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  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview
  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview
  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview
  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview
  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview
  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview
  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview
  • Franklyn Bell v. Freeman Decorating Co., Csi Worldwide Corporation, National Retail Federation, Exposition Sales & Design Inc DBA NIMLOK NYCTorts - Other (labor law) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 EXHIBIT A 1 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 POLICY FACE SHEET NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 70 00 INSURER: TE SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED SBA TRANS EFF DATE: 05/10/20 POLICY NO. 13 SBA TE0070 SB RECORDS RETENTION - PERMANENT DECLARATIONS ITEMS 1. NAMED INSURED AND EXPOSITION SALES & DESIGN, INC MAILING ADDRESS: SEE FORM SS1235 31 DWIGHT PL FAIRFIELD, ESSEX NJ. 07004 2. POLICY PERIOD: 05/11/19 05/11/20 1 INCEPTION EXPIRATION YEAR AGENT'S CODE: 651567 AGENT'S NAME: EINHORN-FORLENZA AGENCY INC PREVIOUS POLICY NO. 13 SBA TE0070 3. THE NAMED INSURED IS: CORP POLICY STATUS: RESTRICT LOB LEVEL OF SUPPORT: SP-S MARKET SEGMENTATION: 410 AUDIT PERIOD: ANNUAL SELECT CUSTOMER DIRECT ACCOUNT BILL NUMBER - 13681159 DEDUCTIBLE UMBRELLA RATED RISK ADDITIONAL INSURED(S) REVIEW FOR MANUAL CODING TRANS TYPE: R CNTL#: 004 POLICY FACE SHEET TERMINAL ID: R022V7JA PAGE 2 06/24/20 13 SBA TE0070 SB (05/11/20) FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. POLICY CHANGE This endorsement changes the policy effective on the Inception Date of the policy unless another date is indicated below: Policy Number: 13 SBA TE0070 SB Named Insured and Mailing Address; EXPOSITION SALES & DESIGN, INC SEE FORM SS1235 31 DWIGHT PL FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 Policy Change Effective Date: 05/11/19 Effective hour is the same as stated in the Declarations Page of the Policy. Policy Change Number: 001 Agent Name: EINHORN-FORLENZA AGENCY INC Code: 651567 POLICY CHANGES: SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED ANY CHANGES IN YOUR PREMIUM WILL BE REFLECTED IN YOUR NEXT BILLING STATEMENT.IF YOU ARE ENROLLED IN REPETITIVE EFT DRAWS FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, CHANGES IN PREMIUM WILL CHANGE FUTURE DRAW AMOUNTS. THIS IS NOT A BILL. RETURN PREMIUM DUE AT POLICY CHANGE EFFECTIVE DATE: $134.00 *INCLUDES RETURN TERRORISM PREMIUM OF: $3.00 STATE SURCHARGE(S) SHOWN BELOW NOT INCLUDED IN ABOVE TOTALS: DATE DUE 05/11/19 RETURN NJPLGA $1.00 RATES AND PREMIUMS ARE CHANGED. PRO RATA FACTOR: 1.000 THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT CHANGE THE POLICY EXCEPT AS SHOWN. Form SS 12 11 04 05 T Page 001 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Effective Date: 05/11/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 POLICY CHANGE (Continued) Policy Number: 13 SBA TE0070 Policy Change Number: 001 BUSINESS LIABILITY OPTIONAL COVERAGES ARE REVISED UMBRELLA LIABILITY IS CHANGED NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE-HIRED CAR IS DELETED SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED HIRED/NON-OWNED AUTO LIABILITY IS DELETED: FORM SS 04 38 FORM NUMBERS OF ENDORSEMENTS REVISED AT ENDORSEMENT ISSUE: SX80041008 FORM NUMBERS OF ENDORSEMENTS ADDED AT ENDORSEMENT ISSUE: SX21030401 Form SS 12 11 04 05 T Page 002 Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Effective Date: 05/11/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 EXTENSION SCHEDULE OF "REVISED" UNDERLYING INSURANCE POLICIES This extension schedule forms a part of the policy designated in the Declarations. Carrier, Policy Number and Policy Period: A. SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED 13 SBA TE0070 05/11/19 TO 05/11/20 Type of Coverage Applicable Limits ( X ) Business Liability - including: Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined $1,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 general aggregate Employees as Additional Insureds Contractual Liability Limited Non-Owned Watercraft Additional Insureds Damages To Premises Rented To You