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  • Janice Berger v. City Of New York, The Durst  Organization, Lp, Ge 57th Street North Holdings Llc, Helena  Associates Llc, Ee 57th Street North Holdings Llc,, Hellman Electric Corp. Torts - Other Negligence (trip and fall) document preview
  • Janice Berger v. City Of New York, The Durst  Organization, Lp, Ge 57th Street North Holdings Llc, Helena  Associates Llc, Ee 57th Street North Holdings Llc,, Hellman Electric Corp. Torts - Other Negligence (trip and fall) document preview
  • Janice Berger v. City Of New York, The Durst  Organization, Lp, Ge 57th Street North Holdings Llc, Helena  Associates Llc, Ee 57th Street North Holdings Llc,, Hellman Electric Corp. Torts - Other Negligence (trip and fall) document preview
  • Janice Berger v. City Of New York, The Durst  Organization, Lp, Ge 57th Street North Holdings Llc, Helena  Associates Llc, Ee 57th Street North Holdings Llc,, Hellman Electric Corp. Torts - Other Negligence (trip and fall) document preview


oe (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0972872017 08:13 PM INDEX NO. 160118/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 33 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/28/2017 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ua RX. JANICE BERGER, Index No.: 160118/2016 Plaintiff, ION TO AMEND THE CAPTION. -against- CITY OF NEW YORK, THE DURST ORGANIZATION, LP, GE 57™ STREET NORTH HOLDINGS LLC, THE HELENA ASSOCIATES LLC and BE 57™ STREET NORTH HOLDING LLC, Defendant. x IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the attorneys for the respective parties that the plaintiff may serve a Supplemental Summons & Amended Complaint to add a new party: Hellman Electric Corp. DATED: New York, New York September 19, 2017 LAW OFFICES OF S. DAVID OLARSCH, P.C. FABIANI, SOHEN & HALL, LLP By: Sacks David Ol: B, zB Attorneys forPlaintiff Attorney ft Defendants 160 Broadway, Suite 500 THE DURST ORGANIZATION, LP, New York, N.Y. 10038 GE 57™ STREET NORTH HOLDINGS LLC, THE HELENA ASSOCIATES LLCand EE 57™ STREET NORTH HOLDING LLC 570 Lexington Avenue Fourth Floor New = N.Y, 10022 1 of 2 INDEX NO. 160118/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 33 VERIFICATION RECEIVED NYSCEF 09/28/2017 Re: JANICE BERGER; LD #: 2016-051 745 Kimfa Carrington being duly sworn deposes and satys that: de leponent is an empl Counsel; that deponent has rea id the foregoing answer, cross-claim oyee of the Office of the Corporation contents thereof; that the sam le are (s) and counterclaim(s), if any, and true to deponent's own kno wledge, knows the information and belief, which deponent except as to the matters alle believes to be true based upon the ged upon The City of New York, New York City files, books and records maintained by Health and Hospitals Corporation of Education, and the officers or agent o1 r the New York City Board/Depart s thereof. ment Dated: New York, ia ork December i & 16 70: ‘A CARRINGZON Re before me this ty of December, 2016 Swom to E ENEE ANDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC » O11 in Queens Commission Feb. 14, 20S STIPULATION/CERTIFICATIO N IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, that at any time prior plaintiff(s) may amend the co to the filing of a note of issue in this action, mplaint t fo name additional defendants shall not include the City of New Yor here:in,in, PI provided that such additional defe rk, the Board/Department of Educ ndants niversity of New York, or an y of : ation, Health & Hospitals Corporation, their respective departments, subdi City ntitled to defense or indemnific ication livision: 's or employees, nor any other by the City of New York. person he signature below shall constit itute the signature required pursuant to NYC nclosed documents: answer, cross-cl RR 130. 1.1-a and pertains to all aim(s) and counter. claims(s). of the ombined demands for particul: if any, together with the acco lars and discovery. mpany ng | am me) ork 016 = ANOFF Special Assistant Corporation Coun sel Attorney(s) for Plaintiff(s) Please do send corr espondence to the above amed individual unless othe directed. See Answer back for additional cont act informa tion. rwise a