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  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview
  • In The Matter Of The Application Of The City Of York, To Acquire By Exercise Of Its Powers Of Eminent Domain, Fee Interests In Certain Real Property Known As Tax Block 708, Lot 48; And Fee Interests And A Temporary Easement In Tax Block 710, Lot 11; All Located in the Borough of Manhattan, Required as Part of the HUDSON PARK AND BOULEVARD PROJECT, PHASE 2, STAGE 3 v. NoneReal Property - Condemnation document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 EXHIBIT D FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 · :·-, ; , ... '>· ·,~ •; , ~~:'!1i j\~~---~tt:! ot_,9-:::: · ·', 1 ffllS DRUD and INDRNTURTI, made the pff'1'1J dty n11111teen hundred and etirhty-11>1 (1986) 1 ..---:~,-~.::;:-~-~~ BBTWBKN QlC PROPl'Bl'IBII, INC., a OOl'poratlon of tho l'ltah iQt,/ i'/· nt11&ware, ·havtn1r an offloo at 'Roam 0111, ll1~8 WaJnut lltreet,:,· ,.,~,:- .· . ,. ''• Phlladotphla, Ponnaylvanla, intoa, herelnaftu uterred to .,.-1·~-:--,~ \ho 11 oran tor" 1 or t ~om t Imo to time ae UCJlOP" and HATlafAL , . ,. I RAIIJtOAD PASSllHCJJIR am.PORATlffl, a uorporatlon of· the Dhtrlot of Columbia, havlnQ' 11 rn11llln1r 11ddreu of 400 North Capitol Stl'eotl .. ,,' N,YJ,, Wuhlngton, D,C, 1!0001 1 horolnatter reterroc1 to u \ht':,_._: , ...... · "Onntao", or from time to time as "Amtrak", WITNBSSBTlh 'l'hat tho Orantor, for and In 001\lldera~lon of tho IUl'f'I ot FOUR. MliLION ooiLARS ($4,000,000,00) lawful money of tho United State1, paid by tho arante8, the receipt whereof IR horeby aaknowledgod, doos horoby rornlse, relouo, and qultahlm .... unto tho orautoe, lta auooeuora Bnd aaalsns, all r.ts:h.t, UU•·:"•' and lntar111t of tho Orantor In ond to, AU, OP OnAN'fOR 18 rlght 1 ti tlo nnd tntoreat to that lino of railroad (horelnattor tho 11 00nvoyod proporty 11 ) 1 to1rothor with ony·alevatod vladuata, and Its aupportlnr atruoturo, tunno11, rallroRd brldgoa and anolllary fuollltlos and tholr appurtonanoos, altuato In tho Dorou~h of Manhotton, and the county and Btato or Now York and tho Dorough and County ut »ronx, Stato of Now York and bolng o portion of arantor 1 s Wost 30th Stro~t DranQh ldontltlod ea Lino Code 4236 In the rooord1 ot thu Unltod RtatoN Rnllway Assonlntlon, and also bolng a portion of' tho rormor Ponn Contra! Tunsriortatlon Oompan:, 1 1 line. or railroad known on tho Wost SOth Stroot Drnnoh (Line Codo U3ll)J and lno1udlns all rights and ontlt1omontrt of arantor In an agroement bot,woon tho City of Now York nnd tho Now York , Co1HrRl Ral lroad Cornpony c1otod Jul~ 2, 1920 and an~ amondmont'a thoroto tor proporty north ot thu uouthorly lino ot West 33rd Sttooot1 IJllOJNrHNO at tho flOUthorly 11110 of WMt 33rd,Street, as extondod from the southeast oornor ~t 11th Avonue and Wost 33rd Street, we1tward to a point 190 feoi wost