Property Damage Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence ( X ) Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000 ( X ) Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000 Prod./Comp. Ops. aggregate ( ) Hired Auto and Non-Owned Auto Limit of Liability B. ( ) Comprehensive Automobile Liability - Bodily Injury Liability Owned Automobiles each person each accident Property Damage Liability ( ) Non-Owned Automobiles each accident Bodily Injury and Property Damage ( ) Hired Automobiles Liability Combined each accident ( ) Uninsured Motorist each occurrence C. ( ) Employer’s Liability each accident* each employee by disease* total policy by disease* D. ( ) Liquor Liability An "X" marked in the box indicates the coverage is provided in the Underlying Policies. (Note Maintenance of Underlying Insurance Condition SX 80 02 or SX 80 03) *Except that in any jurisdiction where the amount of Employers Liability Coverage afforded by the underlying insurer is by law unlimited, the limit stated does not apply and the policy of which this extension schedule forms a part shall afford no insurance with respect to Employers Liability in such jurisdiction. Form SX 80 04 10 08 Page 1 of 2 Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 EXTENSION SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE POLICIES (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 13 SBA TE0070 Carrier, Policy Number and Policy Period: E. Type of Coverage Applicable Limits ( ) Foreign Commercial General Liability- including: each occurrence Personal and Advertising Injury Personal and Advertising Injury aggregate Products/Completed Operations Products/Completed Operations aggregate ( ) Foreign Contingent Auto Liability each accident ( ) Foreign Employer’s Liability each accident * each employee by disease* total policy by disease* An "X" marked in the box indicates the coverage is provided in the Underlying Policies. (Note Maintenance of Underlying Insurance Condition SX 80 02 or SX 80 03) *Except that in any jurisdiction where the amount of Employers Liability Coverage afforded by the underlying insurer is by law unlimited, the limit stated does not apply and the policy of which this extension schedule forms a part shall afford no insurance with respect to Employers Liability in such jurisdiction. Form SX 80 04 10 08 Page 2 of 2 Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. EXCLUSION - AUTO This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the UMBRELLA LIABILITY PROVISIONS This policy does not apply to liability arising out of the: 1. Ownership; 2. Operation; 3. Maintenance; 4. Use; 5. Entrustment to others; or 6. Loading or unloading; Of any "auto." This exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused in the injury or damage involved the ownership, maintenance, use, entrustment to others, or loading or unloading of any “auto”. Form SX 21 03 04 01 © 2001, The Hartford FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 REGIONAL OFFICE INSTRUCTION SHEET POLICY NUMBER: 13 SBA TE0070 SB CHANGE NUMBER: 001 CHANGE EFF DATE: 05/11/19 ROUTING INSTRUCTIONS _SEND TO RECORDS. TRANSFER CORR IF APPLICABLE. TERMINAL ID: R001VCSA OPER INIT: CXM 04/25/19 13 SBA TE0070 SB (05/11/20) PAGE 1 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 POLICY FACE SHEET 70 00 INSURER: TE SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED SBA CHANGE NO.: 001 CHANGE EFF DATE: 05/11/19 POLICY NO. 13 SBA TE0070 SB RECORDS RETENTION - PERMANENT DECLARATIONS ITEMS 1. NAMED INSURED AND EXPOSITION SALES & DESIGN, INC MAILING ADDRESS: SEE FORM SS1235 31 DWIGHT PL FAIRFIELD, ESSEX NJ. 07004 2. POLICY PERIOD: 05/11/19 05/11/20 1 INCEPTION EXPIRATION YEAR AGENT'S CODE: 651567 AGENT'S NAME: EINHORN-FORLENZA AGENCY INC PREVIOUS POLICY NO. 13 SBA TE0070 3. THE NAMED INSURED IS: CORP POLICY STATUS: ACTIVE LOB LEVEL OF SUPPORT: SP-S MARKET SEGMENTATION: 410 AUDIT PERIOD: ANNUAL SELECT CUSTOMER DIRECT ACCOUNT BILL NUMBER - 13681159 DEDUCTIBLE UMBRELLA RATED RISK LOSS PAYEE ADDITIONAL INSURED(S) AUTOMATICALLY BOOKED TRANS TYPE: ENDT CNTL#: 002 POLICY FACE SHEET TERMINAL ID: R001VCSA PAGE 2 04/25/19 13 SBA TE0070 SB (05/11/20) FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. POLICY CHANGE This endorsement changes the policy effective on the Inception Date of the policy unless