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  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview
  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview
  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview
  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview
  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview
  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview
  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview
  • Patricia A. Luca, Esq., P.C. v. Scott W. Pearl, Esq., P.C., Luca & Pearl, Llp Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/23/2022 07:31 PM INDEX NO. 654087/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 76 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/23/2022 "A" Exhibit FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/23/2022 07:31 PM INDEX NO. 654087/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 76 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/23/2022 NO. 654087/2019 INDEX CLERK 21/2022 09 : 4 7 ANI FILED: NEW TORK COUNTY 11/ NYSCEF: 11/21/2022 RECEIVED NYSCEF DOC. NO. 72 THE STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT OF COUNTY OF NEW YORK .....______________--..------...._____-._..__......._____..________.-----Ç SUBPOENA DUCES PATRICIA A. LUCA, ESQ., P.C., TECUM and AD TESTIFICANDUM PlaintitY. Index No. -against- 654087/2019 SCOTT W. PEARL, ESQ.. P.C. and LUCA & PEARL. LLP. Defendants. __.._____-..____....__--..___.__..______...---..-----..--------.·-------X PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE P.C. and Scott W. Pearl TO: Scott W. Pearl, Esq., Mark Fenelon. PI LC c/o Law OtEce of J. Attorneys jor Defendant Scott W. Pearl. Esq., E C 48th 353 West Street, Suite 342 New York. New York 10036 646.801.2643 mfenelon GREETINGS: you and each of WE COMMAND YOU, that all business and excuses being laid aside. before the Hon. Melissa A. Crane. Supreme Court, New York County. at you appear and attend New York, New York 10007 on December 1. 2022 the within Court located at 60 Centre Street. recessed or adjourned date. to give in at 9:30 a.m. in the forenoon ofthat day and at any testimony PATRICIA A. LUCA. ESQ., P.C. and that you bring with this action on the part of the plaintiff. you. and produce at the time and place aforesaid a certain: 1 of 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/23/2022 07:31 PM INDEX NO. 654087/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 76 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/23/2022 INDEX No. 654087/2019 : ILED: CO RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/21/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 72 LLP Escrow 2019 to date for Luca & Pearl. ("LP") Account statements from January 1. 1. settlement checks and other LP signatory and into which which Scott Pearl is the only Account on deposited Scott Peark fees were by time spent Scott W. Pearl Esq, P.C. showing Scott Pearl and/or Time records maintained by 2. which 1 P was retained by the client(s) prior to May matters in 2019 on contingency after May 1, 1. 2019: No. 6956 from LP Account Chase account statements for Checking 3. JPMorgan December 2016 to date: 30. 2018 to Thompson Law Group, P.C. Account check No. 1054 dated July 4. LP Client Fund in the sum of $46.250.00; 20. 2021 re: data from LP: Luca and Scott Pearl dated May 5. Email exchange between Patricia Charter for services provided from February 25303 dated 04/29/2019 to Royal 6. LP Invoice 2016 to April 2019: 82234 April 2018 from MCIC Vermont in the sum of $32.986.07: 7. Check dated 6, 04/29/2019 Sedgwick Claims Mgmt. Services for services in 2015 8. LP invoice 25307 dated to and Sedgwick Check 83924292 dated 5/2/2019 in the sum of $4.715.00: from Sedgwick Claims for services in 2015; 9. Check 83924274 in the sum of $2,450.77 10. FOJP Service check 156504 in the sum of $47,058.02 dated 3/26/19: Claims check 980022400 sum of $8,733.04 dated March 25. 2019. and 11. Sedgwick in the NYPH check 1757432 in the sum of $1.741,50 dated March 25, 2019: 12. Two letters from FOJP Service Corporation and four checks re: Fu:io; 13. Letter from Mutual dated September 12. 