or tho southwest oornor of 11th Avonue and Weat 33rd Street, and thence oxtendlnB rrom aald Beginning orosslng under 11th Avenue and extendtnr · 1 throush the Borough ot Manhattan, In a general northerly direction on tho oaat Nido ot 11th Avonua, and thon orosslns West 119th stro.t and still 11onttnulng In that Q'eneral northerly dluotlon Wut of Uth Avenu4 and Rut i>t tho ·Hudson n1vor, and oro11ln8' Woat 10th Btreet, West 08th Stroot, Weal 13Gth Street, Wo•t l4bth Stroot, Wost t&ftth St~oot and passing through Port· Wuhlnston Park and Inwood HI It Park, and then aorou the llarl61'11 alver C1nal to the point ot BNDINO at about Railroad Mlle Po•t 0,0 at DV Towor at Spuyten nuyvll at the westerly right-of-way line ot the oonnootlon ot the Weit 30th Streat Dranoh with tho rtll~oad right-of-way tine of land leaaed by the Now York. Metropolitan 'l'ran11f t Author I ty ·in Pronx County, New York. '1. THB t,ot and Block tor the above desortbed property au i ldontl tied In Exhibit !IQN hereot. I 1! !I . .... FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 ' ·:. ,,, "/\ "' \ •, ·...~. ·• ' """'." - ·;';:-~:".-:::·!!·::-,-':L;:.:· ,,;.,.....,,;.·,1,•. ··:;·:······ . ,··•~ ·~- ' ,, •'·' DRINO al I or tho umo proml•H whloh Con,olldolod, Rall --'"'t"". •"•'ft""~l"l;M.• ' Ill,:~~~;._".'.,::::· Oorporatl9n by • neod and Indenture dated Januarf"IO,·· -lD~e,- °'"'-'·'·.a:'C'- granted and oonvoy~~ unto ll!ICP, :,:;,,,, . AND, tho OIIAN'l'OR 00118 ORANT unto th• ORANTBB an ouomeut _ (tho "Ro .. rvnd Praml101 11 >, •• lndlootod by "l!T" on tho In· nxhlblt """! ror ral I oporatlon,, lnoludln11 tho right to uu, ·: ope1rato, ma. nhln-, repair, renew. roplaoo and rcmovo tho oxl,tlnK traok or traoka whloh •hall oon,tltuto a portion or the, Convoyed rropo,ty aoro,,, nnd through tho a paroolo ot land which aro Identified In a naod and Indenture dated January 10, IORfi t,nm con,olldalod Rall Corporation to ~.JICPI and whloh ouamant I• below tho uppar lnol lnod plnnoa a, ndloaled on. the.:-, plans ot aurve:,, as ahown on Exhibit 11 B", · and aa tollow,11 Parco 1 No, 1 TIIIS ••••mont right 1, aoroaa and through Paroal No, I, a¥ lncllaated fn Uxhlbtt 11 0 11 on Shoot t of 11 1 and la situate below the upper tnolluod plane having an olovatlon or 27,86 al tho northorly lino or we,t 30th Stroot an~ un olovatlon or 18,1' at _ t~e aouthorly lino of Wost 37th Stroot, Tho olevatlona rotor to datum u,od by tho Topo"raphloal Duroau, Dorough 6t Manhattan which In 2,!0 toot nbovo tho Unllod Atatoa no"ol and aoodotlo nurvoy Dotum, mean sea levol 1 sandy Hook, New· J'ene::,. P9rool No• 2 TIIIS on10monl right Is ooro,a and through Puool No, 2 u l11dloatod In Bxhlblt "D" on Rhoot 2 of 6, and 13 aftuato be 1ow tho uppor lnollnod plano hQVfnR nn olovatlon of 8&.66 at tho northorly lino of Wotit 37th fltroot nnd an alovatlon of at tho aouthol'ly lino of Wost 3Rth Rtroot. The