another date is indicated below: Policy Number: 13 SBA TE0070 SB Named Insured and Mailing Address; EXPOSITION SALES & DESIGN, INC SEE FORM SS1235 31 DWIGHT PL FAIRFIELD NJ 07004 Policy Change Effective Date: 05/11/19 Effective hour is the same as stated in the Declarations Page of the Policy. Policy Change Number: 001 Agent Name: EINHORN-FORLENZA AGENCY INC Code: 651567 POLICY CHANGES: SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED ANY CHANGES IN YOUR PREMIUM WILL BE REFLECTED IN YOUR NEXT BILLING STATEMENT.IF YOU ARE ENROLLED IN REPETITIVE EFT DRAWS FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, CHANGES IN PREMIUM WILL CHANGE FUTURE DRAW AMOUNTS. THIS IS NOT A BILL. RETURN PREMIUM DUE AT POLICY CHANGE EFFECTIVE DATE: $134.00 *INCLUDES RETURN TERRORISM PREMIUM OF: $3.00 STATE SURCHARGE(S) SHOWN BELOW NOT INCLUDED IN ABOVE TOTALS: DATE DUE 05/11/19 RETURN NJPLGA $1.00 RATES AND PREMIUMS ARE CHANGED. PRO RATA FACTOR: 1.000 THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT CHANGE THE POLICY EXCEPT AS SHOWN. Form SS 12 11 04 05 T Page 001 (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Effective Date: 05/11/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 POLICY CHANGE (Continued) Policy Number: 13 SBA TE0070 Policy Change Number: 001 BUSINESS LIABILITY OPTIONAL COVERAGES ARE REVISED UMBRELLA LIABILITY IS CHANGED NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE-HIRED CAR IS DELETED SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED HIRED/NON-OWNED AUTO LIABILITY IS DELETED: FORM SS 04 38 FORM NUMBERS OF ENDORSEMENTS REVISED AT ENDORSEMENT ISSUE: SX80041008 FORM NUMBERS OF ENDORSEMENTS ADDED AT ENDORSEMENT ISSUE: SX21030401 Form SS 12 11 04 05 T Page 002 Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Effective Date: 05/11/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 EXTENSION SCHEDULE OF "REVISED" UNDERLYING INSURANCE POLICIES This extension schedule forms a part of the policy designated in the Declarations. Carrier, Policy Number and Policy Period: A. SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED 13 SBA TE0070 05/11/19 TO 05/11/20 Type of Coverage Applicable Limits ( X ) Business Liability - including: Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined $1,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 general aggregate Employees as Additional Insureds Contractual Liability Limited Non-Owned Watercraft Additional Insureds Damages To Premises Rented To You Property Damage Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence ( X ) Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000 ( X ) Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000 Prod./Comp. Ops. aggregate ( ) Hired Auto and Non-Owned Auto Limit of Liability B. ( ) Comprehensive Automobile Liability - Bodily Injury Liability Owned Automobiles each person each accident Property Damage Liability ( ) Non-Owned Automobiles each accident Bodily Injury and Property Damage ( ) Hired Automobiles Liability Combined each accident ( ) Uninsured Motorist each occurrence C. ( ) Employer’s Liability each accident* each employee by disease* total policy by disease* D. ( ) Liquor Liability An "X" marked in the box indicates the coverage is provided in the Underlying Policies. (Note Maintenance of Underlying Insurance Condition SX 80 02 or SX 80 03) *Except that in any jurisdiction where the amount of Employers Liability Coverage afforded by the underlying insurer is by law unlimited, the limit stated does not apply and the policy of which this extension schedule forms a part shall afford no insurance with respect to Employers Liability in such jurisdiction. Form SX 80 04 10 08 Page 1 of 2 Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 EXTENSION SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE POLICIES (Continued) POLICY NUMBER: 13 SBA TE0070 Carrier, Policy Number and Policy Period: E. Type of Coverage Applicable Limits ( ) Foreign Commercial General Liability- including: each occurrence Personal and Advertising Injury Personal and Advertising Injury aggregate Products/Completed Operations Products/Completed Operations aggregate ( ) Foreign Contingent Auto Liability each accident ( ) Foreign Employer’s Liability each accident * each employee by disease* total policy by disease* An "X" marked in the box indicates the