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  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview
  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview
  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview
  • Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst v. 860 River LlcTorts - Other (Premises) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/23/2022 INDEX NO. 452214/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/03/2022 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF NEW YORK . Index No: 452214 Date Index ISsued: 07/29/2022 % FofCodrSUSe Only CARTION EDtef the complete case captløNDo not use et al or et angpit more space is needed, attacha captionrider sheet. IAS Entry Date Jazmine Ashley Whitehurst Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s -against- 860 RiverLLC Defendant(s)/Respondent(s; COMMERICIAL MATRIMONIAL Q BusinessEntity (includes corporations, partnerships, LLCs,LLPs,etc.)Q Contested O Contract NOTE: If there are children under the age of18, complete and attach the O Insurance (where Insurance company is a party, except arbitration) MATRIMONIAL RJIADDENDUM (UCS-840M). Q UCC(includes salesand negotiable instruments) For Uncontested Matrimonial actions, use the Uncontested Divorce RJi(UD-13). O Other Commercial (specify): REALPROPERTY how Specify many propertles the application includes: NOTE:For Commercial Division assignment requests pursuant to 22 NYCRR202.70(d), O Condemnation complete and attach the COMMERCIALDIVISIONRJiADDENDUM (UCS-840C). O Q Mortgage Foreclosure (specify):Residential Q Commercial TORTS Property Address: O Asbestos NOTE:For Mortgage Foreclosure actions Involving a one to four-family, Q Child Victims Act owner-occupied residential property or owner-occupied condominium, Q Environmental (specify): complete and attach the FORECLOSURE RJiADDENDUM (UCS-840F). O Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice Q Partition O Motor Vehicle NOTE:Complete and attach the PARTITIONRJiADDENDUM (UCS-840P). O Products Liability (specify): O Tax CertiorarI (specify): Section: Block: Lot: Other Negligence(specify): TripandFall Û Tax Foreclosure O Other Professional Malpractice (specify): Q Other Real Property (spec/fy): O Other Tort (specify): fHÉ ÑIÂ SPECIALPROCEEDINGS Q Certificate of Incorporation/Dissolution [see NOTEin COMMERCIALsection] Q Child-Parent Security Act (specify): QAssisted ReproductionQSurrogacy Agreement Q Emergency Medical Treatment Q CPLRArticle 75 -Arbitration [see NOTE in COMMERCIALsection] Q HabeasCorpus Q CPLRArticle 78 - Proceeding against a Body or Officer Q Local Court Appeal Q Election Law Q Mechanic's Llen Q Extreme RiskProtection Order Q Name Change/SexDesignation Change Q MHL Article 9.60- Kendra's Law O Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing Q MHL Article 10- O SexOffender Confinement (speclfy): Initial Q Review O Saleor Financeof Religious/Not-for-Profit Property O MHL Article 81 (Guardianship) O Other (specify): O Other Mental Hygiene (specify): Q Other Special Proceeding (specify): YES NO Hasa summons and complaint or summons with notice been filed? @ Q If yes, date filed: 12/24/2021 Hasa summons and complaint or summons with notice been served? If yes, date served: 12/24/2021 Is this action/proceeding being filed post-judgment? Q @ If yes, judgment date: Q Infant's Compromise O Extreme RiskProtection Order Application O Note of Issue/Certificate of Readiness O Notice of Medical, Dental or Podlatric Malpractice Date IssueJoined: 06/09/2022 O Notice of Motion Relief Requested: Return Date: Q Notice of Petition Relief Requested: Return Date: O Order to Show Cause Relief Requested: Return Date: Q Other ExParte Application Relief Requested: Q Partition Settlement Conference Q Poor PersonApplication Q Requestfor Preliminary Conference O Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement Conference O writof =abeas Corpus Assignment of Judge Other (specify): 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/23/2022 INDEX NO. 452214/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/03/2022 CaseTitle Index/Case Number Court Judge (if assigned) Relationship to Instant case Un- Partles and Unrepresented Utigants Attorneys Issue Joined Insurance CarrIers Rep For represented parties, provide attorney's name, firm name, address, phone and List parties in same order as listed in the For each defendant , For each defendant, For unrepresented parties, provide party's address, phone and emaH. caption and Indlcate roles (e.g., plalnt;ff, email indicate insurance Ind cate if issue has defendant, 3rdparty plaintiff, etc.) been joined. carrier, if applicable. Name: JaZmine PC WilliamSchwitzer&Associates, Ashley Whitehurst °° Role(s): . 212683 800 YES ONO PlaIntiff & .. Name: 860 MMsphaDeSanHs, PC NY Marine and River LLC 'gg-g2= Role(s): 212 @ YES ONO GeneralInsurance·eom company Name: Role(s): OYES O NO Name: Role(s): OYES O NO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES O NO Name: Role(s): OYES O NO Name: Role(s): OYES O NO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES O NO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES O NO Name: Role(s): OYES Q NO I Al FIRMUNDER THE PENALTY OF PER URY THAT, UPON INFORMATION AND BELIEF, THERE ARE NO OTHER RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, EXCEPT AS NOTED ABOVE, NOR H/.S A REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION BEEN PREVIOUSLY FILED IvTHIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. . Dated: 08/03/2022 Sig ature 3943917 Dennis Monaco, Esq. Attorney RegistrationNumber PrintName 2 of 2