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  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/19/2019 02:18 PM INDEX NO. 850228/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/19/2019 Exhibit C FILED: FILED : NEW NEW YORK YO COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 12/19/2019 02/07/2017 02:18 08: 45 PM INDEX INDEX NO. NO . 850228/2016 850228/ 2016 AM) NYSCEF NYS DOC. NO. 30 . RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF : 12/19/2019 02/ 0 7 / 2 0 17 SFP: 2017-461 Ref: Kazi Abdul Maodud CERTIFICATE - ATTESTATION The undersigned authorityhas the honour tocertify,in conformity with article6 of the Convention L'autorite soussignee a l'hóññeür d'attester conformenent a l'article 6 de laditeConvention. 1) thatthe document has been served the (date) 23 January 2017 que le demande a ete executee le(date) -at(place, street,number) 3 Hawth Close -a (localite, rue, numero) CRAWLEY RH10 6BW - inone of the methods authorised article5: following by -dans une des formes suivantes prevues a l'article 5: a) in accardance with the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of the firstparagraph of article5 of the convention selon lesformes legales (article 5, alineapremier, lettre a) b) in accordance with the following particular method The documêñts were served by posting them selon laforme particulieresuivante through the defendant's letterbox. This method is goodservice under rule6.3 (1)(c) of the CivilProcedure Rules of England and Wales. c) by delivery tothe addressee, who accepted itvoluntarily par remise simple The documents referred to inthe requesthave been delivered to:Kazi Abdul Macdsd Les documents mentionnes dans la demande ont eteremis a: - and description of (identity person) - (identiteetqualitede la personne) - to theaddressee (family,business or relationship other) - liensde parente de süberdinatics ou autres avec ledesinataire de l'acts 2) thatthe document has not been served,by reason of the following facts: que la demande n'a pas ete executee, en raisondes faitssuivants: in conformity with the second paragraph of article 12 of the Convention, the applicant isrcqüested to pay the expenses detailsinthe attached statement. Conformcment a l'article 12, alinea 2 de ladite Convention, le requerant est prie de payer ou de rembourser lesfraisdont le detailfigureau memoire ci-joint Annexes Documents returned Pieces renvoyees Done at London faita in appropriate cases, documents the 27 January, 2017 establishing the service: ("1 le lecas echeant, lesdocuments W justicatifs de l'execution: O Signature and/or stamp: 2 7 JAN 2017 ! Signature et/oucachet: 1 of 2 INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 850228/2016 850228/2016 FILED: 4%EW [FILED: NEW YORK 9 COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 12/19/2019 02/07/2017 02:18 08:45 APM NYSCEF yY SCEF DOC. D . 1NO. . 30 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 02/07/2017 12/19/2019 - SFT to 45 SUMMARY OF THE DOCUMENT TO B TRURUCKSENDEN - TO ELEMENTS ESSENTIELS DE L'A RETUF à retoumer - de restituire Cüiiveiitióii on the service abroad ofjiidicialand extrajudicial dGerriiianâ4n-eivil-or-c-eiiiiiR+eial------ matters, signed at The Hague, November 15, 1965. Cotwéñtion relative'a lasigñification notfrarion~ et a la l'e'stranger tiesacresjudiciaries et extrajudiciaries en matiere civileou commerciale, signgee a LaHaye, le15 Novembre 1965., (article5, fourthparagraph) (article5. alinea4) Name and address of the requesting authority: Nom. ei a_ddressee tie l'autorite requirante: JuliyaMaiouchkina, 585 Stewart Avenue, Suite LL-16, Garden City,NY 11530 Particulars of the parties: , Identitedes parties: HNY Club Suites Owners Association Inc;Kazi Abdul Maedud, Roshena Parvin Maedud JUDICIAL DOCUMENT ACTE JUDICIA IRE Nature and purpose of the document: Nature etobiet tiel'acte- Summons and Complaint to obtain property (timeshare) back Nature and purpose of and, where spprGpriate, the m===±in dispute: Nature et objetde l'instance le casecheant le montent du litige: not applicable Date and place for appearance- entering Date el lieude lacomparution: not applicable Court which has given judgment**: Juridiction qui a rendu ladecision: not applicable Dale of judg=cat**: Date de /a decision: not applicable Time limitsstated in thednenment**: Indication des deliasfigurant dans l'acte: 20 days to answer if personally delivered to named defendant, 30 days to answer if delivered to person of suitable age and discretion EXTRAJUDICIAL DOCUMENT ACTE EXTRAJUDICIAIRE Nature and piirpGse of thedocument: Nature et objetl'acte: not applicable Time limitsstated in thedocument:** Indicationdes deliasfigurant dans l'acte: not applicable 2 of 2 INDEX INDEX NO.. NO 850228/ 2016 850228/2016 FILED::, [FILED NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY OUNTY CLERK CLERK 12/19/2019 02/07/2017 02:18 08:45 APM NYSCEF DOC. C NO. 30 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF NYSCEF: : 02/ 0 7 / 2 0 17 12/19/2019 SFP: 2017-457 Ref: Roshena Parvin Maodud CERTIFICATE - ATTESTATION The undersigned authority has thehonour tocertify,in coñfarmity with article 6 of the Coñveñticñ L'autoritesoussignee a l'hüñnéür d'attestercoñfarnienent a l'article 6 de laditeConvention. 