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  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Hny Club Suites Owners Association Inc., By And Through Its Board Of Directors v. Kazi Abdul Maodud, Roshena Parvin Maodud, Hny Club Suites Owners Association, Inc., Nyh Condominium, John Doe 1 To John Doe 25, Said Names Being Fictitious, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Persons, Parties, Corporations Or Entities, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/19/2019 02:18 PM INDEX NO. 850228/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 29 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/19/2019 Exhibit B FILED:: IFILED NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK INDEX 12/19/2019 NO. 850228/2016 06/2WF2TF17°122PT6¹PN 02:18 PM NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. D UP NO. 29 ElWE COURT OF THE RECEIVED STA1TfeeFF NYSCEF: SYORKo 12/19/2019 6/2 6 /2019 NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: /2-4 u PART_ Justice (Lv S S Off INDEX NO. MOT!ON D ,4.2/ 60 . MOTION SEQ.NO. Th lo d , werereadonthis motionte/for hineism nfMaoinnfnerine encha n Cause- Affidavits- Exhibits No(s). . .._ AnsweringAffidavits- Exhibits _ _ _ |No(s). Replyingaffidavits_ No(s). - - - - Up p is o that this motion is o O u z 2 c u - C Dated: Nufe † pca o J.S.C. 1. CHECKONE: .....................O C DisPosco -FINALDiEFG5iliGM 2. CHECK ASAPFavrrunuE: .. -----....MOTiO IS: GFf. TED O DE !ED Or-:ANTED INPART O OTHER ----- 3. CHECK IFAPPROPRIATE: O SETTLE SUBM!TORDER REF---- DONOTPOST -Y APFü i-iENT O CE 1 of 5 FILED:: IFILED NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK INDEX 12/19/2019 06PNF2015F NO. 850228/2016 02:18 21C 96 P NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 29 18 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 12/19/2019 06/26/201 At an IAS Term Part of the Supreme Courtof the State of New York held in and for the County of New York at the Courthouse located thereof at 60 Centre Street,New ork, NY 10007, on this ay of A 6, 2017. PR E S E N T: Hon. RICHARD F. BRAUN . HON. . .s -- c . S .C . Justice ---------------------------------------------------------------------X HNY CLUB SUITE OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC.,BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF MANAGERS, Plaintiff, Index No. 850228/2016 -against- ORDER APPOINTING REFEREE TO COMPUTE AND OTHER RM IEF KAZI ABDUL MAODUD; ROSHENA PARVIN MAODUD; HNY CLUB SUITES OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., NYH CONDOMINIUM, "JOHN DOE 1" to "JOHN DOE 25", said names being fictiticuc, the p:;::::orparties intended being the persons,parties, corporations or entities, if any, having or chimirg, an interest in or lien upon the mortgagedpremisesdescribedin the complaint, Defendants. -------------------------- ---- ----------------X UPON reading and filing the AfF---2;nof Regd±f of Maria Sideris, Esq., dated May 2017; upon the Afdsvit of Merit of Ileana Ger-lez sworn to on May 12, 2017; upon the D--:n_,and Complaint; the £dsvits of sci-viceL,. .t ±re filed herein and the exhibits annexedthemte; and it appearingthat none of the Defenda_nts is an infant, inccmp:t:nt, absentee or in the military servicc; and on all ofthe papersandpree::fbgs heatefeic filed or had herein; ans thje mey-u- -; ±:27 ::L.:: :3 ty :::.: :::. ::: ±:2 -, and there 2 of 5 FILED: FILED : NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 0 INDEX 12/19/2019 NO. 850228/2016 02:18 P NYSCEF NŸSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 29 18 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 12/19/2019 06/26/2017 appearingno cppr!±!cn to the retic:; and after due del NOW, upon the application of T-_R--- _MAN LAW GEC-i-P PLLC, a"c-ncys for Plaintiff, it is OpngpED, that Plaintiffs ãgplicstien is grated; and it is further opn pED, that this action to foreclose a Notice of Lien for Unpaid and P;1 -:± T -L._¤ Owners Assa"4=+hnAsserrents Cag peries known as 1335 Avenue of the s, New York, New York 10019 be and is hereby refe-ed to: , Esq., having an addresslocated at: - Hereys' . aC aw, to accedata and c: the , except fees, due to the Plaintiff herein for principal, k± - , water and sewer rents, if any, insmece picninna,if any, dvancesto protect the Lien for Timeshre Owners Association Assessmentsin the r : of F·_etanThessandEight P --3 Forty Eight and 02/100 ($14,848.02)which was recorded on November 22, 2016, under CRFN: ^^¤C^C‡13487 as set forth in the Cornplaint and to examine and report whetherthe pre:nisescan be sold in one parcel; andit is further ORiWD, that such Referee shall make the Referea'sReport to this Court with all convcuicnt speed;andit is further the Refereecertifies that the Refere ORDERED, that by accepting this c;pe!n±r± is in cc with Part 36 of the Rules of the Chief Judge (22 NYCRR Part 36), including, but not tcdto, section 36.2(c) from ("Disquel4fetions -.pp and section 36.2(d) t"), ("I 4+a+ ns on appoint-ent: andit is further basedupon cemr-r.tion"), GRDERED, that the caption of this action be arnmded by dir---''---2-- the action against the remah'3 Drfrdsts suedherein as "JOHN DOE 1" dren‡ "JOHN DOE 25", all 3 of 5 FILED: |FILED: NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 0 INDEX 12/19/2019 NO. 6FE672017212?96850228/2016 02:18 P NYSCEF NY S CE F DOC. DOC . NO. NO'. 29 18 RECEIVED RE CE IVE D NYSCEF: NY S CE F: 12/19/2019 06/26/201 e to the preer dEg: already had herein; andit is further, -Gitiout ;::judi ORDERED, that the caph shall read as of this action, as rend:d, . -----------------------------------------------------------X HNY CLUB SUITE OWNERSASSOCIATION INC., BY AND THROUGHITS BOARDOF bi^JIAGERS, Plaintiff, IndexNo. 850228/16 -against- KAZI ABDUL MAODUD; ROSHENA PARVIN MAODUD; HNY CLUB SUITES OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.,WYH CONDOMRHUM, Defendants. ----.--. -----------------------¬------------------------------X andit is further Dated. E N T E R J.S.C. 4 of 5 FILED:: IFILED NEW NEW YORK YORK COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 0 6 INDEX 12/19/2019 f2WF2M NO. T01W 850228/2016 02:18 T619N PM NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 29 18 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 12/19/2019 06/26/2017 INDEXNO. 850228/2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK HNY CLUB SUITE OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC., BY AND THROUGH1TS BOARD OF hie!AGERS, Plaintiff, -against- KAZI ABDUL MAODUD; ROSHENA PARVIN MAODUD; HNY CLUB SUITES OWNERS ARRO TATION, INC., NYH CONDOMINIUM, . "JOHN DOE 1" to "JOHN DOE 25", said names being parties intcaded being the the persons or fictiticüs, persons,parties, corporations or entities, if any, having or clairnlng an interest in or lien upon the mongeged premises described in the complaint Defendants. nur.,nAPPO1nTlnu REFEREE TO COMPUTE AND OTHER RELIEF DRUCKMAN LAW GROUP PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 242 Drexel Avenue, Suite 2 Westbury,New York 11590 Talaphone:(516) 876-0800 Facsimile: (516) 876-0888 DLG FileNo.:36991 5 of 5