2023, Board Meeting, Election of Board of Directors and Appointment of Officers Dear Mr. Bardach: I have been retained as counsel for Rentability Inc. This letter is to inform you of the results of the Board meeting and the election of a new Board of Directors held on September 1, 2023 (Meeting). As you are aware, there have not been elections in several years in contravention of Article Ill Section 5(a) of the bylaws. On Wednesday August 30, 2023, you were notified and sent a zoom link invitation to attend the September 1, 2023, Board Meeting at 12pm via which email was received and read by you. Despite your receipt of the invitation, you failed to attend. Fortunately, there was a quorum as per Article Ill Section 6 of the bylaws since two (2) of the three (3) directors (majority)appeared to conduct business. The Board conducted old business and resolved several open issues thoroughly delineated in the attached Board Resolution items 1-14. Please review and if there are any questions, please feel free to contact me. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Page 2 of 2 September 8, 2023 Re: Rentability inc. September 1, 2023, Board Meeting, Election of Board of Directors and Appointment of Officers Since there was a quorum as required by the bylaws, the Board conducted elections which, as you are aware, were grossly overdue. The results of the election of new directors and officers were the following: - Aron Wolocowitz: Director/President; - Anna Martynova: Director/Vice-President/Treasurer, and - Yoel Hershkowitch: Director/Secretary. In order to have a smooth transition of Rentability Inc. documents, records, QuickBooks accounts, website, domain, Dropbox files, email addresses and any and all Rentability Inc property, I suggest that an initial email between old and new board members occur no later than September 15, 2023, for a meeting next week. The Board would like to extend their gratitude for your service at Rentability and look forward to a smooth and professional exchange of Rentability property as required. Very trul yours, An el D. John , Esq. Encl. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Rentabihty BOARD OF DIRECTÇRS RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO MEETINÇ HELD ON SEPTEMBER L 20$3 DIRECTORS IN ATTENDANCE Anna Martynova Jennifer Milosavljevic ABSENT DIRECTOR(S): Jordan Bardach ADDITIONAL ATTENDEES Yoel Hershkowitch Aron Wolocowitz Attorney Angelyn Johnson This meeting of the three-member Board of Directors was called by Anna Martynova: Director/Secretary and Jennifer Milosavljevic-Director pursuant to a Notice of Regular Annual Meeting dated and sent on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 via email to all three Directors to the Corporation. A copy is annexed as Exhibit "A". Pursuant to Article 111Section 5(a} a regular Annual meeting of the Board of Directors was duly held for annual meeting by a majority of the Board of Directors constituting a quorum to transact business pursuant to Article Ill Section 6. During the meeting, a discussion was held as to Old Business and the following occurred and was RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY by a majority vote of the Board of Directors; IT IS RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Board resolved that the Bylaws shall be amended to permit the convening of remote meetings via Zoom or telephone for both the regular Annual meeting and regular meetings. Such meetings may be convened with a notice period of 48 hours, and the receipt of said notice must be confirmed through email 2. The Board terminates the services of Brett Canna, Esq. of Liberman Canna LLP, as legal counsel for Rentability, Inc.. due to a conflict of interest arising from Mr. Canna's representation of City5 Consulting LLC. Notification to be sent by September 12, 2023. 3. The Board hereby formally ratifies the agreement wherein City5 Consulting, LLC. shall undertake the marketing of affordable housing and the leasing of affordable units at Estela Development, also known as 414 & 445 Gerard Avenue project. This arrangement encompasses the transfer of fees collected by Rentability, Inc. to City5 1115 Broadway 10th Floor New York, NY 10010 (p) 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Rentability Consulting LLC, while the responsibilities for monitoring and re-rentals shall remain with Rentability. 