1) that the docüiñcnt has been served the (date) 23 January 2017 que ledemande a eteexecutee le(date) -at (place,street,number) 3 Hawth Close -a (localite, rue, numero) CRAWLEY RH10 6BW - inone of the methods authorised article5: following by -dans une des formes suivantes prevues a l'article 5: a) in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of the firstparagraph of article5 of the convention selon lesformes legales(article5, alineapremier, lettrea) in accordance with the particular The document: were served them b) fallawing by posting r:±:f selon la forme particaliere suivante through the defendant's letterlicx.This method isgood service under rule 6.3 (1)(c) of the CivilProcedure Rules of England and Wales. c) by delivery tothe addressee, who accepted itvoluntarily par remise simple The documents referredto inthe request have been delivered to: Les documents mentionnes dans la demande ont eteremis a: - and description of person) (identity - (identite et qualite de lapersonne) - to theaddressee (family,business or other) relationship - liensde parente de subordinaticñ ou autres avec ledesinataire de l'acts 2) thatthe document has not been served,by reason ofthe follawing facts: que la demande n'a pas ete executee, en raisondes faitssuivañts: in conformity with the second paragraph ofarticle 12 of theConvention, the appliGat isrequested to pay the expenses detailsin theattached statement. C0üfermement a l'article12, alinea 2 de ladite Convention, le reqüerant est priede payer ou de rembourser les fraisdont ledetailfigure au memoire ci-joint Annexes Documents returned Pieces renvoyees Done at London faita in appropriate cases,documents the 27 January, 2017 establishing theservice: le lecas echeant, les documents justicatifsde l'execution: Signature and/or stamp: Signature et/ou cachet: 1 of 2 INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 850228 /2016 850228/2016 FILED:: FFILED NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 12/19/2019 02/07/2017 02:18 08: 45 PM AM) NYSCEF NY SCEF DOC.. DOC NO. NO. 30 8 RECE IVED RECEIVED NY NYSCEF: SCEF: 02/07/2017 12/19/2019 6028 ŽURUCKSENDEN - TO RETURN à retourner - de restituire SUMMARY OF THE DOCUMEN TO RF SFRVED ELEMENTS ESSENTIELS DE L'ACTE Convention on the service abroad ofjudicisi and extrajudicial de-a .tsIn civilor commercial matters, signed atThe Hague, November 15, 1965. Corimistiotirelative'a lasigmfication ;;aijrãrict,~ et a la l'e'stranger tiesacres judiciarieset extrajudiciaries en matiere civileou commerciale, signgee a La Haye, le15 Novembre 1965., (article5, fourthparagraph) (article5. alinea4) Name and âddress of the requesting âü‡:iGrity: Nom ei addresseetiel'autorite requirante: JuliyaMaiouchkina, 585 Stewart Avenue, Suite LL-16, Garden City,NY 11530 Particulars of the parties: Identitedes parties: HNY Club Suites Owners Associaticü Inc;Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud JUDICIAL DOCUMENT ACTE JUDICIA IRE Nature and purpose of the document: Nature et obiettiel'acte- Summons and Complaint to obtain property (timeshare) back Nature and purpose of the proccid:;.g.; and, where appr0priate, the est in dispute: Nature etobjet de l'instance le casecheant le m0ñtma du litige: not applicable Date and place for appearance- entering Date el lieude lacomparution: not applicable Court which has given judgment**: Juridiction qui a renduladecision: not applicable Dale of judgmcñ‡**: Date de /a decision: not applicable Time limits stated in thedocunicat**: Indication des deliasfigurant dans l'acte: delivered to named defendant, 30 days to answer if delivered to person of suitable age and discretion 20 days to answer if püsenally EXTRAJUDICIAL DOCUMENT ACTE EXTRAJUDICIAIRE Nature and purpose of thedücuméñ‡: Nature et objetl'acte: not applicable Time limits stated in thedGcament:** Indication des deliasfigurant dans l'acte: not applicable 2 of 2 FILED: FILED: NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 12/19/2019 12/15/2016 02:18 02:03 PM PM| INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 850228/2016 850228/2016 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 30 4 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 