2019 re: Victor George: Liberty 2 2 of 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/23/2022 07:31 PM INDEX NO. 654087/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 76 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/23/2022 INDEX NO. 654087/2019 FI D: C Y C : RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/21/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 72 NYC Human Administration dated 2020 Tetyana 14. Correspondence from Resources May 6, re: Pomarzhanska: 15. Correspondence from NYS Oflice of Medicaid Inspector dated October 2. 2020 re: Delisa lien; Rawlings dated October 4. 2019 re: Seepersad lien; 16. Fax Correspondence from The Company Email from Ken Platzer to Scott Pearl 15, 2021 re: Faria: 17. February 18. Email exchange between Luca and Pearl on June 21. 2020 re: NYPH check 8271 1: 19. Patricia Luca email to Scott Pearl on October 26, 2018 re: RCP Billing: Discontinuance. Statements and settlement 20. papers (Releases, Stipulations of Closing Closing in Chan New York City: Bronx index No. 2I851/2015: checks), to the extent they exist, v. Discontinuance. Statements and settlement 21. papers (Releases, Stipulations of Closing Closing JHH New York Index No. 109470/2011: checks). to the extent exist, in Cruse v. County they Discontinuance. Statements and settlement 22. papers (Releases, Stipulations of Closing Closing in Cru: v. Krystal; Queens Index No. 20456/2013; checks), to the extent they exist, Statements and settlement 23. papers (Releases. Stipulations of Discontinuance, Closing Closing DeLisa n Kings Index No. 521998/2016: checks). to the extent they exist, in Bruno; County Statements and settlement 24. papers (Releases, Stipulations of Discontinuance, Closing Closing DeLisa Westchester Index No. 62874/2016: checks). to the extent they exist, in v. Lam; Stipulations of Discontinuance, Statements and settlement 25. papers (Releases, Closing Closing in Fazio v. Monteflore: Bronx Index No. 24998/2005: checks). to the extent they exist, of Statements and settlement 26. papers (Releases, Stipulations Discontinuance, Closing Closing in Myigtic Antonucci: Bronx Index No. 24310/2015; checks), to the extent they exist, v. 3 3 of 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/23/2022 07:31 PM INDEX NO. 654087/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 76 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/23/2022 INDEX NO. 654087/2019 CO Y CLERK : F D: NEW RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/21/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 72 Statements and settlement of Discontinuance. Closing Stipulations 27. papers (Releases, Closing Index No. 521102/2016; checks). to the extent they exist, in MG v. .Black; Kings County Statements and settlement of Discontinuance. Closing Stipulations papers (Releases, 28. Closing Westchester Index No. 60147/2013; in Mitchell v. Ouincy: to the extent they exist, checks), Statements and settlement Stipulations of Discontinuance, Closing papers (Releases. 29. Closing 151294/2016/2015: New York Index No. extent exist, in Shaw v TD Bank: to the they checks), and settlement Statements of Discontinuance, Closing (Releases, Stipulations 30. papers Closing American Arbitration Ni Nan Acupuncture: in Seepersad v. checks). to the extent they exist, Association: Statements and settlement of Discontinuance. Closing (Releases, Stipulations 31. papers Closing Index No. 157624/2015: exist. in Trinidad n Board: New York County checks). to the extent they Statements and settlement Stipulations of Discontinuance. Closing papers (Releases. 32. Closing Index No. 501771/2018; VillesWas v. Ahmadi: Kings County the extent exist. in checks). to they payment records from Tedeschi USA LLC and records and LP and 33. Scott Pearl time Billing Felice Tedeschi from 2015 to date. Justices of said Court, 60 Centre Street. New Hon. Melissa A. Crane, one of the WITNESS, York. New York 10007. Dated: New York, New York November 21. 2022 BRUCE N. LEDERMAN ESQ. Attorney for Plaintiff 23rd 747 Third Avenue, Floor New York. New York 10017 (212) 204-6018 (917) 612-9298 I ederman.bruce@gmailcom 4 4 of 5 . INDEX NO. 654087/2019 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/23/2022 07:31 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 76 654097/ RECEIVED 2019 NYSCEF: 11/23/2022 NO. INDEX 11/21/2022 NYSCEF: ygg No. 72 DOC, YSCEF Fenelon. PLLC of Mark J. P.( '. Office Esq.. TO: Law Scott IV. Pearl. Defenýnt Attorneys tor 486¹ Suite 342 Street, West 353 York 10036 York, New New 646.801.2643 mfenelon 5 of 5