olovatloas rotor to tho datum llftl)d by tho To11ographloal DuroBu, norough ot Manhatt~n whloh I• 2,7B root abovo tho Unltod Rtntoa coaal and aoodatlo .. Survt1y t>utum, mean sea level, Sandy Hook, Now Jer11ay, Paroo 1 N'o, 3~ THIS oasomont right Is aorosa and through Parool Na. 3, aa lndloatod In nxhlhll """ on Rhool 3 or 6, and lo altuato bolow tho uppor tnollnod piano hovlns an olovntlon or 23,61 al tho northorly lino or Wost 38th Rtraot, and an olovatlon ot 21,86 at tho eouthorly lino or Wost 3\lth Stroot. Tho olovotluna rotor to .. datum used by tho TopoRraphluol nuronu. Dorough ot Manhattftn whloh Is 2.'IB toot abuvo tho Unltod Statos noast and aoodotla Survey natum, muan Kea level• Sandy Hook, New deraey. Ppool No, 4 TIU8 ou.emont right la aorosE' and through Parool No. 4, a, lndloatod In nxhlbll "D" on Ohoot 4 or n, and Is olluate below the upper Inclined piano having an olavatlon ar t?,08 at tho northerly llno ot W~st 43rd Stroot and an olovatlon or to.ts at the southorly l lne or Wost 44th Atroet, Tho olevatlon, rotor lo" datu1n used by tho Topographluol nuroau, Dorough or Manhattan whloh I• 2,!B toot nbovo lho United Atotos Clout and ~leodotlo survey Datum, moan aea lovol, sandy Hoo;c, New Jerooy. ,aro9I N9. IS THJ8 oa~emont right Is ooross and through Parool No. 11, as tndloated In RxhlbJt "D" on F:hoot n of n, und llll situate, below the upper lnollnod plane ·having an elevation or 27,07 el tho northerly lino or Wost 47th Btreot and an nlovatlon or 30,00 al the southerly line or Woot 48th Rtroet, The elevation, rotor lo datum uoed by the Topographloal Bureau, Borough or Manhattan whloh la 2,n feet above Unltod states Cout and Ooodell4 -Survey Datum, moan sea level, Bandy Hook, New Jersey, •2· FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 ,mBii-181:'t:~~ ·.c-,: OIIANTOR air••• lo 1•1nt ,~ aranl•• a permanent rl1hl ot ln11e11 01101 over and lhrou1h lho hooplld Puoel1 .. , ·~ '-~-···"••· ""/" .... (•Bxaeptad P11oeh' u•e ldenll !led In a llood or Indenture from ' oun,olldaled Rall Oorpor•tlon to CRC Proper 1111, ·tno,) In ordu . to provide ro11on1bh vehloular 100011 ta tho R11e,ved ,;-,, provided (I) that ,atd rl1ht ,halt have unob1truoted dlm1n1lon1 · or not 1001 than olavon hot In helsht and fourteen rut In wldth1 (II) th•t uld rlsht ahalt run with tho land but 1h1lt be•··• to Amtrak 01 to any 1uooeuo1 cipo11to1 ol lntorolly -~ ,111 peaeonror aorvloo over tho rremlae11 (I Ill that · aald rlsht •hall be by route 01 routoa •• may from time to limo be dot.,mlned by llovolopor ("llovolopor" lurtho, · Identified In llxhlbll "A" hereof) In 1b1oluto dloarotlon at Develop••'• •••• 00011 (Iv) th•t ••Id ,1,ht 1h1II not bo erreatlve until DftYtloper'a aomplotlon o ~on1truotlon or parklnr taolllty on Porool, I ond 2 of th, Rxaoptod Puoel•1 (v) that onoe oald rlsht olfeotlvo Amtrak ,1 ,01e oo,t and expcnno miy relooate 1ald right aubJftot