coverage is provided in the Underlying Policies. (Note Maintenance of Underlying Insurance Condition SX 80 02 or SX 80 03) *Except that in any jurisdiction where the amount of Employers Liability Coverage afforded by the underlying insurer is by law unlimited, the limit stated does not apply and the policy of which this extension schedule forms a part shall afford no insurance with respect to Employers Liability in such jurisdiction. Form SX 80 04 10 08 Page 2 of 2 Process Date: 04/25/19 Policy Expiration Date: 05/11/20 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 COMMERCIAL LINES AUTOMATION - SPECTRUM SUMMARY PAGE 2 POLICY INFORMATION NAMED INSURED: EXPOSITION SALES & DESIGN, INC AGENT CODE AND NAME: 651567 EINHORN-FORLENZA AGENCY INC COMPANY CODE AND NAME: A SENTINEL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/11/19 POLICY EXPIRATION DATE: 05/11/20 TRANS EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/11/19 AUDIT PERIOD: ANNUALLY TRANSACTION TYPE: ENDORSEMENT CHANGE NUMBER: 001 POLICY AUTOMATICALLY BOOKED REPLACEMENT COST APPLIES TO BLDG REPLACEMENT COST APPLIES TO BPP SPECTRUM PROPERTY DEDUCTIBLE: $1,000 COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY PREMIUMS POLICY BASE PREMIUM $0.00 BUILDING $3,219,400 $0.00 BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY $1,120,500 $0.00 BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY OF OTHERS $1,217,200 $0.00 BUSINESS INCOME-SPECIFIED LIMIT $1,000,000 $0.00 EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN INCLUDED $0.00 BUSINESS LIABILITY PREMISES/OPERATIONS $1,000,000 $0.00 PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS $1,000,000 $0.00 DAMAGES TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU ANY ONE PREMISES $1,000,000 INCLUDED FUNGI LIMITED COVERAGE $100,000 $0.00 FUNGI LIMITED BUSINESS INTERRUPTION 30 DAYS INCLUDED MONEY AND SECURITIES INSIDE-PREMISES $10,000 OUTSIDE-PREMISES $5,000 INCLUDED UMBRELLA PREMISES/OPERATIONS $5,000,000 $0.00 UMBRELLA PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATION $5,000,000 $0.00 EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY DEDUCTIBLE $100 $150,000 $0.00 IDENTITY RECOVERY $15,000 INCLUDED PERSONAL PROPERTY OFF PREMISES $100,000 $0.00 TRANSIT-PROPERTY/CARRIERS FOR HIRE $100,000 $0.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY $1,000,000/ $2,000,000 $0.00 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES LIABILITY $10,000/ $10,000 INCLUDED NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE/HIRED CAR $0 $131.00 RP MANUFACTURERS STRETCH $0.00 TERRORISM COVERAGE $3.00 RP TOTAL DIFFERENCE $134.00 RP FACTOR NJPLGA SURCHARGE: .006000 $1.00 RP POLICY # 13SBATE0070 SB CONTROL # 002 TERM ID R001VCSA PROCESS DATE 04/25/19 OPER INITIALS CXM AAR PREV POL # 13SBATE0070 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 PRODUCER'S FACT SHEET NAMED INSURED: EXPOSITION SALES & DESIGN, INC SEE FORM SS 12 35 POL #: 13 SBA TE0070 SB PRODUCER'S NAME: PRODUCER'S CODE: 651567 EINHORN-FORLENZA AGENCY INC POL EFF DATE: 05/11/19 POL EXP DATE: 05/11/20 TRANS EFF DATE: 05/11/19 DIRECT ACCOUNT BILL NUMBER - 13681159 TRANSACTION TYPE: ENDORSEMENT CHANGE NO.: 001 ENDORSEMENT PREMIUM: $135.00 RP (INCLUDES SURCHARGES) ENDORSEMENT PREMIUM BREAKDOWN PREMIUM COMMISSION PERCENTAGE SPECTRUM $134.00 RP 15.0 NJPLGA SRCH $1.00 RP 0.0 TOTAL $135.00 RP FORM TITLE SS 12 11 04 05 POLICY CHANGE SX 80 04 10 08 EXTENSION SCHEDULE OF UNDERLYING INSURANCE POLICIES SX 21 03 04 01 EXCLUSION - AUTO PRODUCER'S FACT SHEET PAGE 1 04/25/19 13 SBA TE0070 SB (05/11/20) FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OUR POLICYHOLDERS THANK YOU FOR RENEWING YOUR POLICY WITH THE HARTFORD. WITH THIS NOTICE WE ARE PROVIDING YOU ONLY WITH THE DECLARATIONS PAGE, WHICH OUTLINES YOUR COVERAGES, AND WITH THOSE POLICY FORMS, NOTICES, AND BROCHURES WHICH ARE DIFFERENT FROM THOSE WHICH WE PROVIDED WITH YOUR PREVIOUS POLICY. YOU SHOULD RETAIN ALL OF THESE ____________________________________ _ DOCUMENTS AND THOSE PROVIDED WITH YOUR PREVIOUS POLICY INDEFINITELY SO THAT YOU _____________________________________________________________________________ WILL HAVE A COMPLETE SET OF POLICY FORMS AT ALL TIMES FOR YOUR REFERENCE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, OR IF AT ANY TIME YOU NEED COPIES OF ANY OF THE FORMS LISTED ON