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  • Phoenicia Properties, Llc v. Catherine O'Sullivan, John Doe, Jane DoeLandlord and Tenant - Holdover document preview
  • Phoenicia Properties, Llc v. Catherine O'Sullivan, John Doe, Jane DoeLandlord and Tenant - Holdover document preview
  • Phoenicia Properties, Llc v. Catherine O'Sullivan, John Doe, Jane DoeLandlord and Tenant - Holdover document preview
  • Phoenicia Properties, Llc v. Catherine O'Sullivan, John Doe, Jane DoeLandlord and Tenant - Holdover document preview
  • Phoenicia Properties, Llc v. Catherine O'Sullivan, John Doe, Jane DoeLandlord and Tenant - Holdover document preview
  • Phoenicia Properties, Llc v. Catherine O'Sullivan, John Doe, Jane DoeLandlord and Tenant - Holdover document preview


FILED: NEW YORK CIVIL COURT - L&T 02/24/2022 04:38 INDEX PMNO. LT-055524-19/NY [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/24/2022 [utl oftltt Crrl .--) ^tiYil ,lowtyofNwYuk Iousing Pafi ofNew york r t llI Illll llllllllIIltilttiltI tilltfi[ ilt tlt lt Index #: LT-055524-l 9/NY Seq #: 3 # Resp OSC Applications: 2 Order to Show Cause to Stay Execution of Warrant of Eviction hoenicia Properties, LLC Property Address: Petitioner(s) 1670 York Avenue, Apartment 5-H -against- New York. NY 10128 )atherine O'Sullivan;"John" "Doe"; Respond€nt(s) pon the annexed affidavit of Catherine O'sullivan (Resp), swom to on February 24, 2022 Attorn et the Petitioner(s) or His,/Fler/Their S Show Cause at a Motion Term ofthe Civil Court ofthe City of New York You can attend this appearance in person or virtually' irngPartrlart P Virtually attendby: Microsoft Teams meeting Room: 855 Link: hups ://noti[.nycourts. gov/meeV0vs695 Located at: I I I Cente Sffeet, New York, NY 10013 Conference Call #: (347) 3784143 On: M a rc h ?_:IYLL (-, e 3 Ptrl Toll-free#: (833) 262-7886 ID: 475 923 168# ffiM Conference I For instructions, go to https://nycourts gov/appear ) :1,,/^ 1 (,) as co unsel may be heard, whyanbrder should not be made: r as soon thereafter and/or ganting such other and further tay the execution of the warrant of eviction,resto* ti. .rr. ," t "alendar for a date certain " eliefas may be just. JntillheentryoIaCourtorder,allproceedingsbyPetitione(s).]ris4ledtheirAttomey.andanyCityMarshalareSTAYED, earry;s Anomey (or ifhe/shehas none' on the AflldavitupJn it'. ofpo'ing iervice ofa copy o[this order tosn"-"c-r"""# o"nexed )arty) shall be Marshal Attorney (or Party) (Judge to lnitial) (Judge to Initial) Delivery" Personal S ervice "In Hand x y Personal Service By Certified "ln Hand Delivery" Mail, R.R R -By -By )fy CertifiedMail, R R R' ficate of Mailing lst Class Mait, with certi at Post Office of Mailing at Post Office by ResPondent in Person By I stClass Mail, with c ertificate PaP ers maY be served be deemed good and sufftcient Order to Show Ca[se' tlrsnatI date ofthe indicated above on the retum On or before the clerk inthePart m ay be led wi Proof of such seltce Marshal: Attorney (or Party): El,l; #xi'.Y!",* il:;IliT*l 1000 G rand Concourse lRlJ,li'J"'il.'1,'.o""' Bronx, NY 10451-2602 iew York. NY 10017 (718) 681-8878 (917)351-1335 ext: I Housrng Court Judge .1 L , Date: Denied: iq,zozz Generated: February 1 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK CIVIL COURT - L&T 02/24/2022 04:38 INDEXPMNO. LT-055524-19/NY [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/24/2022 2 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK CIVIL COURT - L&T 02/24/2022 04:38 INDEXPMNO. LT-055524-19/NY [HO] NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/24/2022 Ki Index Number: l:f-o55 524-19 NY Court of the CitY of New York Civil Counry ofNew York ttumtt u r lllt ilil'iill llll llilllilfim ttttutttu tl of Warrant of Eviction of an Order to Show Cause to Stay Execution Affitlavit in support ProDertv Address: ProPerties, LLC tc7b Yoik", APaffnent 5-Lr Phoenicia Petitioner(s) New York, NY 10128 -asainst- c"ttJii criurri,-i "John "'Doe": "Jane" "Doe" ResPondent(s) State of New York - County of New York ss: Catherine o'Sullivan, being duly swom' deposes and says in the above entitled proceeding' ed {Petitioner) (Respondent) t O"tpon-dent) in this proceeding a)IamtheP r' of rhe pa(v nameo 1. Pa rty b) I am the "Jioitt;;;i (Relalions hip) the case to the calendar for a date certain + the warrant ofeviction' restore stay th e execution of 2. \ Q.{' Request e 4 ( (.1r5) a-:; I d c becau L> 3. Defense/ a qrl o ci. Z5 S tccL le* c*ronS Claim !1\ L (D Q- tS 0\jU- A, a. u) C6-S ; t, 5 Po a l.v1c, e-*it c c r1 Cl tr1 { dS {,e gL> rS ecause: i Orv^c U ,1/\ 1. ct Excuse/ Reason 5 Prior V\ c( rt 0rder :') c ? r5 e5 rC, e L1e l''(', 1.' 0t\UL )-., l,t Swom to lA Name inll' I .? Street ,) 2 1- i TelePhone Number *Masha\ Bia-- 3 of 3