to Doveloper'• approval, whlah approval ahatl be r•antod or withhold at Dovo1opor•1 ab101ute dl10,1tton1 (vi) th•t Amlrek Indemnify and dtfond and hold harmlou nevoloper, lta 1uaouao1 sl 1111IBn•• ton1nt1 1 and their roapeotlve lnvltoo,, f,om ond nga not any and all l011, ooat, olalm, dft1nago, e•pen,o, llablllly, demand! aotlon and oau,a of aotlon (lnoludlng roaaonabln attarnay•a 011) arl1tng out of ar reoulllnr dlreotty 1,om Amtrak'• uao and onJoymont o! said ,lghtl lnotudlng, without limitation, otalm, end aotlana !or •• bodily lnJu,y, lnoludlng death, to any per,on, and d~••R• lo tho properly or Hny p11ty1 (vii) that· 1hauld Aml••k not u,, right ro, any oonaooutlvo twolvo• month period•> artor the later ol tho date that uld rlsht booomoo o!hotlvo 01 tho d•t• lh•t Amt,nk bosln, IOhOdllltd I lntarolty rall puaonror oporatlon• ovor tho neauv,d Premhea, orb) otter Ainlrak obtain• a olmlta, porm,nent right or vehtoular aoooss rrom othor property owftora (~ntrak, howuver being undor no obllwatlon to aeak 01 ••••pt auoh olmllar right), ,aid right •hall lmnodlotoly ••••• and terminate•• to ,aid Bxoaplod Paroota and shall oea10 to bo uaod by Amlrak with Iha aame loroo ond efteat •• 11 this grnnt had never boon mado, Tho te1 m11 and uondl tlons of tho r lght11 doeor I bod P.hovo oro moro 1 fully sat forth In n lottor ogroomont d~tod llooombor 17 1 198ft among Conaolldatod Roi 1 Corporation, CRO Proportlos, tno, and Mid-Town Dev•lopmont l,lmllod Partnerahlp, the of whloh are lnoorporatod herein and mado a 1•••t horeof by ~ererenae. THR aforesaid ral I rood oporatlns eaaement It tndloated ort the !Ive (6) plan, In Exhibit 'D" horoof1 and o,antur doos turtht1r• give to Onnteo tho right to uso, malnt11n. repair, ronow tnd replaoo tho existing railroad support fool tltlea, lnotudlnr bUI not limited lo dralnaga, olootrloal, vonllUtlon, llghllng ond swltohlngl whloh may •••vo tho oasomont •••• and orantor reaervoa, tor taelt and Its auooeeaoro •~d a11l1n1 1 tho right or oontlnued uae ~f said taollltlea In oonneallon wltn the provl1lon1 of rail freight aervlao, THB aforesaid ra 11 road operating eaaement 11 1110 aubJoo.t to the terms and oondtttona of Exhibit 11 A11 , whloh terms and II aondltlona are to be botwt1on Orantoo aa 14 0Wner 11 and any potential devetope1 or the aforoaald pa,aota or land (whloh may .. be Oran tor ti: 11,nd fu,ther IT RP.ING AGRnBo that a,anteo ,hall have exolualvo rlrht, to markal all !Ibo, optlo II••• and tholr appurtonanoea ond that orantor and Oranteo 1hall 1horo In the axpenaea and lnaomu a,l1!ng from and In oonneotlon with the aale 01 10110 of t~• flbe1 optla ,lghtal and a,ontee ,hall ma,ket and eny agreem111t1, tor wh oh Grantee shall reoelve 1&~ of the revenue a, an admlnlatratlvo tee tor Ila etro,t and the halanoe 1)1111 bo divided ovenly botween Orantor and Orantee1 and It being further •3• FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 &!It 1203, 1018? • •.'': ·•••1 .