YOUR POLICY, PLEASE CALL YOUR HARTFORD AGENT OR BROKER, OR THE OFFICE OF THE HARTFORD IDENTIFIED ON YOUR POLICY, AS APPROPRIATE. Form G-3187-0 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 Insurance Policy Billing Information Thank you for selecting The Hartford for your business insurance needs. Shortly, you will receive your first bill from us. You are receiving this Notice so you know what to expect as a valued customer of The Hartford. Should you have any questions after reviewing this information, please contact us at 866-467-8730, and we will be happy to assist you. o Your total policy premium will appear on your policy’s Declarations Page. You will be billed based on the payment plan you selected. o You may pay the "minimum due" as it appears on your insurance bill or pay the policy balance in full. o An installment service fee is added to each installment. A late fee will also be applied if the "minimum due" is not received by the due date shown on your bill. Service and late payment fees do not apply in all states. o If you selected installment billing, any credit or additional premium due as the result of a change made to your policy, will be spread over the remaining billing installments. Additional premium due as a result of an audit will be billed in full on your next bill date following the completion of the audit. o If you elected Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), policy changes may result in changes to the amount automatically withdrawn from your bank account. The invoice you receive following a policy change will include future withdrawal amounts. If you need to adjust or stop your next scheduled EFT withdrawal, please contact us at least 3 days prior to the scheduled withdrawal date at the telephone number shown below. o If you selected installment billing and pay the premiums for your first policy term on time, at renewal, your account may qualify for our "Equal Installment" feature. This means that the percentage due for each installment, including the initial renewal installment, will be the same throughout the policy term – helping you better manage cash flow. Equal installments will continue as long as you pay your premiums on time and no cancellation notices are issued for any policy on your account. If you no longer qualify for Equal Installments, future renewals will be billed based on the payment plan you selected, which includes a higher initial installment amount. o If your policy is eligible for renewal, your bill for the upcoming policy term will be sent to you approximately 30 days prior to your policy’s renewal date. If your insurance needs change, please contact us at least 60 days prior to your renewal date so we can properly address any adjustments needed. o One bill convenience -- you have the option of combining all eligible Hartford policies on one single bill allowing you to make one payment for all policies on your account as payments are due. You’re In Control In addition to selecting a bill plan option that best meets your budget, you have the flexibility to decide how your payments are made … o Repetitive EFT: Sign up for Repetitive EFT payments and have payments automatically withdrawn from your bank account. This option saves you money by reducing the amount of the installment service fee. o Pay Online: Register at Online Bill Pay is Quick, Easy and Secure! o Pay by Check: Send a check with your remittance stub in the envelope provided with your bill. o Pay by Phone: Call toll-free 1-866-467-8730. Should you have any questions about your bill, please call Customer Service toll-free number: 1-866-467-8730 - 7AM – 7PM CST. We look forward to being of service to you. Form 100722 11th Rev. Printed in U.S.A. