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  • Waleed T Haram v. Khaled T Haram Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Waleed T Haram v. Khaled T Haram Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/12/2021 11:09 AM INDEX NO. 656301/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 39 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/12/2021 STATE OF NEW YORK UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM FIRST JUDICIAL DISRICT SUPREME COURT, CIVIL BRANCH 60 CENTRE STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10007-1474 (646) 386-5567 FAX: (212) 401-9037 HON. LAWRENCE MARKS DEBORAH A. KAPLAN Chief Administrative Judge Administrative Judge for Civil Matters First Judicial District GEORGE J. SILVER Deputy Chief Administrative Judge New York City Courts NOTICE OF ADR OPTIONS- PART 58 GENERAL IAS PART SUPREME COURT NEW YORK COUNTY CIVIL BRANCH Consistent with the policy of the Unified Court System, Supreme Court, New York County Civil Branch encourages the resolution of civil legal disputes utilizing Alternative or Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods including mediation, arbitration, neutral evaluation, in-court settlement practices, and summary trials. During the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, New York County Supreme Court is continuing its commitment to find less costly and innovative ways of resolving matters and offers remote Mediation or Neutral Evaluation services for certain matters pending in our Court. Cases may be referred to Mediation or Neutral Evaluation at any time during the litigation, including at the preliminary conference. The Commercial Division Mediation Program offers parties access, free of charge for three hours, to well qualified mediators, who have extensive Commercial experience. Our Civil Mediation Program offers 90 minutes for non-commercial cases. Although parties are not obligated to settle in mediation, parties often resolve the matter in whole or in part. If a settlement is not reached during, parties may proceed in Court. The Early Neutral Evaluation Program “ENEP” offers parties access, free of charge, to qualified Neutral Evaluators. The goal of the ENEP is to assist the parties and their counsel in reaching a resolution or to decide a discrete issue or issues. Although parties are not obligated to settle, parties often resolve the discrete issues referred to the Neutral. Please see our website for information. For matters with housing and habitability related issues, the New York County Supreme Court partners with the New York Peace Institute to provide mediation as an alternative to court for free. Mediation offers a chance for landlords, property managers and tenants to find solutions to a variety of disagreements. The Court strongly encourages you to try ADR. Acceptance into the any ADR program through this notice requires that all parties voluntarily consent. If all parties agree to ADR, please email Jean Norton, ADR Coordinator for Supreme Court, New York County, at for the referral. Please contact Ms. Norton with any questions, not the Court Part where your matter is pending. We look forward to working with you. Hon. Deborah A. Kaplan Hon. David Cohen Jean Norton Administrative Judge Part 58 General IAS Part ADR Coordinator Supreme Court, New York Supreme Court, New York Supreme Court, New York County-Civil Branch County-Civil Branch County-Civil Branch 1 of 1