·.-!fca,'.";.f;;.;l._•:•".;,\.:/\~,'f,/ '. -- '.-_y· '!.i -· ····/Y:::-'.•,\ .. ~~:'.:;.:~_!;:_;~_~:·· .·_-_ < ...-' agreed that any ar,eemonh !~• uao of the property hereby · · '.";!'\ .. ' '. aonvoyod ·ro, tlbn optlo oabl11 will be oubJeot to 1pprov11 by_, .... 0 ,\H,, , _ , , " both ltio· Granto, and o,1ntoo1 provldod 1 however, that neither · ': Granto, nor arantoo aholl un,eftlonably withhold approv•I ot • ·•· propoul to, non-axaluolvo fiber optla uoo by a third party ud_""ii that either puty •hall have the rlrht for any ,ouon to ,,,." withhold approval for an axnlu1lvo uu arran1ument, It bolnr . ' . rurthor undoratood that Orantor 1 right ,hall forever aurvtya.i""';' 1 any 1ermlnatlan, tran,ter o, abandonment or th,. ountor•, ........ ·· ..... rrolsht operating right,. TIIIS INHTRllMl!NT II oxoo11ted and dellve,od by Granto,, •nd la aoaoptod by Gr~ntoo, aubjoat ta tho oavonanta 111 fortn below, whloh shall he d.. inod pa.I of Iha oanalderallon al thla oonvoyanae and whloh ,hall ,un with tho lftnd and bo blndln1 upon, and Inure to the bonotlt ot the re1poottve per1onal repreaentatlYes, auaoo11or1 and ualgna of Otantor a_nd Oranteo, Urantoe agrees, (I) that should a ol•lm a~vorao to Iha title hor,by qultolalmod bo ••••rted or pravod, na roaourao ohall bo had against tho a,anto,, (2) that, •• botwoon Orantor and orantau, tho Oranlto for ltaeJr, lte a110001eora and a11lgn1 1 dooa horeby aooept r~sponalblllty tor removal and reatorotton ooats tor brldrea aupportlng railroad traoka and grodo oro1slng1 and thal, uppurtenonooa that may be loooted on tho10 llnoo at rall•o•d lntondod heroin to be oonvoyod lo tho Grontoo, ond Grantee rurther oovonants and agrooe that It will also auumo any obligation ar rooponalblllty •• may bo lmpoaod on Orantor by any . J:lubllo Utll lty Conmlaslon or body or any othor rovornmental : aganoy having jurlndlotlon, tor bridges supporting rallraad traok• and srnde oroutng11 and their appurtonanoea, tnoludlns · but not llmltad to tl1e romoval, ropalrln« or ra11tol"atlon or ume In aooardanoe with tho roqulromontn ot 011}' auoh oornnlaalon o~• body or othor govornmontal agenoy, o.nd orantoo further aaroea t.o lnd(Jtnnlty, dotond and hold Ol"antor hormlous agalnat all aoata, oxponeoe, obllgatlona, rosponalblllty and roqulrementa osaoolstad with suoh brld"os and grado a,oaulnga and tholr appurtononoo11 provided, hawovo,, that thl• puag,aph (I) oontora no rights upon, and oreotos no dutloe ot Grantee to, any person, entity or governmental agency or bod~ othor than a,anta, 1 (3) that, exoopt a, olhorwl,o provided In Rxhlblt "A", Orantor shall not bo llnblo or oollgated ta provide lar or supply dlroatly or lndlrootly, for money or otherwlso, any type of ullllty ••rvlao to Grantee\ ovon II tho premlaea do,orlbed harelnbotore au ouppllod utl lty eorvloe or