On December 2, 2016 a commercial - contract case was filed by Waleed T Haram, represented by Zaza, Dalia Ismail, against Khaled T Haram, represented by Bierman, Rick Stephen, in the jurisdiction of New York County. Judge David B. Cohen presiding.

: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0371172020 12:46 PM INDEX NO. 656301/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/11/2020 HINDMAN UU OVA OY HRN TON WUT A SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK Index No, __656301/2016__ HARAM, WALEED T Appearance No. 020 ws . IAS Part 58 HARAM, KHALED T woes STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER On March 11 , 2020 a conference was held in this case. The parties appeared as follows: ptaintin(s) lalaleed Haram _ by Derhia Cala Ey. by by Defendant(s) KAD LARAIT by _Rrck Ss RiepmMia] Ks, by by The Court has considered the status of this case [and determined that the Court's order of Dec AB, 2019 has not been complied with in that ] Accordingly, if is ORDERED that _"))-eaS hun of, bot h hes C Lowple widts\oy Mol 13, 20 jad “ONC! at 600 3% Aveme 1% Flow fnY ny ~)wb, fue of Eck S. Bieta, Em Qecties agcee tm subleHing “Yee sulgent premises tp the prypdeol Sablenant. Delencaats SS ; a the Sublease tncldoas, eSto: ere beC inhaled te nati, copy tf leare., …

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