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  • Janice Berger v. City Of New York, The Durst  Organization, Lp, Ge 57th Street North Holdings Llc, Helena  Associates Llc, Ee 57th Street North Holdings Llc,, Hellman Electric Corp. Torts - Other Negligence (trip and fall) document preview
  • Janice Berger v. City Of New York, The Durst  Organization, Lp, Ge 57th Street North Holdings Llc, Helena  Associates Llc, Ee 57th Street North Holdings Llc,, Hellman Electric Corp. Torts - Other Negligence (trip and fall) document preview
  • Janice Berger v. City Of New York, The Durst  Organization, Lp, Ge 57th Street North Holdings Llc, Helena  Associates Llc, Ee 57th Street North Holdings Llc,, Hellman Electric Corp. Torts - Other Negligence (trip and fall) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/01/2018 11:35 AM INDEX NO. 160118/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 87 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/01/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ' COUNTY OF NEW YORK "" »'»»W»<' ' --..-,.---.....--p-ww.,*..-.,.-X'»»r»&«' '' ' . JANICE BERGER, Index 0 160118/2016 Plaintiff, OF , sÛPULATION MISCONTINÚÁNCE AS 888 38 TO DEFENDART ifEXfiefANELRCTitIC CITYs0F NEW YORK, THE DURST CORP 57™ ORGANIŽATiON', LP, GE STREET TIKI"." NORTH HOLDINGS6LLCrTI-ÏE HELENA HL" ASSOCIATES11 Û, EE 5)"ETIlEET NORTH HOLDINGS LLC and HELLMAN ELECTRIC CORP,, 1 Defendatit 'j" «»i~ 4' '' ' ' «'— ''—U ' »<<»"e«' I' «'««'»»4<'<'j<<4<< <<'»44»'" '%f~T '!x<'Aw»'»<«eke» "»«A@II It«ate»«u»»'r» "iv "»»Y.'g tl' 11' T IS HEREBY STIPULXTED AND AGREED; by and between the undersigned, the 1 i'ecord' record' attorneys of record for allthe parties to the above entitled action, that ÿvhWeas no party hereto is appointed' oi· an .an infant, incompetent perses for whom a cogittee h@ been appointed or c@sphatpe and no person not a party has an interest in the subject matter ofthe action,that lhe amended summons and complaint. and all cross claims are hereby ditcmiñë±±against ~~~«< —.-. defendant, HELLMAlS i -1 ELECTR10 CORP. only, without prejudice, withoutesis to eitherparty as against the other. '! IT (5 FORTHER STIPULATED AND An (ED to that thisstipulation may be filed I further' without further notice with the Clerk of the Court. T s:ips|âk,rañaylbe filed with copies of ( and siggtures provided oriseparate pages. ! D éd New Y w York une 8 18 ! LW OFFICES . VHiOI SCH, PC Attomeys for Plaintiff 160 -- Suite500 —:Suite Bïutidway New York, New York'10038 York 10038 « I1 I ) I 1 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/01/2018 11:35 AM INDEX NO. 160118/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 87 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/01/2018 ŽÄCHARYW.6AMER Cofpom ion Counsel 100 Church Street New York, New Yog 10007 i I EabiaICoheri 4, A Hall LLP . ' Attorneys for Defendants THE DDRST ORGAÑÏŽATION L.P.L i/s/h/a THE DVEST 57™ OROANIZATION, KLP, GE 8 REEnNORTH HOLDINGS LLC, THE .. HELENA ASSOCIATESsand EE 57 STREET NQRTH ÑOLÔ{lýGS LLC - ' 570 Lexingtørs Averine 4 Floor New York, New Yórk 10022 (212) 644 4420 1 I f 'i' ill. 1 C I Vincent S.. Ampfqsino, $', Esq, A MOf DEMERS & McMANUS, ESQS, ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT HELLMAN ELECTRIC CORP4 16th 199 Water Street, FlOOr u New York, N.ew York 10018 (646) .(646) 536-5760 1" Oar Our F"ile ileNo,;;: LBCI1504N17VSA No;: L'BQI1504N17VSA 'I ic ri JI 1 2 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/01/2018 11:35 AM INDEX NO. 160118/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 87 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/01/2018 ZACHARY W. CARTER Corporation Counsel 100 Church Street New York, New York 10007 PEbiardohen & 1 1 LLP ttffneys for De endants THE DURST ORGANIZATION L.P.L i/s/h/a THE DURST ORGANIZATION, KLP, GE 57 STREET NORTH HOLDINGS LLC, THE 57™ HELENA ASSOCIATES and EE 57 STREET NORTH HOLDINGS LLC - 4'" 570 Lexington Avenue 4 Floor New York, New York 10022 (212) 644-4420 ( Vincent S. Arnbrosino, Esq. AHMUTY, DEMERS & McMANUS, ESQS. ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT HELLMAN ELECTRIC CORP. 16" 199 Water Street, 16 Floor New York, New York 10038 (646) 536-5760 Our File No,: LBCI1504N17VSA 3 of 3