eervtoe11 trom or through Orantor ownod or Orantor retalnod utility oervloo hallltles at the time aatd preml11oa are oonteyod to Orantee1 and that It Orantor at Its aolo discretion elect1 to provide any utility urvloe Cll" aervlau tor montly or otherwise to Hid · premlaer, during the period during whloh Oranteo la arrenrlni at oranteo' e own expense tor provision ot utl 11 ty urvtoe OL' aervloea dlreut from publht utllltlea, orantee shall have no oontlnulnf right to use suoh &Ql'Ytoe·or expe~tatlQn that Orantor.: must oont nue to provide lt1 (4) that, iaxoept as otherwise expressly agreed, a right or means ot lngre11, egresa or paaaageway to or from the land herelnbefore deaorlbed la not hereby granted, speoltlnalty or by lmplloatlon, and that tho Orantor shall nat be liable~• obligated to obtain or provide !or the a,ant-• suah moans of tn1ros1, e1re11 or passageway, and (a) that It la Granto,•, Intention to aonvey all Its lntarut In tho Wu.t 30th Stroot Branah •• heroin desarlbed not . . , FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 ..··7.r·;_c,;,;[r;.,:. ~.--- - . .~lt_•~:~~?~:"f?,\ , .••,y.,.,.,.. ·.,.,-....... ,, heretoforo oonveyftd c,r hftl'eln reaerved and Orantor a1roea ·10' ·1 · \ .,;'hl\JJ _c,'i;•;,' ueaute auoh turthu daoda or other written 'lnat,_umonu •• m•v -, be neoeuuy or to· give ethol· to. 'thl1 "ln_t_tn,Uon·•·u~_QI):•.:;; requut ot. the Grantee, · - ---,, 0 , ·\·: .... · (8) that tho tormlnable non-exal••lvo rail operallnr euomon t da led January In, I ORO bo twoon Conaol I doted R~I I .. . !lorpora t I on and the O~an tee II hereby mHsed l~to \hi•- peed and ·~- 2ndonture, :1',;t•. (7) that tho ne•d and Indenture 11 a11bjoot to a freight ·. -( rail eaaement ro,orved ~y !lon101ldated Rall Corporation•• Identified on pngea ft •nd R In a flood and Indenture d&tad January 10 1 !ORB from Conaolldatod Rall Corp•ratlon to CROP, (A) that Ir oporntlona on the 30th Street nranah are at any tlm• In tho r•turo •onduat•d by ~oth orantoo and Oon1olldatod Rntl Corporation, OI' lta rrnoooaaon In lntarieat, •• • re11ul t or (a) thG 1hort•terIn ea,ument or tho oonveyanao to llrant .. , and (h) an otrer 1ubml ttod purouant to 46 URCA Soatlon 748 and en 1JRCA Seatlon tDPOft to purahaoo or subaldl10 the oporatlon ot Con,alldnt•d Roll co,pnr•llon•• rail eaoomont, oontrol aver train oporntlons shall bo vested In the Orantee, provldad howev•r, that •••h ••ntrol will not be exor•l•od In any manner that Impair•, limit,, or la lnoonol,ton\ with tho otfe•tlvo •ondu•I by nrant•r (and Its •••••••ors In lntornot) •I rail trolrht tranoportotlon or Orantor•a (nnd II• •••••••or• In ·., l lntaraot) ahlll\y to oomply fully with th1lr ro,pootlvn obllgatlo111 under 4ft URC.A Saatlon V48 •nd 40 USCA R••tlon 1oeoa, 'l'O(lR'l'IIRR with lh• nppurtonanao, and oil tho ••toto and rl«hl• ot tho ar,ntor In and to ,al~ proml101, UXlla11TlNCl and IUlSBRVlNO •• atora,ald, TO HAV'R AND TO HOl,TI tho pramlso11 horoln remlaod, rolooaod and q11lt11lal1nod unto tho Orantoo, ,ts auoaeaaora and a1algna, UXCRPTlNO and nns1mvrna •• atoroaalJ~:}?