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  • Bocc Morgan County v. Ogle, ElizabethInjunctive Relief document preview
  • Bocc Morgan County v. Ogle, ElizabethInjunctive Relief document preview
  • Bocc Morgan County v. Ogle, ElizabethInjunctive Relief document preview
  • Bocc Morgan County v. Ogle, ElizabethInjunctive Relief document preview
  • Bocc Morgan County v. Ogle, ElizabethInjunctive Relief document preview
  • Bocc Morgan County v. Ogle, ElizabethInjunctive Relief document preview


DATE FILED: May 5, 2020 12:18 PM FILING ID: 4A310B0789445 CASE NUMBER: 2020CV30017 initiated by Morgan County to enjoin Defendants from using certain real property in violation of various provisions of the Morgan County Zoning Regulations. 2. Based upon the apparent condition and use of the Defendant's property in question at this juncture, the parties believe further prosecution of this case is not warranted or in either party's or the public interest. 3. The parties therefore request this Comi approve the Stipulation of Dismissal Without Prejudice and enter the proposed Order for Dismissal Without Prejudice, with each party to bear their own attorneys' fees and costs associated with this matter. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 5th day of May, 2020. HOFFMANN, PARKER, WILSON & CARBERRY, P.C. By: '--"/s"-/ ____________ Ruthanne H. Goff ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF MORGAN COUNTY and ... ELIZABETH OGLE By: 4/15/2020 Q:\USERS\MORGAN COUNTY\l/T - MORGAN\SNYDER NUISANCE\OGLE\PLEADINGS\DRAFT STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL 041520.DOCX CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on this, 5 111 day of May 2020, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE to be served via the Colorado Courts E-Filing System, U.S mail and/or E-mail addressed to the following: Elizabeth Ogle 22687 Winchell Avenue PO Box 714 Snyder, Colorado 80750 Isl Chassidy Rosete, Legal Assistant 3 4/15/2020 Q:\USERS\MORGAN COUNTY\l!T- MORGAN\SN!'DER NUISANCE\OGLE\PLEAD!NGS\DRAFTSTIPULATION FOR D ISMISSAL 041520.DOCX