12/19/2019 12/15/2016 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE _ _ si 3 3 7 8 4 7 _ _ a 13 2 5 2 2 Attorney: Druckman Law Group PLLC, 242 Drexel Ave, Westbury NY, 11590, 5168760800 Index No: 850228/16 Court: SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF NEW YORK Date Filed:12/02/2016 r|a|ñt:ff/ret|i|ùñer. HNY CLUB SUITES OWNERS ASSOC!ATION INC., BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Defendant/Respondent: KAZI ABDUL MAODUD ET AL ____ STATE OF NY : COUNTY OF Nassau ss.: I, John Hudak , being dulysworn accciding to law upon my oath,deposes and says, thatdepañent is nota partyto thisaction,is over18 years ofage and reside in NY State. On Dec, 12 2016 at11:45 AM , at 1335 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS , NEW YORK , NY , 10019 , depüñent served the SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF TIMESHARE MORTGAGE BEARING INDEX NUMBER AND DATE OF FILING & NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT OF ACTION SUBJECT TO MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FILING upon HNY CLUB SUITES OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC , Defendant herein known as Recipient. Said service was effectedin thefollowingmanner; [ X ] CORPORATE: By deliveiingto and leaving a truecopy ofeach with AMY LAW, SALES MANAGER , a person who is known to be the authorized agent ofsaid corporation,and who is autheiitedby said carparatian to receivesaid dacurnents. Deponent describes the individua! served to thebest of depGñêñt's abilityat thetime and circumstances of serviceas follows: - 35 5'0" -5'3" Female White Brown 21 yrs 100 -130 Ibs Other features: I certify thatt e fóiógsing stctoments made by me are true,correct and my freeact and deed. I am e thatif anyof the foregoing5tëtements made false, illfully I am subjectto püñ| ,ent. X X / Jo n udal License No: 1392295 Sworn to beforeme on TUE, Dec, 13 2016 Allana D. Rüpñar|ne Process service Agency: Long Island Attorney Service,Inc NotaryPublic,State of NY 585 STEWART AVE No. 01RU6266035,Qualifiedin Nassau GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 Connn;ssion ExpiresJuly23, 2020 Attorney File#: 36991 CN 322345 CN 32234519 T 6 % 337847 % 337847 INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 850228/2016 850228/2016 FILED: FILED: NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 12/19/2019 12/15/2016 02:18 02:03 PM PM) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/19/2019 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE _ _ 3 3 7 8 4 6 _ _ a 1 3 2 5 2 2 Attorney: Dmekmen Law Group PLLC, 242 Drexel Ave, Wastbury NY, 11590, 51687s0800 Index No: 850228/16 Court: SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF NEW YORK Date Filed:12/02/2016 HNY Plaintiff/Petiticñêr: CLUB SUITES OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC., BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF DiRECTORS Defêñdañt/Rosposiuent: KAZI ABDUL MAODUD ET AL STATE OF NY : COUNTY OF Nassau ss.: 1, John Hudak , being dulysworn accürding to law upon my oath,deposes and says, thatd6pGñêñt isnot a partyto thisaction,is over18 years ofage and reside in NY State. On Dec, 12 2016 at11:45 AM 1335 , at AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS , NEW YORK , NY , 10019 , deponent served the SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF TIMESHARE MORTGAGE BEARING INDEX NUMBER AND DATE OF FILING & NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT OF ACTION SUBJECT TO MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FILING upon NYH CONDOM!N!UM , Defendant herein known as Recipient. Said service was effectedin thefollowingmanner; [ X ] CORPORATE: By deliveringto and leaving a truecopy ofeach withAMY LAW, SALES MANAGER , a personwho is known to be the authari-ed agent ofsaid corporation,and who is authorizedby said corporation toreceive said documents. Depañêñt describes the i dividualserved tothe best of deponent's at the ability time and circumstances ofservice as follows: Sex Color of skin Color ofhair Age Height Weight - 35 5'0" -5'3" - 130 Female White Brown 21 yrs 100 lbs Other features: I certify thatthe foregoing st t6mêñts made by me are true,correctand my freeact and deed. I am . re thatif anyof the faragaiñý staterñõñts made by me are false, willfully Iam subject to punio;imêñt. X X J h Hudak icense No: 1392295 Sworn to before me on TUE, Dec, 13 2016 Allana D.RüpiiâriGG Process Service Agency: Long Island Attorney Service,Inc Notary State of NY Public, 585 STEWART AVE No. 01RU6266035, Qualified in Nassau GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 Commiscier, ExpiresJuly23, 2020 Attorney File# 36991 3 6 9 9 1 CN 322345 CN 322345 ON 6 % 337846 % 337846 1 of 1