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS THE HARTFORD CYBER CENTER WEBSITE ACCESS Thank you for choosing The Hartford for your business insurance needs. You are receiving this Notice because you purchased a business owner's policy from The Hartford, (your Policy was issued by The Hartford writing company identified on your policy Declarations page) which includes access to The Hartford Cyber Center. This portal was created because we recognize that businesses face a variety of cyber-related exposures and need help managing the related risks. These exposures include data breaches, computer virus attacks and cyber extortion threats. Through The Hartford Cyber Center, you have access to: o A panel of third party incident response service providers o Third party cybersecurity pre-incident service providers and a list of approved services to help protect your business before a cyber-threat occurs o Risk management tools, including self-assessments, best practice guides, templates, sample incident response plans, and data breach cost calculators o White papers, blogs and webinars from leading privacy and security practitioners o Up-to-date cyber-related news and events, including examples of privacy and security related events Accessing The Hartford Cyber Center is easy 1. Visit 2. Enter policyholder information 3. Access code: 952689 4. Login to The Hartford Cyber Center This Notice does not amend or otherwise affect the provisions of your business owner's policy. Coverage Options: The Hartford offers a variety of endorsements to your business owner's policy that can help protect your business from a broad range of cyber-related threats. Please review your coverage with your insurance agent or broker to determine the most appropriate cyber coverages and limits for your business. Claims Reporting: If you have a claim, you can report it by calling The Hartford's toll-free claims line at 1-800-327-3636. Should you have any questions, please contact your insurance agent, broker or you may contact us directly. We appreciate your business and look forward to being of continued service to you. Please be aware that: o The Hartford Cyber Center is a proprietary web portal exclusively provided to customers of The Hartford. Please do not share the access code with anyone outside your organization. o Registration is required to access the Cyber Center. You may register as many users as necessary. o Contacting a service provider about any issue does not constitute providing The Hartford notice of a claim as required under your insurance policy. Read your insurance policy and discuss any questions with your agent or broker. The Hartford Cyber Center provides third party service provider references and materials for educational purposes only. The Hartford does not specifically endorse any such service provider within The Hartford Cyber Center and hereby disclaims all liability with respect to use of or reliance on such service providers. All service providers are independent contractors and not agents of The Hartford. The Hartford does not warrant the performance of the service providers, even if such services are covered under your Business Owners Policy. We strongly encourage you to conduct your own assessments of the service providers' services and the fitness or adequacy of such services for your particular needs. Form SS 89 93 07 16 Page 1 of 1 © 2016, The Hartford FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 ® Business Owner’s Policy Form SS 00 01 03 14 Page 1 of 1 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 PRODUCER COMPENSATION NOTICE You can review and obtain information on The Hartford’s producer compensation practices at or at 1-800-592-5717. Form G-3418-0 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 POLICY NUMBER: 13 SBA TE0070 THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF YOUR POLICY IN RESPONSE TO THE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT. DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE ACT SCHEDULE Terrorism Premium: $ $525.00 A. Disclosure Of Premium United States or to influence the policy or In accordance with the federal Terrorism Risk affect the conduct of the United States Insurance Act, as amended (TRIA), we are required Government by coercion to provide you with a notice disclosing the portion of C. Disclosure Of Federal Share Of Terrorism your premium, if any, attributable to coverage for Losses "certified acts of terrorism" under TRIA. The portion The United States Department of the Treasury will of your premium attributable to such coverage is reimburse insurers for a portion of insured losses, shown in the Schedule of this endorsement. as indicated in the table below, attributable to B. The following definition is added with respect to the "certified acts of terrorism" under TRIA that exceeds provisions of this endorsement: the applicable insurer deductible: 1. A "certified