4. The Board is hereby instructed to execute a new written agreement with City5 Consulting, LLC. for the marketing and leasing of affordable units at Estela Development {referred to as AKA 414 & 445 Gerard Avenue project) no later than September 15, 2023. 5. The Board designates Anna Martynova as the principal point of contact for matters pertaining to the Estelo Development, also known as 414 & 445 Gerard Avenue project. 6. The Board resolved that Jordan Bardoch shall restore access to email to Anna Martynova forthwith no later than September 12, 2023 at 5pm. 7. The Board resolved that Jordan Bordoch shall restore access to domain and website to all directors of Rentability Inc. 8. The Board resolved that Jordan Bardoch shall return Corporate Binder with the formation and Corporate documents to Rentability, Inc. the Corporate Office located at 1115 10th fl, New Broadway, York NY 10010 no later than September 12, 2023 by 5pm. 9. The Board is hereby instructed to open a Business Dropbox account for Rentability, Inc. and tender all Dropbox records to the board and that all documents that any director possesses should be uploaded to the Dropbox for Rentability, Inc. no later than September 12, 2023 at 5pm. 10. The Board resolved that Jordan Bordoch shall Rentability's Dropbox files located in the Dropbox for City5 Consulting, LLC. to the Business Dropbox account for Rentability Inc to be accessible to the board. 11. The Board agreed that any Rentability, Inc. payments less than $1,000.00 shall require the signature of the Treasurer. Any payments over $1,000.00 shall require the signature of the Treasurer and another officer of the corporation. 12. The Board resolved that Jordon Bardoch shall provide accounting records and copies of all bank statements for Rentability, Inc. inclusive of accountant information and authorization information on or before September 12, 2023 by 5pm. 13. The Board hereby appoints Attorney Angelyn Johnson as legal counsel for Rentability Inc., and she is designated to certify the minutes of this and all future meetings. 14. The Board formally ratifies the loan of $50,000.00, bearing no interest, extended to Rentability, Inc. by City5 Consulting, LLC. in March 2022, with the stipulated repayment date being March 2024. 1115 Broadway 10'h Floor New York. NY 10010 (p) 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Rentabihty Dated: September Óth, 2C)23 Anno - Director / Secretary Martynoy Jennifer Milosavljevic - Director/Vice-President & Treasurer WITNESSED AND CERTIFIED: A E D. JOH ON, ESQ. 1115 Broadway 10th Floor New York. NY 10010 (p) 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Rentability EXHIBIT A 1115 Broadway 10th Floor New York, NY 10010 (p) 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 rrn Rentability - Nonce Gmml ofannual ofdrectonmeenag board hnRentabilin. Inc M Gmail Anna Martynova ____ _ Notice of annual board of directors meeting for Rentability, Inc. Anna Martynova Wed,Aug 30. 2023 at 1:41PM To:JenniferMilosavljevic, JordanBardach. Anna Martynova Dear Rentability,Inc. Board Members. Pleasebe advisedthat a meetingof the Boardof Directorsof Rentability.Inc.will be heldon Friday,September1. 2023, at 12p.m. via Zoom.All Boardmemberswill be senta calendarinvitationwith the dial-indetailsand a link for the Zoom call on Thursday. Pleasefind the dial-indetailsand the link for the Zoom meetingbelow: " Join Zoom Meeting o https//;/82487437295?pwd=dVVObVFOVEtFQ1dvaUg2aWEOKOluUT09 o MeetingID: 824 8743 7295 o Passcode:758666 " To Dial In a +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) o MeetingID: 824 8743 7295 o Passcode:758666 o Findyour local number:inps us06wet:.zoomas u ke:kAF533J This meetingNoticeis given pursuantto the Rentability.Inc. By-lawsand thls meetingis calledpursuantto Article Ill of the By-laws. A copy of the signed Noticeis attachedto this email. Sincerely. Anna Martynova 11 15 Broadway 10th Floor New York. NY 10010 (p) 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 RentabHity BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO AN ELECTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND APPOINTMENT OF OFF|ÇÇR$ HELD ON $EPTEMBER 1, 2023 DIRECTORS IN ARENDANCE Anna Martynova Jennifer Milosavljevic ABSENT DIRECTOR(S): Jordan Bardoch ADDITIONAL ATTENDEES Yoel