·~:-:-i. --~J.,... SBALRD ANII PRl,IVf.RRll CRC1 PIIOPIIRT(U 1 '!NO, In Iha proaenoo of u11 By1 - .. .. .· ~·11,,/'4~re·~ ~WlfAUl'II OF rmlNnl.VAN IA OJUNTY ·op PIIILAllRLrlllA day of9--,- and elshty•elx (IDRd), before me poraonally oame John P, Jaore.,, to mo known, who, bolnr by mo duly •worn, did depoaa and uy .. that he roaldoa tn MontKC4Tlory County, Ponnaylvanta, and has a malling address ol Room 901., 1618 Walnut Strool, Phlladol~hla, Pennaylvanlo 101021 that ho 11 the rroaldont and Ohtof nxeauttvo Olfloor of CRO Pl10PRRTIRB 1 IN0, 1 the oorporatlon desortbed In, end whloh exooutod, tho lorogolng lnatromontr lhel ho know• tho 'I seal ol said o~rporaltonr that tho 101! affixed to said lnatru• ., menl ts ~•oh oorporato soalr that II was oo alllxed by order ol tho Hoard ol ol utd aorporatlon1 and 11111 ho atsned hla name thereto ~Y like order, THIS INBTRUMBNT PHBPARIID DY1 Pr4nols C, Plynn Conaolldated Rall Corporation Ninth Ploor, 1128 Walnut Btreot Phlltdolphla_, P••~•YIYanla 10102 .. 1, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 ·"····"! -:~·~;\•;~ .;-, :~./~'... . ·.~\:::,Ci~~::Jz. . ........ ,:'.··•U· A• uud In 1h11 Hxhlbl I A, th• term •ownor• 1h&ll mean Amtrak or lt11 1uoaa111ora or aul1n1 and tha tum 11 n11volopur" 1h11l moon Rall Corporation or Ila 1uooo11or, and 111lgn1 and lho lorm 11 Rxoeptad Paroel1 11 11h11l1 moan property owned by Conoolldated Rall Corporation •• ldontlllod In a Deod ond lndonturo datod from Oon1olld1ted llal I Oorporatlon to 0110 · Properttoo, lno, ::- .iif}? ' - •i"\~; FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 ,'.c~~, ... ,;, .. ·.:,;!.:,.~·~'. ,jJJl;,, ,, :~ · ...., • y· ... ,.... :;C 'II.- DIVtl.0!Por, or l.t:a · - - · · haYI the rl.gllt: Ind Fl.vl.11111 l:°,.. ···"';.;.\::1~.1 (1) 1-t.. ml - .In tho l'Nffil- (u that w:m b .. defined) •u.1.1:ll>le Will.I, p,ler1, col11111l11 fool:.lniJ•, 111\11 (th&S\lpl:al.'tinlf St:N>t:W:.... ) , tJ.tl1 to 11 11 bl and nma.1n :In Dovelqlol:, tor tho ••ll'l'Ol't of 11iy bu.lldin9 or 1t:ruotlll'O and relit-' £111',m/111111\t:a and (tho to bl oreot.s Ill\ tho lllapted Paratll, u - .. woll u 111\Y 11,u;mitt.ocl 1140.IUtiea (u that llli:m ii tllNinafw- dafl.1111d) 1 ti.ti.I to_ . which llholl bo 111d Zlffill.n IOle1¥ .In Dovel.c,pol', 111d (2) enw .Into the IIIIR01."191S PNmiio1, the Fl.or written ot ~ . to Nl,INr, 11111 .ll:'CIIIIIW tho S ~ 8tr110twte11, tlln Builcl.lng1, 111\Y F&aiUt1e1 1 1114 othol: ~ t a , except, hcWwr, .In GUii of 111 ~ , in whiC1h •-t. · llO COIINll: bl ~ • . ',, ,l' IIESERV%NG UNT\l owner I ••d (ool• 11otiv1ly herdnaftor nhr ..d to •owner') , and ha ~•cS thdr a perpetual tor au that land ;~114 apaaa i,poaU.l.aaU-y roHrved by thh DHd (th• 'R11orve4 i.n and through th• E~otpttd Paro1l1 (•> for proper and oafa 'rdlroad 'Operat.l.on1 '(tho "RdlraacS I (bl for the• ·u.. and of tha raUroa.S - 0 of.: ownei:, and thoH of i.u .:uaen,111, l.nol11d£n9, b11t. not. ,.• . FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 ·.... '-:,.,-:ii'\,=:~<.-• .• .--, - -·1m1203,iloa:J•:,,,:·, .' • 1: W ., __..~,;~~'. 1n4 ~itoh•:: :'!;~j;-_~~i-i;~~~ "·; \ _;_.,{~,_-, ·'. - --;!,,;-••-•<"- '. ·-·-':•_, drain•v• · ti••• '\,t·i•,:(.;{ ·· :ea, ll,90.i, ·aamuniaaUan, •nd eleatrl.a· win• an~- Un111 ..n4 : }\_;;.•,;!(;/,; },iij(;;;ii; ;: .;:~ ::.'r,.:·:·. •~\ ::!:',\,:~~'!-~ 1 1 t::h::~.::::~ ::~v::::::•::.:::n:P::::::: ·~:::::::::: ,;-~_:_i__ . ' . :_i_~_'.:,I,:.!:-_~--~-_:_:_:_:_-_:,::_._-,: ' ::-,·1•,_ -,., ...,. •,s.,•:-dgnal, ..1witahin9, lighting, and ventUatl.on •q~ipm1nt_, all °';::'.\:;; \i-}:\:_.. ~•Y exht from timo ta time, (horeinat.ter aol110Uv1llf ;;;i:.}\,:;i·:.\:;:c!l•ll•d the r _Co) far. the maint1n1na1, r~pal.r, -'" •· · ·replaaemont, renewal, and romoval of the l'oaLUUHr (d) ·ta lay, ~rout, attnoh, inuta11, u11, ~•1n~ .. ..~Clin, a:epda:, ranew, replaaa, relcicato, 1nd remove flb11:' optio for any and any uf ••oh .' aablu, dther by itaqlf at b:,, Uaonling third parUoa tc, de •... 1• and la) tar liaanoing third to lllf, aroat, _conatruat, 1tt.aah, inatoll, uae, cperata, maintain, :repair, _renew, xeplaae, rt1lccat1, and removu :Uber optio cab1e1, ,· ,~t- . and pipoa and any 1ppu1:tenanae1 of aame ,all o! auch .. foroga1ng purpoaeo 11e... in11nor aamotimoe aalloatively .oall•!S the tt11a.11ein1nt P,u,•poae1") ·• PROV:CDED, HOWEVER, that, with rl!lapeat to Baaomunt P11rpaoea Cd) 11111 le) aa aforaoaid, ownn •hall, at ita u1>1t ''and expanae, raloaate, stZ"engthen, or re11aw, or to bo .. relocat.ed, atrt,ngt.hened, or renewed, either permo.n-antly or tempor11tily, 11ny auoh oablea, wires, or pipes upon raa1onablo prior written notioa from Davolopor, but only in tha event: that •"r aoah gablea, wirea, ~r pipoa may, in tha reaaonoble ,I - 2 - FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/19/2023 03:49 PM INDEX NO. 451121/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/19/2023 :·.t,:'.;;;.,.:11_-;; •;. I'. I;'..:· -~•: .. ;;.:,,,~; •• . )?:1"?;:: •i~ . .... -:-::, , . '••ntaO:Jiit.oal":".··'· • .. -_:_ .._-- -.i·=:'""--·::r->;:.__if • .:"'./'.: • "'/.,ud11ment of Developer . ,t,._;;i,:,:c.-,:. ' • . # intertoro with or impede the· oon• ' ' ~!liti~<' .;.J);,;,; ~·:_;';_;;~,//;t; ..:· :_.:r:·. ' ..:__L··~ ••_."'•_'_:,._:L,._:,'..•·.'.·.._",:...:__:,_~:.:;··_:;:_·,•_·:·~.' • : • . ...·..•.·__ -_: ' :~.:.:,(_:_';::,·,'.,· •.·-f_'._.·:_:,._· ..··:,:,.,· , . . -~tr.;~:~u:~~ll-:-~~~~!:~:.::~x;,;:~j~' .._.._:.__.:..:.. o!I.:.. •...~~-•·installation or .t:ho -~~PP.Or.ti~~-.. ·~. . ·r.1·:··_: 11 ,' •F • ~:j):·{L~~~/i~.i~i;: "' , : : .. ia aaaeptod by Developer, . 11ndor ~•"- ·':;~~;;i;ii:?};