act of terrorism" means an act that is Calendar Year Federal Share of certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in Terrorism Losses accordance with the provisions of TRIA, to be an act of terrorism under TRIA. The criteria 2015 85% contained in TRIA for a "certified act of 2016 84% terrorism" include the following: 2017 83% a. The act results in insured losses in excess of $5 million in the aggregate, attributable to 2018 82% all types of insurance subject to TRIA; and 2019 81% b. The act results in damage within the United 2020 or later 80% States, or outside the United States in the case of certain air carriers or vessels or the However, if aggregate industry insured losses under premises of an United States mission; and TRIA exceed $100 billion in a calendar year, the c. The act is a violent act or an act that is Treasury shall not make any payment for any dangerous to human life, property or portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds infrastructure and is committed by an $100 billion. The United States government has not individual or individuals as part of an effort charged any premium for their participation in to coerce the civilian population of the covering terrorism losses. Form SS 83 76 01 15 Page 1 of 2 © 2015 , The Hartford (Includes copyrighted material of the Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.) FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 D. Cap On Insurer Liability for Terrorism Losses If aggregate industry insured losses attributable to "certified acts of terrorism" under TRIA exceed $100 billion in a calendar year and we have met, or will meet, our insurer deductible under TRIA, we shall not be liable for the payment of any portion of the amount of such losses that exceed $100 billion. In such case, your coverage for terrorism losses may be reduced on a pro-rata basis in accordance with procedures established by the Treasury, based on its estimates of aggregate industry losses and our estimate that we will exceed our insurer deductible. In accordance with the Treasury's procedures, amounts paid for losses may be subject to further adjustments based on differences between actual losses and estimates. E. Application of Other Exclusions The terms and limitations of any terrorism exclusion, the inapplicability or omission of a terrorism exclusion, or the inclusion of terrorism coverage, do not serve to create coverage for any loss which would otherwise be excluded under this Coverage Form, Coverage Part or Policy. F. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Form SS 83 76 01 15 Page 2 of 2 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS ERISA - EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY You are receiving this notice because your renewal policy contains ERISA-EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that sets rules and standards of conduct for private sector employee benefit plans and those that invest and manage their assets. One of ERISA's requirements is that people who handle plan funds and other property must be covered by a fidelity bond to protect the plan from losses due to fraud or dishonesty. Please be advised that on or before the beginning of each plan year, the plan administrator or other plan fiduciary must ensure that the plan has the legally required bonding amount for the individuals who will handle the plan's funds and other property. If necessary, the plan administrator or other plan fiduciary may need to obtain appropriate adjustments or additional protection to ensure that the coverage will be in compliance for the new plan year. If you wish to adjust the amount of your ERISA fidelity bond, please reach out to your agent or Hartford representative. Form SS 90 30 06 18 Page 1 of 1 © 2018, The Hartford FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/13/2022 04:09 PM INDEX NO. 507931/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 80 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/13/2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS To help your insurance keep pace with increasing costs, we have increased your amount of insurance . . . giving you better protection in case of either a partial, or total loss to your property. If you feel the new amount is not the proper one, please contact your agent or broker.