Hershkowitch Aron Wolocowitz Attorney Angelyn Johnson This meeting of the three-member Boord of Directors was called by Anna Martynova: Director/Secretary and Jennifer Milosavljevic-Director pursuant to a Notice of Regular Annual Meeting dated and sent on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 via email to all three Directors to the Corporation. A copy is annexed as Exhibit "A". Pursuant to Article Ill Section 5{a) a regular Annual meeting of the Board of Directors was duly held for annual meeting by a majority of the Board of Directors constituting a quorum to transact business pursuant to Article Ill Section 6. At a meeting duly called for the election of Directors pursuant to Article Ill Sections 5-6: Article IV Sections 1-3 nominations and election of Directors was held. Out of the three (3) Directors, two (2) Directors appeared eligible to vote constituting a quorum for the election of new Directors. As a result of the meeting, nominations and motions were duly proffered and accepted with regard to the appointment of directors and officers of Rentability, Inc., with an effective commencement date of September 1, 2023.: IT IS RESOLVED: New Board members: " Aron Wolocowitz - Director/President " Anna Martynova - Director/Vice-President & Treasurer " Yoel Hershkowitch - Director/Secretary IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED: 1. The former Director Jordan Bardach who has sole access to the JP Morgan Chase Bank account of the current Rentability's bank account # 787513982 shall forthwith execute 1115 Broadway 10m Floor New York, NY 10010 (pl 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Rentability any and all paperwork for to delete his access to said account and to add as signatories with full account access the newly elected Directors as per this board Resolution. 2. The former Director Jordan Bardach shall transfer all Rentability's books ond records, including QuickBooks account, website and domain, Dropbox files, emails access and all other applicable records and property of Rentobility to the new Directors on or before September 8, 2023. 3. The meeting called by the former Director Jordan Bardoch on September 6th, 2023, at 9 am in Southampton, NY is hereby cancelled and is deemed moot. There was a duly appointed election of a new board on September 1, 2023 and notwithstanding, the assembly" location of the Bardoch meeting is not a "convenient as required by the bylaws since in South Hampton at 9 am immediately following a holiday weekend is unreasonable where the directors are located in New York City. There being no further business, upon motion made and carried, the meeting was adjourned. Dated: September 6th, 2023 Anna MartynEv D rector / Secretary Jennif Milosavljevic - Director/Vice-President & Treasurer WITNESSED AND CERTIFIED: ANCE D. JOH ON, ESQ. 1115 Broadway 10th Floor New York. NY I0010 (p) 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 Rentability EXHIBIT A 1115 Broodway 10th Floor New York. NY 10010 (p) 212.571.3500 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/18/2023 11:34 AM INDEX NO. 159110/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/18/2023 rkñ Rentabhity - Notice Gmml ofannual board ordirectors torRentability nw.·eting Inc. M Gmail ^-----·*×--v---n---·*,n. --".-aaco-- Notice of annual board of directors meeting for Rentability, Inc. Anna Martynova Wed,Aug 30, 2023 at 1:41PM To:Jennifer Milosavljevic, JordanBardach. Anna Martynova Dear Rentability,Inc. Board Members, Pleasebe advisedthat a meetingof the Boardof Directorsof Rentability,Inc.will be held on Fnday,September1,2023. at 12 p.m. via Zoom.All Boardmemberswill be senta calendarinvitationwith the dial-in detailsand a link for the Zoom call on Thursday. Pleasefind the dial-indetailsand the link for the Zoom meetingbelow: " JoinZoom Meeting o 1dvaUg2aWEOKOluUTO9 o MeetingID 824 8743 7295 o Passcode:758666 " ToDial In o +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) o MeetingID: 824 8743 7295 o Passcode:758666 o Findyour local number:https"us06web zoom us u ketkAF533J This meetingNoticeis given pursuantto the Rentability,Inc. By-lawsand this meetingis calledpursuantto Article Ill of the By-laws. A copy of the signedNoticeis attachedto this email. Sincerely, Anna Martynova I 115 Broadway 10m Floor New York. NY 10010 (p) 212.571.3500